Women’s Bodies In Art

While flipping further into the novel, I noticed several different works of art depicting women’s bodies in many different forms and ways. Each work of art displays women with some degree of nudity, some more severe than others, and each tells its own story of women overall during that time period. Later in the book, … Read more

Arkteia At Brauron

Brauron’s strange and intriguing practices have always held a place of interest; however, through a close reading of the Bacchae, one cannot help but link the two as the maenads mirror the hounds of Artemis from a generation earlier that turned against Actaeon. For my research paper, I will explore the relationship between women in … Read more

Gender Inequality In The Insurance Industry Essay

Have you ever wondered if men and women who poses the same qualifications receive equal pay within the insurance industry? If so, do you believe that in the 21st century men still receive higher pay than women, even if a woman’s qualifications exceeds or are equal that of her male coworker? If you answered yes, … Read more

Patriarchy In Ancient China Essay

Human beings exhibit little reverence for the sanctity of their flesh. In our eternal quest for aesthetic perfection, bodies are twisted, molded, plucked and burned in order to live up to unobtainable ideals. Unfortunately, though human desires can be appeased, they are never satisfied, and beauty is no exception. To quote Legal Professor Deborah L. … Read more

Essay about Super Bowl Commercial Analysis

Unlike the “Like a Girl” commercial, Super bowl commercials reflect the sexuality of women. Super Bowl commercials can be described as the funniest, and most entertaining commercials of the year. However when looking into them they poke fun of women’s sexuality in various ways. The Doritos Super Bowl commercial presents the idea that the only … Read more

Injustice In Afghanistan Women Essay

The words in which Martin Luther king jr used to describe education are accurate in my eyes. Education itself is meant to provide a person with information as well as a variety of different ideas and perspectives of the world, which could be seen as the intelligence aspect described in the quote. From these ideas … Read more

Essay about Old Spice Ad Analysis

Old Spice, a very popular brand of male grooming products, is manufactured by Proctor and Gamble. Old Spice was originally founded in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz. Proctor and Gamble is a multinational consumer goods company located in Cincinnati Ohio, and took over Old Spice in the year of 1990 from Shulton Inc. Ever since … Read more