Noga Sklar

Honestly, I don’t remember another year in which I lost so many friends. Oh, well. Not do death, oh no (although I’m certainly getting old enough for that): to Facebook. It all started in my native Brazil, where this was the time of a radical political turnover: The party in power for the last… hmm… … Read more

Preamble Of The Constitution Essay

The Constitution Preamble- in order to strengthen our country, citizens of U.S. must carry out these objectives: -Establish political, economic, and social justice -Insure peace within the country’s boarder. -Military that’re fit to protect, defend our boarder -Provide equal opportunity for everyone to pursue economic prosperity -Government is there to protect citizens’ liberty Article I … Read more

The Electoral College Reform Essay

Electoral College Reform Five times in our nation’s history, the Electoral College has failed and elected a president that was not the majority vote from the election. The two most recent cases were the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore and the 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. During elections, … Read more

Iran Hostage Crisis Essay

The Iranian Hostage Crisis The Iranian Hostage Crisis was a horrific event in which many American were captured and held hostage in the Iranian American embassy. In America, this was met with shock; spurring newfound hatred of Iranians. In the book Funny in Farsi, the author and her family, Iranian immigrants living in Southern California, … Read more

18th Century American Imperialism Essay

Towards the end of the 18th Century American foreign policy underwent major change. Fueled by the Progressive movement and new interpretations of Manifest destiny, Americans sought to expand the United States’s influence around the world. During the 1890s the United States mainly used military and economic prowess to accomplish their international desires. Progressives used this … Read more

Electoral College Flaws Essay

During 1787, delegates, known as the founding fathers, met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to form a new system of government. Creating a functioning and fair way to elect public officials proved to be a difficult task for the founding fathers. They attempted to find a way to balance the power between individual states and the national … Read more

James Madison Biography Essay

James Madison was the fourth president of the United States of America. He was a political theorist. He was born on March 16, 1751 at Port Conway, Virgina. He died on June 28,1836 on his tobacco plantation in Montpelier, Orange County, Virginia. His father is James Madison Sr. He was a successful planter and owned … Read more

Essay on Historical Memory Of George Washington

Historical memory is a method used by individuals to alter historical events depending on the current events that are occurring in the country. History is altered to historical memory through the usage of narratives, symbols, collective memory, and print capitalism. Historical memory is a state-sponsored interpretation of a particular past event, individual, place, or ideal … Read more

19th Century Isolationism Essay

In 1796, George Washington wrote out the newly formed script for American foreign policy. He cautioned the United States to stay clear of entangling alliances with the hawkish European powers. In 1823, this isolationist tendency was reaffirmed with the Monroe Doctrine which warned the Europeans against establishing any new colonies or encroaching on the interests … Read more