My Existential Crisis College Essay

I’m sure that at some point in their lives, everyone faces an existential crisis and questions, very philosophically of course, their roots and achievements and reasons for being. For some, this point is not reached until middle age, at which point they realize that their lives have been for naught and that the countless goals … Read more

Student Engagement

As student affairs professionals, we push students to get involved on campus and also host many programs throughout many different fields for students to attend. Research has shown that the more students are involved in educational activities the more likely they are to succeed in getting higher grades, graduating, and personal development more fully as … Read more

How To Treat Mental Illnesses

As tuition prices rise and families are less able to pay for their child’s tuition from savings alone, taking out loans to help pay the amount needed are becoming increasingly popular. Student loans, not to be confused with grants (which do not have to be repaid), are amounts of money lent to students to pay … Read more

Adhd Research Paper

The Effectiveness of ADHD and ADD Medications as Cognitive-Enhancers? ADHD and ADD Medications; Cognitive-Enhancers, Study Aids, and the Effects on the Brain? What I Knew I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) so, I came to this project with knowledge that I had already gained from my personal experience with ADD and the medications to treat … Read more

High School 2 Life Research Paper

Senior year is all about preparing for your future. You have to make some difficult decisions that you may not be ready to make. Having a class dedicated to giving all the resources and help to make those decisions a little easier is a huge advantage. The whole semester was dedicated to giving us information … Read more

Resident Advisor Research Paper

What do people think of when they hear the words “my RA”, some shudder in disgust their faces turning down as they recall a negative experience, while others smile and lift their heads remembering the positive interactions between them and their resident advisor (RA) their freshman year of college. An excellent resident advisor has a … Read more

Chicago Naturalization Analysis Essay

Deportation is on the minds of millions of people in the city of Chicago, That is about 183,000 that live their lives day to day fearing that they will be caught by immigration services and sent back to mexico. But there is a hope for this people, it’s called naturalization. Naturalization is the process which … Read more

Honor Code Arguments Essay

The Argument of the Honor Code in School Systems Having an honor code at a school generally varies by the belief system of that school and the surrounding area. However, a concise and proper honor code is something that can help the academic, social, and personal well-being of students and the community surrounding them (Stanford … Read more

Cedrics A Hope In The Unseen Essay

In the book A Hope in the Unseen tells about a boy named Cedric that is ready to go into college. In his high school years he struggled because the school separated the smart people from the other people that attended the school. Cedric tried not to d out for much from the crowd from … Read more

Problems With Paying College Athletes Essay

This problem with paying college athletes has been introduced in lots of courts throughout the years. The question where these millions of dollars should go. Should all this money go into paying college athletes for the sports that they play in college? They play these sports and help build a good reputation for the college … Read more

Essay About Surviving Middle School

Six Things You Should Know about Surviving Middle School by Izzy Szeto Many students claim that middle school is exceedingly straightforward and easy, whereas others claim that middle school is complex and difficult. For those who succeed in school and claim school is easy say that because they work diligently. It’s not because they are … Read more

Mark Edmundson: Student Customer Metaphor Essay

Does one ever find themselves feeling more like a customer rather than a student? If so, don’t think you are alone. Today more people are thinking about the so called “Student Customer” metaphor, and how it can have a huge impact on their future life and decisions. Mark Edmundson’s 2013 book “Why Teach? ” explores … Read more

Essay On Paying College Athletes

Paying College Athletes Basketball legend, Michael Jordan once said, “in college I never realized the opportunities available to a pro athlete. I’ve been given the chance to meet all kinds of people, to travel and expand my financial capabilities, to get ideas and learn about life, to create a world apart from basketball. ” College … Read more

Essay On College Athletes Should Be Paid

College athletes put blood, sweat, and tears on the fields and courts they play and practice on. Should players get reimbursed for their contributions and efforts to the college or university? They bring in billions of dollars and funds for their school why should they be credited and rewarded? It would help create a sense … Read more

Analysis: Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

Should college athletes be given legal payment for their contribution to the universities? Many colleges around the United States have given thought to paying the athletes that play at their schools, especially in Division 1 programs. Collegiate athletes believe they are the source of income for their school, and request to obtain a part of … Read more

Why College Is Important Essay

Do you ever wonder why you’re stuck in a dead end job hoping that someday you’ll win the lottery? Do you ever wonder why you don’t have a good paying job and wanting a raise? Do you ever wonder why you don’t have to reach your dreams/goals? Well, College is something worth taking and will … Read more

Hamlet Soliloquy Speeches Essay

Hello Garth Webb,s first full graduating class of 2016 I’m Sebastian in case any of you forgot or still just didn’t know. Four years ago, I first entered Garth Webb; it seems like it has been just been just yesterday I wheeled into the school—did you guys get taller or is just me? I have … Read more

Essay About College Admissions

High-school is a very important part of students lives. How one does during high-school will greatly affect their future and which college they go to. Getting into college you want can be very hard. I want to attend the University of Southern California (USC), although their undergraduate admissions are very competitive. Approximately 20% of the … Read more

Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Essay

In his autobiographical novel, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman story summarizes a young man going to Berkeley having a rich father and never feeling alone while he sleeps at night. He is popular and a famous gymnast, his name is Dan. He doesn’t have a bad side because everyone expects him to be … Read more

Flavia Weedn: Poem Analysis Essay

American writer and artist, Flavia Weedn, once wrote in her poem, “Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same”. One of my teachers told me something during my junior year that stood out to me and touched me dearly. She said, “Lift your problems … Read more

Sports Persuasive Speech Essay

We are going to tell you about why Monticello should get more sports for our students to get involved with. We want to add more sports to Monticello Trails Middle School. Also, we want to get more kids to play more sports that they like. If you play more sports, you can get better grades … Read more

Summary Of Privilege By Shamus Khan Essay

In his book, Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School, Shamus Khan provides an ethnographic perspective to the world of elite boarding schools through his experience both as a student and as a full-time faculty member at St. Paul’s School. To preface the book, Khan reflects on his experience at St. … Read more

Ignorance In Education Essay

Ignorance can be one of the most hurtful catalyst, which I can think of. Ignorance can cause one to say the first thoughtless perception a person has in their head. For example, a seventh grader learning about the Hindu religion and reincarnation in social studies class and then asking the only Indian student in the … Read more

School Counselor Strengths Essay

It happened five years ago as I sat in a crowded library study room with my fellow classmates at the University of Sheboygan in Sheboygan, WI. We were studying for our final exams for one of the toughest classes we had ever taken. What is this class you might be asking yourself? The class I … Read more

Grad Student Interview Report Essay

I interviewed my sociology instructor Chelsea Bullard; she is a red head and has a very bubbly personality. In class she smiles and laughs frequently. Interviewing her was interesting because she is a grad student and has been in school for seven years and has two- three more years to go. Her experiences can be … Read more

Narrative Essay About Moving School

When I was little my parents got divorced. As that happened they said I had to move schools. I would have never thought this would ever happen, but my parents just decided to move where it was halfway from work both ways, so they decided Royalton. Moving to Royalton was very scary, but also a … Read more

Stress In College

Everybody experiences stress in their lives. There are many stressors in college that start with college work. College is a big source of stress for variety of reasons, and poor planning often leads to crisis situations. The stress of every day life in college shows itself in different ways: the expectations of making an A … Read more

The Effects of a College Environment on a Students Health

When one goes away to college, their life changes dramatically. They are forced to make changes in their own lives in order to adapt to college life. When one is in high school and living at home, their eating habits and personal hygiene practices are for the most part controlled by their parents. They are … Read more

College Athletes Support

With millions of dollars in merchandising and television contracts at stake, colleges have a lot of money riding on the recruitment, education, and performanceboth on and off the field– of college athletes. Colleges lure the athletes to their school, and make sure they meet the eligibility requirements when there. In order for athletes to be … Read more

College Costs Essay

It’s no secret that financing a college education is getting tougher. College costs have skyrocketed over the past decade or so, and there’s no relief in sight. Average tuition at four-year colleges will increase 7 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation. Student aid is not increasing fast enough to plug the growing … Read more

Stress In College

Everybody experiences stress in their lives. There are many stressors in college that start with college work. College is a big source of stress for a variety of reasons, and poor planning often leads to crisis situations. The stress of every day life in college shows itself in different ways: the expectations of making an … Read more

The typical Friday night in State College

The loud cries of teenagers fill the night, their laughter and screams echo through the streets. The many partygoers crowd the narrow sidewalks, stumbling and leaning on each other for support. This is the typical Friday night in State College. The dance party music resonates from each fraternity house as well as the tall apartment … Read more

The Dropout Rate In Americas Colleges

In 1992, the dropout rate in Americas colleges was almost twenty-four percent! Therefore meaning that nearly one out of every five students that head off to college in the fall, drop out by the first semester. In addition, about one out of every three remaining students do not return for their second year. This statistic … Read more

The American Heritage Dictionary

A fraternity, as defined by the The American Heritage Dictionary is “a chiefly social organization of male college students, usually designated by Greek letters. “(pg. 523) This definition, however, is very limited and leaves plenty of space for short sighted people to believe the stereotype conveyed by the popular media, where fraternity members are depicted … Read more

Community College Essay

Through the years, community colleges have always had a negative stigma attached to its name. Even today, this negative stigma is still present. However, the misconception of an undergraduate curriculum from a junior college is inferior to an undergraduate curriculum from a university is becoming widely accepted. The popular notion that people foresee in a … Read more

The College Experience

In High School, college seemed to be the scariest thing that I could think of. Whenever I thought about it my stomach would immediately begin to spin in circles. Although I was ready to go off and be by myself and meet new people I was scared to death at the same time. I didnt … Read more

College entrance

It is hard for me to describe myself to you in simple words. I can tell you that I am an energetic and compassionate person, but what does that tell you? I would rather show you who I am by telling you what my hopes and dreams are, what the driving force in my life … Read more