Things To Do In Savannah Essay

Things To Do In Savannah Savannah, Georgia is a very interesting city that is on the Atlantic coast near the South Carolina state line. This city has been the setting for many famous books and movies that covered its rich cultural history. This article will talk about the top things to do in Savannah, GA … Read more

Blue Catfish Invasive Species Essay

Invasive species always have varying impacts on the ecosystem to which they are introduced. The introduction of the blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) has been treated with opposition from some due to its potential to wipe out native species, thus affecting the balance of the ecosystem in question. However, many believe that the value of the … Read more

Asian Carp Research Paper

The Spreading of Asian Carp The Asian carp is an invasive species that is vastly multiplying across lakes and rivers in the United States. Asian carp are a type of large fish from Southeast Asia. These carp are more traditionally known as Black carp, Silver carp, and Bighead carp. Asian carp were originally brought into … Read more

Descriptive Essay: A Trip To Coney Beach

When one thinks of summer, it immediately comes to mind the sight of sandy beaches, amusement parks and hot sunny days. Coney Island, an extravagant vacation playground to visit especially for the summer. I have recently had an opportunity to come to such a wonderful place that the sights are still engraved in my mind. … Read more

Coral Bleaching Research Paper

Coral reef bleaching, which is the whitening of diverse invertebrate taxa. The cause of the whitening is “from the loss of symbiotic zooxanthellae and/or a reduction in photosynthetic pigment concentrations in zooxanthellae residing within the gastrodermal tissues of host animals. ” (P. W. Glynn) The reason why coral reef bleaching is such a concern is … Read more

Far Water Adventure: A Short Story Essay

How often do you see plastic somewhere? Do you bend down and pick it up? Well, maybe you should. It affects wildlife, wildlife habitats, and humans. The ocean is one of those habitats that has been greatly affected by plastic pollution. Now that you have that thought, keep it in mind while we tell you … Read more

Death Clock Poem Essay

In Greenview the Howth clock stood over the town like a guardian. ‘TICK TOCK TICK TOCK’ it went as it counted the hours, minutes and seconds of every day. On the outskirts was the Greenview forest which contained all the memories of our childhood, building forts and playing hide and go seek. On the other … Read more

Jellyfish-Personal Narrative Essay

It all started out at the reefs of the cold winter season in the Pacific Ocean. Against all odds there was Iro the jellyfish leader realized upon his jellyfish species that they were running out of food on their land. Benko and Seno the twins, the leaders of the sea turtles ruled the next land … Read more

Descriptive Essay On Myrtle Beach

Have you ever wanted something so bad that once you have it you kind of sit back and reevaluate everything that just happened and you just need a small breather to take everything in? There’s just something about nature that takes my breath away and takes me to a different dimension. It makes feel so … Read more

Moby Dick – Human Nature

In Moby Dick, Herman Melville makes use of two climactic scenes of the book to underline a profound and intellectual commentary on human nature. The chapters entitled The Musket and The Symphony are two such climactic scenes in which Starbuck and Ahab reveal a critical attribute of mans temperament. Melville uses these two characters to … Read more