Intake Form Critique

This is the intake used at Pathways Human Services of Florida, generally just known as “Pathways. ” This is the company with whom I am doing my work variance internship. I wanted to complete the intake critique at my internship because their intake packet could use a great deal of improvement. Also, because I work … Read more

My Existential Crisis College Essay

I’m sure that at some point in their lives, everyone faces an existential crisis and questions, very philosophically of course, their roots and achievements and reasons for being. For some, this point is not reached until middle age, at which point they realize that their lives have been for naught and that the countless goals … Read more

Google Making USupid Analysis

While Google can be convenient if you need a quick answer or need to find information at a moment’s notice. , People should not be using google as an easy way out to answer questions because the students knowing this can also use this search engine to cheat on test so they can avoid retaining … Read more

The Effects Of Alcohol On The Brain

Although alcohol is sometimes seen as a recreation, it is truly a deadly substance. To start, by prohibiting alcohol, it will prevent the physical symptoms of alcohol. Also, by making alcohol unauthorized for consumption, people will also be avoiding health problems. In addition,alcohol contains hazerdous chemicals that are unhealthy towards humans. To add, alcohol also … Read more

Philadelphia Owl Research Paper

“The problem with Philadelphia fans is that they want you to play every game like it’s your last” (Swartz, Bryn). The Philadelphia Eagles franchise has many interesting facts about its past. At one time Philadelphia even represented the whole state of Pennsylvania for football. During many of the changes the team has experienced, the franchise … Read more

The Making Of Europe Book Review

In The Making of Europe, Christopher Dawson set out to rewrite European History from a European point-of-view to understand the unity of the common civilization instead of a national identity. He advocates for Europe to develop a common European consciousness and a sense of its historic and organic unity. Dawson argues that there should not … Read more

Mrs. Semmes: A Love Story

The phone rang; Ruth and Carl were outside hanging lights on bushes and trees outside. Ruth was “supervising” as Carl untangled strands of lights. Ruth rose from porch swing and walked back into house. “Hello? ” Ruth answered the phone. “Mrs. Semmes? ” Voice said on other line. “Yes, this is Mrs. Semmes, can I … Read more

Dietary Supplements Research Paper

Atop the heap of scams within the medical field sits a thirty-seven-billion-dollar industry known as dietary supplements: specifically, vitamins. This business is built upon superstitions and half lies that date back to the 1970s. Winston Churchill once said that “truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration”. This is exactly what has happened … Read more

No Child Left Behind Act Analysis

Every individual who has experienced some form of education throughout his or her lifetime knows very well that there are many assessments and testing that takes place within a single school year. This movement in education that focuses on student excellence and school district performance is nothing new, these notions of wanting the best for … Read more

Orange Grove Ponds

The California State University, Northridge (CSUN) Orange Grove, has been a historical landmark that has historically represented the very essence of CSUN all the way back from the year 1952. It was officially announced as a historical site after the Associated Students claimed it to be so officially in 1972. The five-acre orange grove consists … Read more

Analysis On Which Is More Important: Military Drones Or A Cure For Cancer

There are many diseases that plague this world, some physical and some metaphorical. Metaphorical diseases, like war and poverty, can easily be remedied, but physical diseases, like Ebola and the Zika Virus, require much more effort to rehabilitate. However, one in particular has risen above all others throughout history, the most devastating and persistent illness … Read more

The Invention Of Airplanes During World War One

The power that airplanes held in a time of war, was very different then all the other vessels that where used during conflict. For example, ground troops, tanks and ships as “The access [an airplane] provides makes it a faster, more flexible, and more precise than any other form of military power. ” Before the … Read more


What really happened behind the closed gates of Auschwitz? It seems there is not enough words to describe the tragedy that happened inside, but but do we truly know the horrors inside. It is said all you could hear inside of Auschwitz was the screams of prisoners and the smell of burning flesh. In my … Read more

Political Mythological Analysis

Metropolitan areas that are mostly represented by democrats, especially Portland, have become a dominant political power in Oregon. Our informants argued thatthe voice of the conservative population from largely rural areas cannot reach the political decisions, and the bills that are pushed through by Democrats largely affects rural communities. As an insider who observed state … Read more


Endometriosis is a complicated, debilitating disease that is poorly understood and all too frequently misdiagnosed. Most patients have experienced excruciating pain for years. More than 5. 5 million women in North America, and 176 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis. Many of these women receive inadequate treatment. Endometriosis is a condition where the cells that … Read more

Struggles Of Mental Illness

Having a chronic illness or condition and being different from the general population subjects a person to possible stigmatization by those who do not have the illness (Joachim & Acron, 2000). Stigma is a negative stereotype. For persons with mental illness, stigma is one of the greatest barrier to complete and satisfying life. Mentally ill … Read more

NASA Crane

The first project that I chose was the NASA Crane engineering challenge. The purpose of this project was to attempt to create a crane from materials provided, but lift the most weight. We also took ratings on how efficient the design was, the look of the design, and the strength of the design. We first … Read more

A Nation At Risk Analysis

With the learning gap, hidden curriculum, and federal education programs it would be reasonable to believe that is the only reason why the educations system is failing. Although, there is one factor that plays the largest role of all, demographics. The type of schooling a child is receiving and where they are receiving that schooling … Read more

Non Christian Research Paper

What does God intend for man to do on his short visit to earth? This is a question that both the Christian and non Christian has. The difference in the two is that the Christian will say that his or her life is to serve God and to have a life that honors Him. Although, … Read more

Wound Healing: A Case Study

Professional tattoos causes the breakage of the skin, triggering the automatic response of wound healing. Otherwise the standard removal of ink using laser can produce scars depending on the depth of the colour. Scarring tissue heavily involves fibroblasts and the specialised myofibroblast role is to replace the ECM components. The scarring and aging of the … Read more

Development From Birth To 19 Years Essay

CACHE LEVEL 3 SUPPORTING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN SCHOOLS AWARD UNIT THREE 1. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. Children’s development is continuous and can be measured in a variety of ways. Although all children will develop at different rates and in different ways, the order … Read more

Stephany In Spanish Culture Essay

Stephany is a 29 year old woman who was born and raised in Hoboken, New Jersey. So what ties Stephany to a specific ethnic group and culture? While Stephany was born and raised in America, her family immigrated from the Dominican Republic. In addition to identifying herself as Dominican, Stephany also considers herself to be … Read more

Power Of Language In The House On Mango Street Essay

Throughout The House on Mango Street, particularly in “No Speak English,” those who are not able to communicate effectively (or at all) are relegated to the bottom levels of society. Mamacita moves to the country to be with her husband, and she becomes a prisoner of her apartment because she does not speak English. She … Read more

Essay about April Raintree Themes

April Raintree was born daughter to Metis parents in Winnipeg in 1955. We are first introduced to April’s life when she is six years old. April Raintree describes her father, Henry as being” a little of this, a little of that and a whole lot of Indian” and describes her mom, Alice as “part Irish … Read more

Redivider: A Short Story Essay

Townie Derrick wakes up. The hangover clings to his skull, his heart, which seems like it’s barely working this morning as he rolls off of Tim’s couch and searches wildly around the living room for that glass of water he could have sworn he filled, set beside his sleeping place for when he woke up. … Read more

Iran Hostage Crisis Essay

The Iranian Hostage Crisis The Iranian Hostage Crisis was a horrific event in which many American were captured and held hostage in the Iranian American embassy. In America, this was met with shock; spurring newfound hatred of Iranians. In the book Funny in Farsi, the author and her family, Iranian immigrants living in Southern California, … Read more

Examples Of Family Loyalty In Antigone Essay

In his play Antigone, Sophocles presents the conflict of choosing between family loyalty and obeying the law of the land. The playwright clearly believes that loyalty to one’s family trumps listening to the law and it shines through as the right choice. In the novella “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, there is a lack of family … Read more

Go Ask Alice Addiction Essay

Growing up and entering the teenage years exposes young people to new things that they have never had to deal with before, such as drugs. Many children do not know how to handle a situation when faced with drugs, which opens the possibility of bad decision making. Just one bad decision can lead to a … Read more

Privilege, Power, And Difference Summary Essay

In the book Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan G. Johnson he talks about the different troubles and issues dealing with privilege, the differences in this society, power, gender and race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social class, and disability standing. He talks about his own experiences backing it up with facts, memoirs, and other documents. 1. … Read more

The Distance Between Us Essay

Chicana/o Narrative: Immigration, Family, Feminism and Transgressions In the late twentieth and twenty first century Chicana/o narrative has become a medium to express the injustices that the community faces along with identity conflicts at the individual level. Chicana/o narrative, fictional or autobiographical work, serves as an act of healing and resistance, in which the themes … Read more

Cultural Black Trauma Essay

Recently, the deaths of Tamir Rice, Eric Gardener, and Mike Brown, all at the hands of police officers, have sparked national protests and conversations around state sanctioned violence and police brutality, particularly in Black communities. An underlying component in these discussions and protests has been that of mourning, with discussions and protests often acting as … Read more

Arguments Against Gun Rights Essay

The Support of U. S. Gun Rights Rough Draft When a six foot four, 300 pound man breaks into a young woman’s house, she stands no chance. On the other hand, if that girl is waiting on the other side of the door with a . 44 magnum revolver, then a different story can be … Read more

Essay on Ponyboy Monologue

3. 92 and 3. 68= 3. 71 cumulative GPA 3. 85 +3. 7 85% on math test if 78. 0% in class. 90% on test if 77% in class. No lower than 74. 9% in class Two ounces = 3/4 cup cocoa 12/28 A/N: Long time no see guys! I’m so excited to be back. … Read more

Child Support Persuasive Essay

Argumentative speech on why parents with a child support order should provide verification on how the child support was spent. Topic: Parents with a child support order should provide verification on how the child support was spent. General Purpose: To argue Specific purpose: To argue that parents with a child support order should provide verification … Read more

Social Reform Essay

In nineteenth century America, social reform movements sought to change the social and political views of marginalized groups of people, those who were thought of as insignificant in the eyes of society (“Definition of Social Reform”). Social reform movements involve these insignificant groups, and the activists that dedicate time and effort to change political policy, … Read more

Essay about Sibling Rivalry In Blood Brothers By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Siblings ultimately share an “intense emotional tie” connecting them together (Schilb 346). This emotional tie is like an unsaid pact that siblings have that binds them together for life. This pact can build siblings relationships and draw them closer, or eventually discourage them and draw them apart. Growing up with a sibling tends to be … Read more

Deception In Fences Essay

The play, Fences, presents a slice of life in a black tenement and is set in 1957 through 1965 by August Wilson. It has a main character by the name Troy Maxson, who spent most of his entire career life as a garbage collector (Gale, 3). Throughout the play, Troy undergo through rebellion and frustrations … Read more

Lyme Disease Research Paper

Lyme disease is a bacterial disease that affects over 200,000 each year. It is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted through the bite of blacklegged ticks (deer ticks). These ticks are found in grassy and wooded areas. Female nymphal or young black-legged ticks carry and transmit the Lyme disease bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi … Read more

Dr Jekyll And Hyde Duality Analysis Essay

Doubles, including performance, are present throughout the plot of Harding’s Florence and Giles, with our main antiheroine Florence, a young girl with a murderous streak and an intellect far beyond her years, presenting herself as unknowing in order to achieve her goals… [which makes her] unreliable but highly aware’ (Dinter, 2012, p. 68). The narrative … Read more