Mrs. Semmes: A Love Story

The phone rang; Ruth and Carl were outside hanging lights on bushes and trees outside. Ruth was “supervising” as Carl untangled strands of lights. Ruth rose from porch swing and walked back into house. “Hello? ” Ruth answered the phone. “Mrs. Semmes? ” Voice said on other line. “Yes, this is Mrs. Semmes, can I … Read more

Julia Davis Play Critique

Another winner of the National Youth Arts Artist of the Year Award, Julia Davis is a staple at the Musical Theatre of Anthem. Some of her favorite roles in the past couple of years have been Cosette in Les Miserables, Jellylorum/Griddlebone in CATS, Cinderella in Into The Woods, Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor … Read more

Spartan Narrative

It was a Tuesday in Sparta. The cars were bubbling, kids were crystal porting. I spotted my best friend Urina she is very rebellious just like me. I taught her everything she knows. She isn’t as hard to spot since her and I both have midnight black hair, everybody else’s’ hair is blonde. So it’s … Read more

Jeanette Alternate Ending

“That’s a nice looking young man. ” Her mother’s voice surprised her and she turned quickly and rushed past her mother into the shop. “I wonder if his parents are part of Charleston Society. ” Her mother’s words were typical; it was always about wealth and society with her. Either you were well bred or … Read more

Case Study: Naisha Lawrence

This worker Naisha Lawrence and Case work Supervisor Kim Drayton was able to meet with Ms. Kochan, Christopher, Michael, Stephen and Aiden. The visit occurred at the family’s home located at 19 Schlinder drive Rockaway New Jersey. The purpose of the visit was to provide Ms. Kochan with background information on Dr. Slivovitz, the parent … Read more

Who Am I Me Narrative

Who am I? I am the youngest of four daughters, no sons, born to my parents Harriett Cole and Joe Harney; they divorced when I was very young (I really do not remember my dad at home, the only memory is riding in dad’s squad car, he was a sheriff deputy, after eating a bottle … Read more

Refugee: A Narrative Fiction

“I love you! ” But by the time I looked back my mother was gone. I knew she was just trying to get me away from her when she said “go hide, let’s play hide and seek. ” A few minutes later I realized why she had me hide, there was a group of mean … Read more

Readjustment In Veterans Essay

When we think of veterans returning home from either from a tour in a combat zone or from completing their service to our nation. Veterans today are facing numerous problems such as: Readjustment, PTSD, Unemployment and homelessness. These are just a few of the many issues that they are facing when returning home. As a … Read more

Jeannette Russier Denial Quotes Essay

In her youth, Jeannette struggled with denial to understand the reality of her family life. When she was a young girl and her family didn’t have a roof over their heads she only saw the good in the situation. In one instant Jeannette describes a discussion between herself and her sister Lori “I told Lori … Read more

The Distance Between Us Essay

Chicana/o Narrative: Immigration, Family, Feminism and Transgressions In the late twentieth and twenty first century Chicana/o narrative has become a medium to express the injustices that the community faces along with identity conflicts at the individual level. Chicana/o narrative, fictional or autobiographical work, serves as an act of healing and resistance, in which the themes … Read more

A Raisin In The Sun Analytical Essay

The play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry depicts an African American family with many struggles, and by analyzing their struggles, certain lessons and the theme of this drama can be identified. While the family does seem to hold together, there are many problems that arise, such as having family issues, trying to … Read more

Power Of Language In The House On Mango Street Essay

Throughout The House on Mango Street, particularly in “No Speak English,” those who are not able to communicate effectively (or at all) are relegated to the bottom levels of society. Mamacita moves to the country to be with her husband, and she becomes a prisoner of her apartment because she does not speak English. She … Read more

Archetypal Mothers Role Essay

A mother’s role impacts the child’s life and plays a huge part in deciding what type of person the child grows up to. Many twentieth century children’s literature demonstrates archetypes, including the mother, and how this helps the characters to succeed and find happiness. Children seek for this maternal figure if it is not found … Read more

Kiss Of The Fur Queen And Chacquete Essay

In Kiss of The Fur Queen by Tomson Highway and Lightfinder by Aaron Paquette, storytelling by elders to a younger generation is shown to be a significant part of Indigenous culture and life. In both these novels storytelling portrays the lack of knowledge the younger generation have of their history, and how in some instances … Read more

The Symbolism Of The Horse In Jewels Horse By Anse Essay

How can you get around without a horse? Well, with a wagon of course, but Jewel’s horse still makes a multitude of appearances throughout the book. The horse develops a very unique physical and literal meaning to every person. Ultimately the horse represents the independence exists between Jewel and the family because he doesn’t want … Read more

Essay about Space By Kevin Brockmeier Analysis

Humans sometimes have to face the unfortunate reality that people die. “Space,” by Kevin Brockmeier, is about a father and son who have to deal with the death of their wife and mother. Tension builds in their relationship throughout the story as they struggle with moving on from Della’s death. The problem is that they … Read more

Fences Symbolism Essay

“Symbolism exists to adorn and enrich, not to create an artificial sense of profundity. “-Stephen King. August Wilson’s play, “Fences”, explores an African American family dealing with poverty, segregation, racism etc. in the late 1950s. The play narrows in on Troy Maxson, an African American man who had trouble facing the harsh reality of not … Read more

Summary Of The Book Happiest Refugee Essay

The “Happiest Refugee” is the official autobiography of the Australian comedian Anh Do. The book is based around his life story starting in Vietnam and then becoming a fascinating story about his triumphs and darkest hours. Anh and his family went through many challenges as depicted in his text and these included the struggles Ahn … Read more

Andrew Solomon Vertical Identity Essay

We are who we are. We define ourselves. We make our own decisions. Our influences have great impacts on our lives. For example, vertical influences, as in families, want their offspring to be more like them. Our horizontal influences, as in society and foreign traits not given by a parent, drift one’s offspring away from … Read more

Stealing Buddhas Dinner Analysis Essay

In Bich Minh Nguyen’s memoir, “Stealing Buddha’s Dinner,” she narrates her experiences growing up as a Vietnamese refugee in a predominantly white, conservative community of Grand Rapids Michigan, in effort to assimilate to the American culture. Emigrating from Vietnam and experiencing the new American culture, she desires to fit in and be accepted as an … Read more

Jehovahs Witness Case Summary Research Paper

“Persistent vegetative state is a specific clinical diagnosis for a patient who is permanently unconscious. All thought, all memory, all ability to interact with the world around them in any way is gone” (LLP). William H. Colby who argued the case for Nancy and her family stated this in his opening statement during the hearing. … Read more

The Other Wes Moore Theme Essay

Wes could feel like he is being rejected by his dad. He never had a male figure to teach him right from wrong besides Tony. Tony never did the right thing himself nor help him self in any situation. He never felt like his father was a man Wes could look up to him a … Read more

Effects Of War In Deniros Game Essay

DeNiro’s Game is a novel based around war and the effects it has both mentally and physically. The novel is set in the war torn country of Lebanon. The main characters, Bassam and George, are greatly affected by the war. Families are destroyed, there is major corruption, and they are forced to make the choice … Read more

Cary Gallant Sociological Theory Essay

Tam taking the life story of my mother Tammy Lynn Gallant to analyze in a sociological perspective. Tammy was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. She was born at the Grace Maternity Hospital, known today as the IWK Children’s Hospital, on November 13th 1978. Born to parents also known as my grandparents Kathleen Kharma, and … Read more

Children In The Civil War Essay

During the Civil War, many children participated in the war by joining the army as drummers or soldiers. Many others did not participate in the war and supported the household by helping mothers out when his or her fathers were at war. For those who were left behind at home, they did underground work and … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Aunt Dori Essay

My Aunt Dori has always been different; however, I never truly realized how different until a few years ago. She has severe cerebral palsy. I have always known, nonetheless it did not fully sink-in until August 3, 2003. This particular day I had witnessed her having a grand-mal seizure. I remember being terribly afraid and … Read more

Beethoven Night Symphony Analysis Essay

At the age of 39, Beethoven’s hearing condition worsened. He lead a series of disastrous recitals. People weren’t pleased wight he different type of music he was playing and his “family” of noblemen advised him to go back to the traditional way of playing music. 1814 came, Beethoven was 44, and he created a masterpiece … Read more

Tiny Beautiful Things Analysis Essay

If a person has everything they could ever want: a loving significant other, loving siblings, loving mother and in the matter of a couple of years everything you had was stripped away from you. Your entire life was gone. Your mother dies, you fall into a cycle of drug abuse, infidelities, abandonment issues from your … Read more

Ida B Character Analysis Essay

Ida B is a different kind of child. She lives with her mother and father on a apple orchard. Ida lives simple. She is homeschooled due to an unpleasant first school experience and she loves life exactly the way it is. She often times goes out to the apple orchard to talk to the tree, … Read more

Reflective Essay: Why I Move To Arizona

Most people have moved before sometime in their life. For me, it was only two times. The first move was an international move from Vietnam to the United States of America, when I was barely 8 months old. At the time, it was just my mom, dad, and me, moving across the world to start … Read more

Essay on Precious Movie Analysis

1. In the movie, Precious deals with at least 10 different issues. Identify at least 5 and discuss in detail. What is the issue, how does it play out in her life, how does it impact her, etc. (15 pts. ). 1. She has a multitudes of issues. She was abused from the age of … Read more

Cecelia Everhart: A Narrative Fiction Essay

Cecelia Everhart was a raven haired beauty who was quite dull and vain. Seated next to her was her husband, Charles, a rather tiny fellow. Weak and unintimidating, he gave off the feeling of a rather poor man; however he was rather malapert and therefore quite rude. Their daughter was an exact replica of her … Read more

Der Erlkonig Analysis Essay

The tale of the child recorded in Der Erlkonig, while potentially not an exactly true account, is a generally accurate warning about against the dangers of Erlkings hidden in muggle folklore. We notice there are some partial discrepancies or vagaries, but these can (and will) be accounted for and do not hinder the overall meaning … Read more

The First Day Analysis Essay

Things don’t always work out for a family of three young girls and their mother living in suburban Washington, D. C. Their father has walked out on them and their mother can’t read or write, but she challenges the status quo when she sends her eldest daughter to school to receive the education that she … Read more

Essay on Substance Abuse In My Family

When Julia moved to Virginia three years ago, we immediately became best friends, and she eventually explained the reason for her move. Her mother was an alcoholic and was progressively becoming worse. She knew her mother was unfit to make healthy parental decisions, so she moved in with her father. It was not very long … Read more

Essay about Firefighters: A Short Story

Within a few minutes, the sound of sirens rushes across the school parking lot. The heat from the pavement causes the emergency vehicles to waver surreally, as if they’re an illusion speeding toward me. I stand numbly next to the wreckage as the firefighters hurry forward to free the lady trapped inside her car. The … Read more

Essay about Mission Trip Reflection

Many people go on Mission trips to support other communities that are in need, but some go for the many friendships and experiences that last a lifetime. I went on Mission Trip 2015 to Eagle Butte, South Dakota for both reasons. I had always remembered day three of Mission Trip 2015 because I helped the … Read more