Stem Cells Failure

When does a sperm and egg begin to resemble what we call a fetus? Research has shown that at four weeks, the embryo is the size of an seasame seed (New Health Advisor). The cells that make up this sesame seed could be the future of regenerative medicine. Stem cells are the cells made during … Read more

Jenny Ching

In this court case, on April 6, 2017 in San Francisco (850 Bryant St), the defendant was Jenny Ching; a 34 year old women who has been convicted of a crime before, is being convicted for committing a robber in San Bruno on December 22, 2016. She was allegedly said to be at home with … Read more

Art 4350 Interior Design Education

Interior design curricula, standard of education at University of Central Missouri are formulated around 2017 standards designated by the accreditation body Council of Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and Higher Learning Commission. Professional and industry regulations and certifications offered by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), … Read more

Eassy On Autism

Over the past four years, the rate of autism diagnosed has increased over 30%. Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which the diagnosed exhibit social and behavioral deficits. Since autism is a life-long impairment, researchers are attempting to rapidly find the causes in the hope to find a cure. It is theorized that … Read more

Mercury Research Papers

Mercury shares its name not only as an element but as Planet. Its name transcends other elements, perhaps due to its mystical appearance and composition. Mercury is one of the only metals that is liquid in room temperature. (Excluding Gallium since its achieves liquid state at a slightly higher temperature than room temperature which is … Read more

Timezone Memo

IGN: BlameMorgan (past IGNs > MorganAG, MorganGallant, gallantmo) Age (Must be 14 or older): 16 Timezone: I live in Ontario, Canada, so my time zone is EST. How active can you be: I am a very active player on HCF, and thoroughly enjoy being on these types of servers. That being said, I can be … Read more

War Measures Act

“The measure of a country’s greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis. ” (Marshall, 1970). Pierre Trudeau took a forceful stand against Quebec nationalists because he disliked the idea of separatism. On October 1970, the FLQ kidnapped British diplomat James Cross, for the release of FLQ members serving prison sentences. (Pearson … Read more

Malpractice In Healthcare

1a: The two common strategies that health insurance companies in the U. S. apply to maximize their profit is by increasing cost and decreasing coverage. The U. S. maximizes cost by increasing cost of prescription pill and charging for malpractice insurance. U. S. charges ten times more for prescription medication and One-hundred time more for … Read more

Under Armour Essay

Under Armour (UA) is an American sports apparel manufacturer. A former University of Maryland football player, Kevin Plank, started with a simple plan to develop an exclusive T-shirt. This style of T-shirt was to help keep perspiration off your skin rather than absorb it. A T-shirt that functioned alongside your body to control ones temperature … Read more

Raising A Toddler

From one side of the world to the next, parents constantly struggle with wrestling their rambunctious, exuberant, and sometimes obstreperous children. Whether they are stopping the fight in the corner, running a child to soccer practice, or deactivating the potentially explosive temper tantrum, parents are always on the move. Parenting can be a rewarding, fulfilling … Read more

What Is Huntington’s Disease

The World in the eyes of everyday people do not see what awful things that are taking place in those around them. Huntington’s disease is a fatal illness in which those who develop this have no chance of survival. The disease deteriorates one’s ability to function properly and their way of living. Not only does … Read more

Ethics Of Cloning Research Paper

Cloning is the process of recreating a genetic copy of an entire organism or sequence of DNA. Genetic clones occur naturally in asexual reproduction and in the birth of identical twins. Clones can also be produced artificially from a number of processes including gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. The University of Utah health … Read more

Diagnosing Children

Are We Helping or Hurting Children: As the nation’s children grow to be more and more reliant on antibiotics and medication the problem only increases as generations go by. What is not realized or discussed, as much as it should be, are the consequences of over diagnosing children and the resulting medication treatments. Instead of … Read more

How To Visit To Gatlinburg Tennessee

The Tennessee archaeology that was interesting to me is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which is located in Gatlinburg Tennessee. The reason I chose Gatlinburg Tennessee, is because it has a lot of interesting site and adventures for adults and children. It’s has many things in Gatlinburg Tennessee you can see, but the Great … Read more


Anti virus, anti spyware, firewalls, and spam filters are also effective ways of decreasing the risk of phishing scams associated with email. Cybercriminals will also use email, pop ups, spam, and websites to obtain personal information to try to steal your identity. Pharming is when a cybercriminal tries to get your personal information using malicious … Read more

Substance Abuse

Drugs have been around since the beginning of time and in the past used for a variety of medical and even spiritual properties. Many individuals are able to use substances with no negative consequences, but for many it can lead to addiction. Addiction will lead the individuals to have to chronic, relapsing, and compulsive behavior … Read more

The Antichrist

The seal of the Antichrist is the system established by the beast in the last days, the Beast is the Antichrist. Obama has confirmed an existing agreement with aliens, this is the political beast system being set up right now. Without an agreement, the aliens would be helpless here in the United States, they have … Read more

Comparison And Contrast Between Chris And Keyon

Chris and Keyon look into each other’s eyes and nod. Keyon looking into Chris’s green hazelnut eyes and Chris looking into Keyon’s coffee brown eyes. They pulled out their light bronze swords and got ready to battle. The Alfusa,Hades shadow minions, (al-foo-za) advanced surrounding the two boys and attacked. The two boys were overwhelmed and … Read more

Sinoatrial Node

The SA (sinoatrial node) is a pacemaker that is in the right atrium of the heart. SA node control the heart rate using the electrical impulses that sends to the heart muscles and this is how the heart pumping blood out to the entire body and how the heart contract. The stages of the pathway … Read more

The Last Question Of The Egg Essay

The Egg, by Andy Weir takes place in second and first person pronouns – it is a dialogue between “I” and “You”, with the reader being “you” in this short anecdote. It starts off with the “I” speaker, of the story, talking to us – the reader, that we have died in a car accident. … Read more

Cult Film

Definitions of cult range from the innocent to the super extreme. From undying love to just a hobby on the weekends, Cult finds its way into the hearts of viewers in the most unexpected way possible. The film industry is a tough market to breakout into films are considered artwork and others often end up … Read more

Veganism Essay

Something about eating meat always seemed off to me. Often as a young child I would refuse to eat a burger or steak; I also would have a mild panic attack because I strongly believed the red juice oozing out a steak had to be blood. I was not wrong. My parents would desperately try … Read more

French New Wave

French New Wave films can be seen as a contrast of Hollywood film which most of the elements apply in the film is opposite. However, some elements are still similar to Hollywood films, yet, has a different style as Hollywood films. Such mise-en-scene expression are most common style uses in both of the period. And … Read more

2009 Recovery Act Case Study

Sitting down in front of your computer surfing the web, using your smartphone or tablet to post to social media, or turning on your favorite streaming video service for a movie with lightning fast internet speeds has become second nature to most of the world. This, however, is not the case in some rural communities … Read more

Personal Narrative: Fragile Windows

Sideways and hanging in the air with only my seat belt holding me tight, blood was dripping from my nose and I had no idea what was going on around me. All I knew was that this Christmas, stuck in the middle of Utah, was going to change all those in the future for myself … Read more

If There Is No Wind Row Analysis

The proverb that is being researched is “If there is no wind, row” (Roman). Another good way to put this proverb is if something is not in your favor, find another solution. This proverb came from Ancient Roman times, and from this time the roman people were in their golden age when people were figuring … Read more

You Will Find A Way Speech

Do you have a strong feeling that you can’t do it, but you are still being called to try it, to go after it, to make it happen? How many times has this happened in your life? How many times have you ignored the call to do something because you simply believed that you couldn’t … Read more

Privatization Of Space Travel

In the 1960’s, one of the biggest achievements was sending man to the moon. Now, 40 years later, the United States executive branch no longer cares about moon travel. I guess it is just old and cliche and has been done before. So now President Obama wants to hand over space travel to private companies … Read more

The Role Of Books During The Industrial Revolution

The numerous technological innovations of the industrial revolution changed the very fabric of society. As the steam powered printing press became common place in the realm of book making, books could be made far easier and cheaper than what had before been able. Though this changed the face of book production, a more subtle change … Read more

Spartan Narrative

It was a Tuesday in Sparta. The cars were bubbling, kids were crystal porting. I spotted my best friend Urina she is very rebellious just like me. I taught her everything she knows. She isn’t as hard to spot since her and I both have midnight black hair, everybody else’s’ hair is blonde. So it’s … Read more

Saban Alternate Ending

Saban broke the silence in the auto as Marcel tried to evade being followed, “What about the escape line? ” “It is not an option just yet,” Marcel said as he alternated watching the road and the rearview mirror. Saban took a deep breath, exhaled heavily, closed his eyes, and shook his head. “Shit! ” … Read more

Theoretical Framework For Texting And Driving

Driver distraction, and its implicit effects on hazard recognition and vehicle control, has been a prominent topic on highway safety agendas, as well as for the U. S. Congress, state legislatures, the media, and the public at large (Stutts, Feaganes, Reinfurt, Rodgman, Hamlett, Gish, & Staplin, 2001). Much of this attention stems from the enormous … Read more

Six Day War Research Paper

Imagine being revoked of natural rights, not receiving medical care, being abused, and denied citizenship. This is exactly what is happening to Palestinians. Palestinian borders are guarded by Israeli forces, food is often not allowed within the border, and Israel often invades Palestinian civilians hurting and even killing them. The conflict between Palestinians and Israeli … Read more

Difference Between Family Law Act And 2006

The Family Law (Scotland) Act and 2006 is structured with several points, the main four points of this act being; Divorce, Civil Partners, Co-habitees and Gender Recognition. These four points are going to be covered and analysed throughout this report. This report will widen understanding of family law and the different aspects that come under … Read more


Since the Dark Ages, mankind has sought innovative solutions to a problem that has plagued them for centuries. Soldiers who were amputated and left handicapped from the horrors of war struggled to find a functional answer to their situation. Peg legs and hand hooks were one of the first developments in ancient prosthetics. However, they … Read more

Consequences Of Progress Over Time Tolstoy

Progress over time Tolstoy also displays more severe consequences resulting from immoral actions. Tolstoy shows his understanding of how desire and human nature go hand in hand based on 3 characters, Stiva, Anna, and Vronksy. Stiva’s infidelity is the epitome of the relationship between desire and human nature. Rather than accepting fault for his affair … Read more

1950s And 2010 Research Paper

Events in the 1950s up to around the end of the 2000s have affected and still continue to take effect on the United States in modern times. There are so many events between the 1950s and 2010 that are ample enough to meet the criteria to be put under this category, but like in most … Read more