1950s And 2010 Research Paper

Events in the 1950s up to around the end of the 2000s have affected and still continue to take effect on the United States in modern times. There are so many events between the 1950s and 2010 that are ample enough to meet the criteria to be put under this category, but like in most … Read more

Preamble Of The Constitution Essay

The Constitution Preamble- in order to strengthen our country, citizens of U.S. must carry out these objectives: -Establish political, economic, and social justice -Insure peace within the country’s boarder. -Military that’re fit to protect, defend our boarder -Provide equal opportunity for everyone to pursue economic prosperity -Government is there to protect citizens’ liberty Article I … Read more

United States Vs Portugal

Although, there is an enormous difference in the scale of their two economies, the United States and Portugal share significant similarities. Portugal’s economy is growing at a steady rate, but has a long way to go to get out of its recession. In the article, The Federation of International Trade Association says, “Since 2009, Portugal … Read more

The Legislative Branch: The United States Legislative…

The United States legislative branch goes through an intense process to pass bills. I experienced a sample of this legislative process as a Republican conservative from the Northern Border Region. As a delegate, I represented the interest of the second district. I am most concerned with representing the ranchers, rural families and Native Americans that … Read more

Springfield South End Case Study

Springfield’s South End district has been struggling over the past 10 years. Businesses are starting to close and the area is very run down. Although the South End district has seen better days, the town of Springfield has started a rehabilitation project that includes fixing roofs, Windows, landscaping, and many other things as a way … Read more

College Education

With the termination of World War II in 1945, millions of military veterans flooded the United States with hopes and ambitions for the future. However, these veterans required assistance in order to achieve their goals of returning to their pre-war lives. Long before the end of the war, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his advisors were … Read more

Lack Of Human Trafficking In The United States

Alas, no gender, age, nor ethnicity is exempt from the global crisis of human trafficking. However, the victims are not dispersed evenly throughout the planet. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has concluded that the over half of all trafficked persons, for a total of 11. 7 million slaves, come from the Asia-Pacific region. Meanwhile, the … Read more

Noga Sklar

Honestly, I don’t remember another year in which I lost so many friends. Oh, well. Not do death, oh no (although I’m certainly getting old enough for that): to Facebook. It all started in my native Brazil, where this was the time of a radical political turnover: The party in power for the last… hmm… … Read more

South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan, colloquially known as South Sudan, is located in the eastern region of Africa, landlocked by amidst Ethiopia to the east, Uganda and Kenya to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic to the west, and Sudan to the north. Approximately 12. 05 million people live … Read more

Donald Trump’s Address

For my second media response, I chose to analyze Donald Trump’s Presidential speeches. Donald Trump is currently campaigning for the American 2016 President election in the United States. His first campaign as President was in the year of 2000, with two victories of Reform Party primaries (Wikipedia). Trump became well-known for his hatred towards illegal … Read more

Affirmative Action And Discrimination

Throughout most of America’s history there have been several ethnic groups such as women, African Americans, and immigrants who have been discriminated and denied irrefutable rights. This is corrupt as men and women are created equal and together we are one human race despite our distinctions. Several pieces of legislation hold upon this truth to … Read more

Essay On The Battle Of Yorktown

September 1781. The south had lost major strongholds in Savannah, Charleston and Camden. The battle was starting to turn in Georgia and South Carolina which forced the British north. The global superpower of Great Britain was involved in the American Revolution in full force as well as, First Anglo-Maratha War, Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, and the … Read more

Senator Obama’s Essay ‘Yes We Can’

A presidential candidate is very similar to an actor. They both perform through employing various strategies around their body language, tone, and diction choice to grab the attention of the audience or voters. Their performance creates an impression on the viewer, which, for the candidate, is very critical to their election outcome. Therefore, candidates like … Read more

African-Americans And Racism

Last summer my family and I were on a road trip from Toronto, Ontario to Columbus, Ohio to visit friends at their wedding. On the way, over one thousand kilometers, we saw many people being pulled on the side of the freeway for whatever reason, speeding, suspicion, or changing lanes without blinkers. We noticed that … Read more

Bias In History

When I saw Dan Brown’s quote “History is always written by winners”, it made me think whether he was correct; is history only written by winners? If so, is there bias in history because it is only written by winners? My real life situation is that Taiwanese history textbooks show bias in the information included … Read more

Controversy Regarding The Legality Of Immigration To The United States

Immigration is a concept as old as the creation of United States of America, in fact, immigration is the concept that the United States of America was founded on. Immigration is when someone from one country changes their permanent residence to another country and obtains, or tries to obtain, citizenship in that country. The original … Read more

Bill Of Rights Epilogue

I. All Absolute Laws supersede the Constitution of the United States as well as the Bill of Rights. It is the ultimate governing principle that must be followed at all times. Keep my head low, stay quiet. Day after day that’s what I’m told to do. Every day it is repeated to me that I’m … Read more

Education In America

Without the government the United States of America would no doubt, not be as successful as it is today. Following the paths that our founding fathers laid out in our constitution, our current government has amended the way we all live to adapt to modern times. There is no doubt that there is no such … Read more

New York Times Ad Analysis Essay

The view is breathtaking. It’s nighttime in New York City: buildings are lit and sparkling, brightening the clear, purple-hued sky and reflecting in the otherwise dark water. On the right, a young man and woman are visible through a partitioned floor-to-ceiling window in a skyscraper they occupy. It is not the view of the city … Read more

Blood Meridian Essay

Americans look back on the western migration as a period of growth, referring to the movement as America’s “Manifest Destiny” to claim the untamed western land they viewed as their God-given right. Americans viewing western migration as a mission to take the land that God wished them to have, resulted in a brutal war against … Read more

Stephany In Spanish Culture Essay

Stephany is a 29 year old woman who was born and raised in Hoboken, New Jersey. So what ties Stephany to a specific ethnic group and culture? While Stephany was born and raised in America, her family immigrated from the Dominican Republic. In addition to identifying herself as Dominican, Stephany also considers herself to be … Read more

Essay on Just War In Vietnam

A – Planning the investigation [157]: The focus of this investigation is the theory or concept of just war, and what makes a just war “Just. ” This investigation will explore the question: To what extent can the Vietnam War be justified as a just war? Throughout this investigation, the philosophy of a just war … Read more

Ted Galen Carpenters Argumentative Analysis Essay

The question of should the United States seek to remain the “indispensable” country? Creates discussions for former U. S. Senator Hilary Clinton and published scholar and fellow member of the Cato Institute, Ted Galen Carpenter. Each orator discusses their position with reasons supporting their stance on the matter. In brief, Hilary Clinton proposes that the … Read more

Argumentative Essay About Tupac Death

In discussions of controversies, one issue that has been on the mouths of plenty for many years has been the death of the hiphop artist Tupac Shakur. On the night of September, 7th, 1996, Tupac Shakur was claimed to be shot. On the morning of September 13th, 1996, Tupac Shakur was pronounced dead. The headlines … Read more

Impact Of Rain On The Scarecrow Essay

Rain on the Scarecrow, Light on the Farmers Plight In 1900, 41% of the workforce were employed in agriculture, 100 years later this diminished to 1. 9%; astonishingly, during this timeframe, the U. S. population exploded from 71 million to 273 million. In the 1980s, the American family farmer once the backbone of the U. … Read more

Religious Liberty In The United States Essay

America has always been a religious nation. The “threads of America’s religious history are so intimately woven into the social and political fabric of the United States that they continue to shape public life today. ” Religious liberty in particular is an important part of the American identity, many of the earliest Europeans to settle … Read more

Wealth Inequality Essay

Wealth Inequality and its Impact on Society Life in present-day America is very unequal. There are wide gaps in income distribution which causes negative impacts on the everyday lives of most Americans. This income gap is wider than at any other time in the past century. The United States has the largest gap between rich … Read more

Monsantos Greed Essay

Greed will be America’s downfall. The foundation of our politics, once founded on the public well being, has been interchanged with the corrupted stones of corruption and scandal. “We the people” had once powerful persuasive presence in legislature. Unfortunately, now, the government and the public opinion has been overshadowed by the upcoming presence of major … Read more

Wrongful Convictions Essay

Courts often prove to be corrupt through the abundance of wrongful or unfair convictions found within them. Many people around the world have been wrongfully convicted, and sentenced to death despite their innocence because of issues like “eyewitness misidentification,” “junk science,” “false confessions,” “government misconduct,” “snitches,” and “bad lawyering” (Causes of Wrongful Convictions). As an … Read more