Death Penalty Persuasive Essay

Imagine a man sitting in a small, whitewashed room. He is strapped tightly to a gurney, with an IV jutting out of each of his arms. While someone administers a saline solution, his mind races and his heart pounds as he anticipates the first of three drugs that will end his life. He strains to … Read more

Pro Death Penalty

The death penalty has been in place in the United States since its foundation, however in the last few decades it has become increasingly controversial. In recent years, many people have begun to question whether it is an effective method of punishment, or if the death penalty should remain. In a perfect world capital punishment, … Read more

How Did Jeffrey Dahmer Commit Crime Essay

Jeffrey Dahmer has been one of the most notorious serial killers in American History. Dahmer’s killings primarily took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for several years during the late eighties into the early nineties. He murdered over a dozen men, of different races but mostly homosexuals. Not only was the public shocked but also sickened by … Read more

Mary Barnett Case Study Essay

Mary Barnett, the mother of a six month old daughter, left for San Francisco to see her fiance. Leaving her daughter behind, she returned seven days later to find her child dead. After calling the police and telling them she left the child with a baby sitter, she later told them this was not true … Read more

Michael Blair Case Analysis Essay

Michael Blair was faced with multiple charges and years in prison for something he did not do. First Blair would be faced with a really long time in prison for capital murder. Wednesday, Blair was charged with capital murder because of the death of Ashley Nicole Estell, who was abducted on Sept. 4 from a … Read more

Fox River Killer Scenarios Essay

Disclaimer: the victim written about is my friend who wanted to be the subject of a scenario. I’m not that awful of a person to write of her murder without her knowledge. “Her math proofs are just too good! She’s never wrong! ” Millard Newton, the longlost descendant of Sir Isaac Newton, exclaimed as he … Read more

Keith Jesperson: The Happy Face Killer Essay

Keith Jesperson, also known as the Happy Face Killer, is a Canadian-American serial killer who murdered at least 8 women in the United States in the 1990s. Growing up, Jesperson lived with his parents Leslie and Gladys Jesperson, and was the middle child of two brothers and two sisters. Jesperson did not grow up in … Read more

Michael Blairs Time In Prison Case Study Essay

Falsely accused people have been serving valuable time in prison for crimes they did not commit, and the reason for this issue is the fact that the justice system does not try as hard as they could to prove someone innocent. Two people in particular have experienced this horrible issue, Michael Blair, and Victor Burnette. … Read more

Marty Deeks: Childhood Trauma Essay

Marty Deeks is a complicated man of contradictions and extremes. We don’t know a lot about his early life, but what we do know is far from a fairytale. He had an incredibly difficult childhood filled with trauma. How did Marty Brandel’s childhood influence the man he grew to become? This question has always intrigued … Read more

Emmett Till Case Essay

The case of Emmett Till sent tremors through the nation that sparked the conflict between the ideals of the north and the south. It exposed the gross negligence of the justice system of Mississippi toward its African American citizens, and when the nation learned of this tragedy it realized that change was necessary. This change … Read more

Jonbenet Ramsey Case Summary Essay

Few murder mysteries have captured America’s attention like JonBenet Ramsey’s death because no clear evidence was ever found to be able to convict someone. Background Info (JBR profile, family demographics/profile, age, location, date): JonBenet was a 6-year-old girl living in Boulder, Colorado with her mother, Patsy, father, John, and brother, Burke. JonBenet was a beauty … Read more

The Adnan Syed Case Essay

Adnan Syed is a convicted murderer and sentenced to life at the Baltimore Corrections Facility. The woman he murdered was a senior at Woodlawn High School, Hae Min Lee, who was also his ex-girlfriend. Hae Min Lee went missing after school on Friday, January 13, 1999. On February 9, 1999, her body was found in … Read more

Summary Of Dennis Pozniaks Insanity Case Essay

The legal definition of insanity stated by therapist Bryan Howes is “n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior. ” Which emphasizes the idea that if an individual is not in control of … Read more

Essay about John George Haighs Serial Killer

John George Haigh was a 1940’s serial killer. He was born in Stamford, Lincolnshire but grew up in a village named Outwood, which is just west of Yorkshire. His parents were both members of the Plymouth Brethren, a conservative protestant sect. He did not have much space and had to stay within a 10 foot … Read more

Jim Jones Psychopath Essay

A psychopath is a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. A person who is labeled a narcissist has a sense of self-importance and need others for admiration, but show lack of empathy. The Reverend Jim Jones was a psychopath who ultimately lead hundreds of people to their deaths in … Read more

Jeffrey Dahmer: A Serial Killer Essay

A serial killer is someone who commits a series of murders, usually in a pattern, with no apparent motive. Jeffrey Dahmer, also known as “The Man Who Could Not Kill Enough” and one of America’s most infamous serial killers, is responsible for the murdering, dismembering, and eating of seventeen boys between the years of 1978 … Read more

Hillsborough Inquest Case Analysis Essay

As explained in Halsbury’s law of England “An inquest has been held to be a fact-finding inquiry conducted by a coroner, with or without a jury, to establish reliable answers to four important but limited factual questions. (1) The identity of the deceased; (2) the place of death; (3) the time of death; and (4) … Read more

Memento: A Narrative Analysis Essay

A woman lies dead on the floor; the flash of the reporter’s camera brings us to a darkened room with an undisclosed location. Ronnie, a man with a shady past and a criminal record is being interrogated for the murder of a young woman. As the charismatic good cop questions Ronnie, we learn fragments of … Read more

Road To Perdition Character Analysis Essay

Road to Perdition is a crime drama released in July 2002 following the life of a father and son during the winter of 1931. The movie begins with Michael Sullivan Jr. witnessing his father, Michael Sullivan, commit murder as an enforcer while working under the mob boss John Rooney. Connor Rooney, son of John Rooney, … Read more

Why Is Capital Punishment Wrong Essay

Capital punishment is an issue that has been used to handle severe crimes in nearly every country either now or in the past. Even though I understand both sides of capital punishment, I can not morally say that it’s good. Though many say that the death penalty is the only way to go, it can … Read more

The Role Of Punishment In Macbeth Essay

“Macbeth has murdered his king, becoming king himself and managed to escape the law. He is killed in battle but in many ways he has eluded punishment and committed the perfect crime”. Do you agree? The play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. This play was set in Scotland and focuses on a mighty and … Read more

Civil Argument Against Euthanasia Essay

There is a civil argument over helped suicide, otherwise called euthanasia, this level headed discussion has been continuing for a long time. A few individuals trust that euthanasia isn’t right and ought to be illicit, while others trust the inverse. A few individuals trust that on the off chance that somebody has settled on the … Read more

Crime And Punishment Allusions Essay

Crime and Punishment is one of the most famous works by the Russian novelist Fydor Dostoevsky. The novel begins with the double murder of an elderly woman and her sister. They were murdered by Raskolnikoff. While at first it seems like he committed the murder because of his need for money, as the story develops … Read more

The tragedy at Columbine High School

The tragedy at Columbine High School is something that will be remembered and talked about for many years to come. People from across the nation have all heard about this event. But there are still a couple questions that people have. For instance who’s to blame? The kids alone, the parents for how they brought … Read more

The Term Assassination

The term assassination refers to murder for political reasons. In the United States with its democratic ideals, change should be brought about through the ballot. However, American History has shown us that this is not true. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy were all assassinated by supposedly troubled individuals that … Read more

A Death in Texas

Being labeled and institutionalized as a social deviant proves to be stigmatizing in life. In Dina Temple-Rastons A Death in Texas, she chronicles the murder of James Byrd Jr. in Jasper, Texas during the summer of 1998. The author suggests in Chapters 1-4 that suspected murder Billy King is more than a case study of … Read more

Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick: Book Report

Ishmael the narrator tells how he abandoned his life in Manhattan, as a schoolteacher, for the excitement of a whaling ship. He wanted to try something new because was tired of life on land and wanted to see what the life at sea was like. So he signed onto a ship with his new friend … Read more

Setting of Blood Meridian

Cormac McCarthy’s setting in Blood Meridian is a landscape of endless and diverse beauty. McCarthy highlights the surprising beauty of combinations of scrubby plants, jagged rock, and the fused auburn and crimson colors of the fiery wasteland that frame this nightmarish novel. Various descriptions, from the desolate to the scenic, feature McCarthy’s highly wrought, lyrical … Read more

Depravity and Destruction in Blood Meridian

Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian is a passionate, lyrical, and ugly novel of depravity and destruction of life in the Old West. It is a story of a hellish journey where violence and corruption are currency in a life of murder and treachery. Contrasting scenes of scenic beauty, poetically described by McCarthy, are negated by his … Read more

And Then There Were None Short Summary

And Then There Were None, is an intriguing murder mystery novel that follows the lines of a poem called “Ten Little Indians”. The story is intricately written to keep the reader in absolute suspense from the beginning to end. The novel involves eight people being mysteriously invited to spend a summer holiday on “Indian Island”. … Read more