Assignation And The Sound Of Silence

In this recent – and highly contested – election cycle, new President Donald Trump launched a war on the institution of political correctness. Many of his supporters praised him for “telling it like it is”; he did not allow propriety to stand in the way of his messages. In doing so, Trump veered away from … Read more

Examples Of Isolationism In Catcher In The Rye Essay

Patient Holden Caulfield demonstrates signs of depression brought out by Allie and drinking, isolation brought out by phonies and lack of social skills, and lying tendencies brought out by his determination to protect his reputation and the innocence of children. The death of Allie promotes Holden’s depressive states, while his drinking behaviors attempt to cover … Read more

Unwind Characters Essay

In a variety of literature, main characters struggle with defining their personalities as their experiences alter and change who they are. In Neal Shusterman’s Unwind, one of the main characters, Lev Calder, has a major personality change from the beginning to the end of the book. When the reader first meets Lev, he is portrayed … Read more

The Catcher In The Rye Analysis Essay

Three seconds remain in the tied basketball game. The point guard shoots and scores right before the buzzer sounds off. I bet for a long time, that player worked hard in the gym to practice and perfect his shooting for game time situations like that. It just goes to show that nothing great can ever … Read more

Catcher In The Rye Monotony Glass Analysis Essay

Every child is warned of the “adult world” where all the magic and fairytales of their previous years disappear, where enjoyment is succeeded by exhaustion and monotony, and where they have to pay taxes! During their youth, a considerable portion is dedicated to fortifying their emotions for their upcoming toils. However, what happens when life … Read more