Assignation And The Sound Of Silence

In this recent – and highly contested – election cycle, new President Donald Trump launched a war on the institution of political correctness. Many of his supporters praised him for “telling it like it is”; he did not allow propriety to stand in the way of his messages. In doing so, Trump veered away from … Read more

Noga Sklar

Honestly, I don’t remember another year in which I lost so many friends. Oh, well. Not do death, oh no (although I’m certainly getting old enough for that): to Facebook. It all started in my native Brazil, where this was the time of a radical political turnover: The party in power for the last… hmm… … Read more

Escape In The Awakening Essay

The thematic thread that I sought to explore this year was escape. This subject caught my attention because of how escape comes in many forms and varies from person to person. Personally, I tend to escape by daydreaming, sleeping, or turning to my hobbies in order to take a mental break from my responsibilities, as … Read more

Inuit Youth Suicide Essay

In Michael Krahl’s “The Weight on Our Shoulders Is Too Much, and We Are Falling”: Suicide among Inuit Male Youth in Nunavut, Canada he discusses the major impact of mental illness on the youth of the Inuit society. In “Incorporating the prosthetic: Traumatic, limb-loss, rehabilitation and refigured military bodies” Seth Messinger discusses the importance of … Read more

Comparison Of Social Norms In The Hands By Sherwood Anderson And The Storm Essay

Social norms are acceptable until they start destroying the psychological states of individuals. When the sexualities of individuals are repressed, symptoms of psychological deterioration occur due to restrictive social norms. These are the circumstances in “The Hands” by Sherwood Anderson and “The Storm” by Kate Chopin. In “The Hands,” Wing Biddlebaum once known as a … Read more

Being A Sorority Sister Essay

Being a sorority sister, there is a certain expectation of social interaction and personal development; you can’t hide away. You are required to participate in activities which gets you out there doing stuff you may never have pictured yourself doing before. These experiences help to enrich your communication skills and responsibility. As a sorority women … Read more

Violence Against Immigrant Women Essay

mmigrant women are disproportionately represented among female abuse victims in Canada. This research paper will demonstrate how immigrant women’s cultures, contexts, and legal status increases vulnerability to abuse, creates barriers for women to seek assistance, and is used by perpetrators to control and abuse immigrant women. In order to do so lit is important to … Read more

Multigenerational Diversity Essay

Generational ideologies have been a common place in human society since the dawn of time. But since the 1950s, people have begun to pay much more attention to each succeeding generations. Members from the Baby Boomers, to Generation X, to Generation Y have played a major role in various facets in today’s society. At this … Read more

Inoculation In Boston 1722 Analysis Essay

Inoculation In Boston: A Disqualified Innovation In 1979, the World Health Organization announced the eradication of smallpox in the world. The use of vaccines has drastically improved people’s health around the world. Vaccination evolved from inoculation, an old medical practice dating back to China in the fifteenth century. Interestingly, although people in the past did … Read more

Hmong Body Image Essay

I can still hear the echo of my mother’s voice when I told her I was leaving my job to go back to school full time. In her loving demeanor and ever so softly toned voice, she said, “If you would have focused on education instead of your social status back then, you would be … Read more

Skeeter Phelan Essay

The Help by Kathryn Stockett takes place during the 1960s in Jackson Mississippi. During this period, we see the segregation of blacks dominated by the white supremacy in southern United States. In the novel, Kathryn Stockett uses the character of Skeeter Phelan, an educated white lady who acts on her rebellious nature by breaking the … Read more

Essay on Dehumanization In A Few Good Men

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil, Phillip Zimbardo brilliantly explains in his novel The Lucifer Effect (Zimbardo 157). Dehumanization plays a key role in the military, whether it be utilized concerning the enemy or regarding America’s own troops. In … Read more

12 Angry Men Jury Duty Essay

Everyone dreads Jury duty. Jury duty is commonly known as a nuisance that gets in the way of our everyday lives. When one types in the words “jury duty” into the google search bar that individual finds the first few search results to be “get out of jury duty” or “jury duty excuses”. However, we … Read more

Essay about Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants Analysis

Mass Communication refers to the process in which specific messages are passed through mediums of communication from one group of people or organization to another usually through the acts of advertising, journalism and politics but most popularly through television and the world wide web. The impact from both these mediums has resulted in the birth … Read more

Bless Me Ultima Metaphors Essay

“But Fatima thought wretched years should be rounded out by a few good one, which she had yet to have” (72) Boo continues to characterize Fatima by showing the reader that she is slightly superstitious and believes in the balancing of life’s fair and unfair events. “… the rain came down like nails. ” (73) … Read more

Essay on The Help Social Injustice Examples

Social Injustice in The Help The help, a novel by Kathryn stockett, is a book about two maids, with the help and encouragement of one white woman, trying to publish their experiences working for white families. Kathryn stockett wrote this novel during a time of intense racial turmoil, discrimination, and unfair government policies. In order … Read more

Oliver Sacks The Minds Eye Analysis Essay

Believe it or not, we live in a world where everyone has a superpower. I am not simply talking about shooting lasers from your eyes or turning yourself invisible when you do not wish to be seen. However, us as humans can fix the roof or even fight in the battlefield with our eyes closed. … Read more

Prejudice In Of Mice And Men Essay

Of Mice and Men is a novel based on two migrant workers during the Era of the Great Depression. It shows the struggles and challenges they face, particularly focussing on the theme of prejudice. Steinbeck aimed to raise the issues of societal discrimination and the negative stigma surrounding individuals based on their appearances. The main … Read more

Essay on Social Norm Violations

In order to understand our adherence to social norms we must understand what they are and the various ways in which they can be broken and violated. These violations can vary greatly and be anywhere between quirky and frightening. The intensity of discomfort associated with these violations depends not only on the violation itself but … Read more

Patriotism In Henry David Thoreau’s Natural Work Essay

The promise to have property (terra nullius), and in that property, is the tabula rasa of man’s new beginnings. Yet that liberty came at the further expense of aboriginal, black, and enviromental freedom. The flame from liberty’s chalice casts its lawful protection of those considered citizens, and in that, disavows certain men from that sense … Read more

Essay about Identity Formation

Beginning a new life and forming a new identity in a foreign country is not an easy task, we as immigrants usually face challenges to identify ourselves in a new culture which is very different from our own. Identity formation is the development of one’s distinctive personality due to particular reasons such as a new … Read more

Sociological Imagination In Sociology Essay

The sociological imagination is a complex concept that involves many components to make it whole. One component of the sociological imagination is that it is inspired by a readiness to view the world from the perspective of others. The imagination also includes stepping back from looking at the individual, and instead taking a focus on … Read more

Cultural Appropriation Essay

“Cultural appropriation is a sociological concept which views the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon. ” Fashion has always crossed boundaries, in the case of cultural appropriation has it gone too far? Although cultural appropriation can sound like a simple concept at … Read more

Social Work Field Observation Report Essay

In my exploration of different populations in the social work field, I interned at San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) in order to learn more about the population diagnosed with developmental disabilities. I received insight into the dynamics of caring for people with autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other conditions of the like and learned … Read more

Social Constructionism In Sociology Essay

Social constructionism is a core concept in sociology, so strongly integrated in every society globally, that it has affected the way we all think. Social constructionism displays the fact that the social world is not natural, it is not revealed, and it’s not even fully determined. It is completely made up by people, who also … Read more

Essay about Social Construction Of Reality

According to C. W. Mills, “social imagination is an awareness of the relationship between a person’s behavior and experience and the wider culture that shaped the person’s choices and perceptions. It’s a way of seeing our own and other people’s behavior in relationship to history and social structure (1959)” (OpenStax College, 2015, p. 6). Sociological … Read more

Lifetime Perspective On Human Development Essay

Lifetime perspective is human development that is determined by factors like genetics, socioeconomic status and the life of a person and how people do understand different aspects of life. In addition, lifetime is the period that ranges from conception to death. Several things that influence human development are socioeconomic, sex, heredity, nutritional and the hormones … Read more

Blue Collar Workers Essay

Currently in society, many individuals consider blue-collar workers unintelligent and uneducated. Blue-collar workers are seen in this perspective because of their hands on jobs in which many individuals assume that intelligence is not required. “Our cultural iconography promotes the muscled arm, sleeve rolled right against biceps, but no brightness behind the eye, no image that … Read more

Social Issues In Social Work Essay

Whilst a deep theoretical analysis of race, gender, class, sexuality and ability is needed to understand the roots and origins of societal issues today, equally important is taking that theory out of the classroom and into action based praxis. As an undergraduate student at Columbia in the fall of 2013. I cofounded the campaign for … Read more

Biological Analysis Of Criminal Behaviour Essay

The following assignment focuses upon the biological approach to criminal behaviour and sough to explain the notion of environmental and social influence on offenders. It is, however essential to investigate the theory of how biological analysis is effective in criminality. Also the impact on society and the minds of the offenders is worth examining. This … Read more

The True Believer Summary Essay

The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, is a sociology book written by Eric Hoffer in 1951. His book attempts to explain and analyze the motives of mass movements, how and why mass movements start, how they advance and the way they will end, and the similarities between all of them. Whether … Read more

Essay about Roles Of Interest Groups

Interest groups are a key aspect of American politics in the world today. An interest group is an organization of people with shared policy goals that enter the policy making process at several points to try and influence the policy. The development of interest groups has led to the creation of three theories used to … Read more

Essay On Nonviolent Resistance

There have been many forms of oppression throughout history. While many forms of oppression have been eradicated, many forms still exist in today’s society. Concerning the forms of oppression that have been eradicated, the question that comes to mind is how these forms of oppression were dealt with and what led to them being eradicated. … Read more

A Deour To Dis-Equilibrium Analysis Essay

The disequilibrium of greed portrayed in Kino’s imaginary story indicated that equilibrium is not only necessary at the lowers of social status, but also required in the economy and global market today. Jamie Woodwell, in her article about mortgage banking, titled, A Detour to Dis-Equilibrium, speaks about the global market saying, “When a shock hits … Read more

Marxist Theory Vs Conflict Theory Essay

Conflict/Marxist Theory -Vold distinguishes between Marxist and Conflict perspectives, and lumps “post-modern” perspectives in with Conflict. Explain the differences between these two “critical” views of crime, particularly on the issue of social power (be sure to include Sellin, Vold, Quinney, Black, Chambliss & Seidman). How does one go about “testing” conflict theory? What, according to … Read more

Social Influence On Conformity Essay

A norm is a set of rules based on socially or culturally shared beliefs of how an individual is “supposed to” behave. They regulate behaviour within a group. Conforming to group norms results in a positive and valued social identity and we receive the desired respect from others. Conformity is an indirect form of social … Read more