Personal Narrative: Fragile Windows

Sideways and hanging in the air with only my seat belt holding me tight, blood was dripping from my nose and I had no idea what was going on around me. All I knew was that this Christmas, stuck in the middle of Utah, was going to change all those in the future for myself … Read more

Timezone Memo

IGN: BlameMorgan (past IGNs > MorganAG, MorganGallant, gallantmo) Age (Must be 14 or older): 16 Timezone: I live in Ontario, Canada, so my time zone is EST. How active can you be: I am a very active player on HCF, and thoroughly enjoy being on these types of servers. That being said, I can be … Read more

Descriptive Essay-Personal Narrative

I casually walked down the stairs, and I saw something on the table. Confused at what it was, I walked closer. It was a shiny, small, white slip of paper. When I got closer, I realized it was a ticket to the Bulls game. My head exploded like a balloon. My face lit up like … Read more

Keltie: A Narrative Fiction

Keltie leaned in. Her soulmate’s hands were on her shoulders, caressing gently. It was too dark for her to make out a face, all she could see was a shadowy figure and a bright smile. After looking for years, she had finally found someone who was hers, and only hers. A kiss would make it … Read more

I Know Me Narrative

10. When did you know you were destined for something? When you were in grade school, high school or college? It’s possible, you have not found it yet, or maybe you are like me and it was immediate. Something so built into your body, your DNA, your life that it is like the color of … Read more

My Hero’s Day: A Narrative Fiction

Sometimes I love my sibling. Other times, I want to shave all his precious hair off in his sleep. Depends on the day, depends on how much he decides to make my job actual hell. I really wish he would stop giving mortals goddamned visions to help them avoid death. I am Death, and if … Read more

My Daddy Research Paper

My daddy passed away in May 2008. However, there was much leading up to when he passed away. It was a difficult time for many years as in the summer of 2002, his left leg was amputated below the knee due to an infection that somehow got into his leg from complications from Charcot’s foot. … Read more

Refugee: A Narrative Fiction

“I love you! ” But by the time I looked back my mother was gone. I knew she was just trying to get me away from her when she said “go hide, let’s play hide and seek. ” A few minutes later I realized why she had me hide, there was a group of mean … Read more

Brother Goff-Personal Narrative Essay

Music has always been a very important part of my life. As a child, I was mesmerized by Disney’s Fantasia 2000 and watched the Disney sing-a-longs over and over. I began playing piano at a young age, and in middle school added more instruments to my list, such as flute, saxophone, and ukulele. I have … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Fort Worth Zoo Essay

What does our future hold for us? Will it fulfill our wishes and dreams? Will we have a happy family? Well in order to worry about our future, we have to learn from our past and how we have changed. About 65 million years ago, a meteor hit Earth and primates started to show up … Read more

Personal Narrative: The 12-Inning Game Essay

THUMP! The ball was hit into deep left, and it had some distance to it. The infield stared as the ball made contact with the bat and rocketed over their heads. They probably should have covered their base or gone out and get the ball from the outfield but they knew that it was all … Read more

Essay on East Harlem Narrative

7. El Barrio and the Upper East Side: It had been a crazy morning as I ran all over my house trying to find my jacket and boots. My mom had been admitted into the hospital that morning for a massive headache and all I could think about was whether or not she would be … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative: Moving To Ecuador

Intro Alex, and that tree. I’ve lived in two completely different places. For the greater part of my life, in Ecuador, and for the last 4 years, in California. Moving away from the place that I spent my entire life at, has really changed me. I had to leave all of the people I love … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: Marching Band

It wasn’t a typical Friday until I got my morning headache courtesy of the freshman drumline banging out a rough cadence three months and counting after marching season and I stepped in a puddle of spit. And my new black converses just made contact with the remnants of the trombones’ spit valves. The brown tiled … Read more

Joan Didions Play It As It Lays Essay

Play It As It Lays: Life Unscripted (DRAFT) Maria Wyeth is an actress, a beaut, a dimming star, a schizophrenic, and beyond that a untraditional loving mother to Kate, her daughter. The way Joan Didion writes “Play It As It Lays” in satirical way upon Hollywood lifestyle is tantalizing the mind to think that Hollywood … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: The Trench Of Death

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. ” -Oliver Wendell Holmes. One day, I was walking around campus with my friend Faith when both of us stumbled upon a sign in the elevator that mentioned a trip to Europe to study our favorite parts of … Read more

Vasquez Landholdings: A Short Story Essay

34 years post-plague, Vasquez Landholdings, Southern Texas, fall of 2073 “Hey Giana, guess what? I’m going to give you a spanking! ” “What for? I’ll tell on you! ” “No one likes a tattletale and everyone knows that the birthday girl gets spankings on her birthday. ” Crossing her arms and shaking her head, looking … Read more

Rebecca Yoder Narrative Essay

Rebecca Yoder Was 12 Years Old When She Disappeared. I look closely at the wrinkly newspaper and see a grainy black-andwhite photo of myself, a photo I never even knew was taken. You can’t tell that I have mousy brown hair or mossy eyes like my mother’s. This is wrong, this all wrong, I think … Read more

Randy Jackson Monologue Essay

“Yo, Yo, Yo! Check it out dawgs. I’m just keeping it real up here in the front of the plane. Get ready for the flight of yo life. I am your pilot, Randy Jackson, ready to fly you to absolutely nowhere! ” declared Randy as he shoved the microphone back into the wall. My heart … Read more

Personal Narrative: My New Mexico Family Essay

The tapping on the wood door was enormous in the silence. Shocked out of my solitude, I pushed myself up from the couch and heaved open the door. Silhouetted against the light was a dark-haired woman with a girl clinging to her skirt. I knew who she was. My landlady had told me about the … Read more

Twenty One Pilots-Personal Narrative Essay

“Sometimes quiet is violent,” those words ring into the teeming stadium as thousands of zealous fans sing along. One of those fans happen to be myself, standing in the middle of the pit of people. Two shadowy silhouettes exist on stage; one on the piano and the other on the drums. Then suddenly the lights … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Trip To Ontario Essay

5:45 a. m. , Wednesday, Boxing Day, 2013. I was sleeping soundly in my bed when the phone rang. I could hear the sound of someone getting up to pick up the phone. Shortly afterwards, I could hear the sound of weeping. I heard my Mom tell my Dad that Oma had passed away. Two … Read more

Creative Writing: The Immigrant In Iraq Essay

“Okay, everything looks good,” they nod and hand me a small plastic receipt, “Go ’round the corner and one of our technicians will be with you shortly. ” I’d been donating blood to ZLB plasma for the past few months, ever since I’d left Lana and the luxury of Kenwood for this small one bedroom … Read more

Essay on Personal Narrative: My Life In Miami

My dad was the person that named me Brian. Knowing him, I was pretty lucky to get a normal name. I’m surprised that it wasn’t something strange or funny-sounding. My siblings have pretty normal names too. My brother is William and my sister is Jennifer. My middle name is Robert. It was given to me … Read more

Winter Break Narrative Essay

There was a knock at the door. It was my roommate from college. I was finally riding on an airplane for the first time in 11 years. I had finally saved up enough money to go to Hawaii this Winter. The shuttle had arrived and we loaded our bags onto the van. I looked back … Read more

Personal Narrative: My California Trip Essay

Ever since my mother had me she always talked about California and how she used to live there and how much she loved it there. She was always talking about going but we never got around to it. During my freshman year, about one week after the second quarter ending and over four years of … Read more

Reflective Essay: Why I Move To Arizona

Most people have moved before sometime in their life. For me, it was only two times. The first move was an international move from Vietnam to the United States of America, when I was barely 8 months old. At the time, it was just my mom, dad, and me, moving across the world to start … Read more

My Hero’s Short Story: Awaken Essay

Chapter 1 Awaken My name’s Michael and this is my story. This all started when I went to sleep in my home in New York. I had a dad, my mom had disappeared when I was five. Life was great until I turned 15. This is the year when my worst nightmare began. I was … Read more

Personal Narrative: A Beautiful Day In New Mexico Essay

It was a simple beginning to a beautiful day in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The dry morning air brought a wealth of warmth to my tired skin. “Today is a day of opportunity,” I thought. I would hopefully be entering the work force after a long battle with unemployment. I was excited because my days were … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Hunger Games Essay

Usually when you tell someone you don’t want to do something, you expect them to just understand and walk away. Even though I had been asked multiple times if I had read “The Hunger Games” the answer was still no. And then I continued on saying that I didn’t want to read it… ever. It … Read more

Personal Narrative-Home Owner Association Fees Essay

Fall had just begun, but with so many trees in our yard and around the neighborhood – the yard was already brimming over with autumn leaves. To make things even more interesting (some would say worse) we live at the end of the block. Every breeze guides whatever debris it finds (including neighbor’s leaves) right … Read more