The Legislative Branch: The United States Legislative…

The United States legislative branch goes through an intense process to pass bills. I experienced a sample of this legislative process as a Republican conservative from the Northern Border Region. As a delegate, I represented the interest of the second district. I am most concerned with representing the ranchers, rural families and Native Americans that … Read more

The Anti-GMO Movement Essay

Introduction Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs, are “living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering,” (The Non-GMO Project). While genetic engineering has the capability of being beneficial to our society, The Non-GMO Project argues that it “creates unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria and viral genes … Read more

Genetically Modified Foods

Monsantos downfall could be attributed to several reasons. The passion of Alan Shapiros vision blinded the Company into making rash decisions and the large amounts of money spent pursuing the objective prevented any U-turns later. The companys unshaken beliefs that it was correct had made it arrogant and not listen to the outrage all around. … Read more