New York Times Ad Analysis Essay

The view is breathtaking. It’s nighttime in New York City: buildings are lit and sparkling, brightening the clear, purple-hued sky and reflecting in the otherwise dark water. On the right, a young man and woman are visible through a partitioned floor-to-ceiling window in a skyscraper they occupy. It is not the view of the city … Read more

New York City Schools Case Study

Nikole Hannah-Jones and her husband were facing one of the toughest decisions since they became parents; where would they send their 4-year old daughter to school in an intensely segregated New York City school system? The family lived in the predominantly low-income, black neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant and if their daughter attended the local public school, … Read more

Helen Jewett Murder Essay

The murder of Helen Jewett attracted a lot of attention, because it was about a well-educated woman and a young man both taking paths to get into trouble. The expansion of the newspapers made everyone know about the case from all across the United States. New people were coming into New York City which was … Read more

How The Other Half Lives Summary Essay

In 1890, Jacob Riis published a groundbreaking booked titled “How the Other Half Lives. ” Jacob Riis, a Danish immigrant, spent the majority of the 1880s collecting the information that would later go into his bestselling book. “How the Other Half Lives” provides a written and visual portrayal of the horrendous living conditions in many … Read more

Catcher In The Rye Essay Thesis

The novel starts out with Holden telling the reader the flashback of three days he spent alone in New York City last winter. He was kicked out of Pencey Prep, the latest in a long string of exclusive boarding schools, and wanted to leave the school before his parents found out. Before Holden leaves, he … Read more