Essay on Macbeth Costume Design

For my costume design project I decided to take regular Macbeth and put a Roman, Dark Ages spin on it. I chose this specific time and place because it personally interests me and I thought it would be an awesome concept to turn Macbeth from a knight to a Spartan warrior. The Dark Ages were … Read more

Sustainability In The Film The Grapes Of Wrath Essay

Grapes of Wrath Introduction Many organizational theories have been formulated, particularly touching on economic and social development. Sustainability is a vital element for all organizations that intend on having continuity in their core business activities. For organizations, sustainability efforts involve establishing mechanisms needed for carrying on and continuously enhancing the organizations activities while trying to … Read more

Personal Narrative: I M On A Rollercoaster Essay

Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars once spoke, “I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friend. ” At one point in my life, I found this quote to be totally insignificant. Now that I look back on my teenage years, I see it. The rollercoaster only went up from the point … Read more

Essay about Causes Of The Rwandan Genocide

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic killing of a racial, cultural or religious group. The Rwandan Genocide, which resulted in the mass murdering of over 800 000 Tutsi people, was one of the shortest but largest civil wars in earths history. Its cause, which is still debated about by historians today, has been a controversial … Read more

English Archery History Essay

The English Longbow was one of the deadliest tools on the planet. These bows were one of the main tools that made England one of the most powerful countries in the past. They used these longbows for many reasons. They could penetrate through steel plate armor, which made these bows effective against armored knights. The … Read more

False Memory Essay

Memory is fallible and malleable that can be changed and created a new experience or information. This fabricated or distorted remembering of an event is called a false memory, however, never occurred in reality. Inaccurate information and erroneous attribution sources of an original information causes to recollect entirely false events. Also, the false memory can … Read more

Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Have you ever wondered what the Earth would be like without the Amazon rainforest? The Amazon covers forty percent of South America and produces twenty percent of the Earth’s oxygen. It holds over ten million species of animals and over forty thousand different types of plants. This is the most biodiverse rainforest on the planet. … Read more

Respiratory Therapist: A Literature Review Essay

Andrew Bogenschutz Professor Rafaei ENGL 2089 Literature Review July 22, 2015 “Optimizing Utilization of the Respiratory Therapist” Traditionally the role of the respiratory therapist has been heavily dictated and rather limited by the physician’s orders. For seemingly as long a respiratory therapy has been a recognized medical discipline, therapist have had to endure working under … Read more

Family Dinner Overrated? Essay

According to an article in The New York Times titled Is the Family Dinner Overrated? Gray Matter points out how many studies have suggested that children who participate in family dinners tend to be “healthier, happier, do better in school and [will] engage in fewer risky behaviors… ” (Matter). However, does having family dinners really … Read more

Essay On The Allegory Of The Cave

“The Republic”, Plato’s longest work, has many views about philosophy and characters within and there is one character that truly stands out and entices you to read on until the very end; that was Socrates. Socrates was a mentor and a friend of Plato’s and in Plato’s eyes, he was a great and wise Philosopher … Read more

Standardized Language In Nursing Essay

The Standardized Language of the nursing practice (SNL) is an effective communication process that delimits professional nursing practice (Rutherford, 2008). The standardized language made contributions for the current care to another nurses, health care providers, and others members of the multidisciplinary health care team (Rutherford, 2008). This language was standardized with a purpose of the … Read more

Film Analysis: The Empire Strikes Back Essay

In the film, The Empire Strikes Back, Luke unconsciously follows in his father’s footsteps by being corrupted by anger and impatience in his training with Yoda, his encounter with his own soul in the cave on Dagobah, and in his showdown with Darth Vader in the carbon freezing chamber in Cloud City. First, Luke subconsciously … Read more

Relational Dialectic Theory Research Paper

It is unlikely for a relationship to exist in the absence of communication. Without this connection, individuals cannot share ideas. All interactions will be useless. While attraction leads to fondness, it is how people interact that glues them together. So, although means and forms and communication differ, the principles are constant. An understanding of communication … Read more

On Photography Susan Sontag Analysis Essay

With the touch of a single click a picture is taken and forever revitalized. Photography takes the essence of memory and seals it into the history of those involved in the process. Susan Sontag’s didactic text “On Photography” digs deep into the meaning of photography and claims that it has unlimited power within modern society. … Read more

Gender Roles In Today’s Society Essay

Gender Roles in Today’s Society Today’s society many of us will see how gender becomes an issue. Women and men are put into a box of stereotypes causing everyone to wonder. Women have had a lasting effect on this, being view as only defenseless women and also race can be a problem. Men are also … Read more

9/11 Analysis Essay

1. The strong point of the movie is that it shows the parallel worlds of Lana and her uncle Paul. They both are people who try to help the world be a better place and they both end up in horrible situations in two very important cities in the United States. Lana is in Los … Read more

Narrative Essay On Basketball Game

It all came down to this. The seniors had been honored, tears were shed, and the fans were ecstatic! Our district rival, St. John of Plaquemine had the ball with just over two seconds on the clock. Our small forward, Dustin Blanchard, who also happened to be one of the two seniors honored that night, … Read more

Dynamic Character In Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth Essay

In Pearl Buck’s, The Good Earth, more dynamic characters come into play throughout the book. O-lan takes the role of an obedient yet strong-minded housewife who was a former slave and is now controlled by her husband, Wang Lung. In this position she doesn’t have much of a choice in her actions or decisions and … Read more

Essay about Theme Of Isolation In Jane Eyre

There are two types of isolation, mental isolation and physical isolation. Physical isolation is when someone is separated from a group of people, while mental isolation is when someone feels alone even if they have people around them. Physical isolation can lead to mental isolation (Isolation). The theme of physical and mental isolation is shown … Read more

My Hero’s Short Story: Awaken Essay

Chapter 1 Awaken My name’s Michael and this is my story. This all started when I went to sleep in my home in New York. I had a dad, my mom had disappeared when I was five. Life was great until I turned 15. This is the year when my worst nightmare began. I was … Read more

Gabriel José García Márquez

Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1928 in Aracataca, a town in Northern Colombia, where he was raised by his maternal grandparents in a house filled with countless aunts and the rumors of ghosts. But in order to get a better grasp on Garcia Marquez’s life, it helps to understand something first … Read more

Botticelli’s Spring

The renaissance was a time of wonderful art, though one artist in particular stood out, that was Sandro Botticelli. This man created some of the most renowned pieces of art in European history; one great painting was Allegory of Spring. This mythological artwork was an amazing change from the normalcy of past times. Botticellis Allegory … Read more

Megans Law

When people think of their neighbors, do they think of violent sex crime offenders? Many people have to deal with this every day of life. There are now laws that inform people of a community when a sex crime offender moves into their town. These laws are said to keep violent sex crime offenders from … Read more

Steroids and Performance Enhancing Steroids

I have chosen to write my paper on the topic of steroids and performance enhancing substances that are used today in sports. In this paper I hope to focus on the steroids and performance enhancing drugs and how they have become a problem in sports. An anabolic steroid is a substance that is related to … Read more

The pollution and misuse of our water

I have chosen to write my paper on the effects that we have on our most important resource, water. The article I chose to go along with my paper was out of The Detroit News 5-24-00. The article discussed the problems that Metro Detroit has had with their outbreaks of e. coli in many of … Read more

Bejamin Franklin – A Life Of A Great Man

During the period after America’s “birth” there were many incredible people but none more so than Benjamin Franklin. Ben is considered one of America’s greatest citizens. He accomplished many things in his lifetime; he was a scientist, an inventor, a politician, a printer, a philosopher, a musician, and an economist. In the 1700s, a scientist … Read more

Diversity in the workplace

Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation’s work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while … Read more

Abolition Of Man

Every culture ever known has operated under a system of values. Many varied on exact principles, but most applied the idea of Natural Law. Or, as C. S. Lewis would refer to it in his Abolition of Man, the Tao. In this particular book Lewis discusses the implications that would follow could man overcome this … Read more

On The Need For Normative Ethics: A Study Of Subjectivist Thought

Subjectivist thought rests on the idea that morality is a function of one’s individual emotions, and that is all. The strength of Emotivism over other avenues of Subjectivism lies in its awareness of the other purposes of language. Rather than statements designed to convey information, Emotivism relies on utterances that can be deemed neither true … Read more

Deon Sanders

Deion Sanders is an American professional football and baseball player. He is one of the few athletes in history to succeed in two professional sports. Deion Luwynn Sanders was born on August 9, 1967 in Fort Meyers, Florida, where he grew up with his mother and stepfather. His parents got divorced when he was really … Read more

Amazing Grace: The Journey of an Unforgettable Hymn

How does a hymn become so universal? Where does it gain its ability to be transformed into almost every style of music known to man? The hymn Amazing Grace is such a hymn. Its existence has been marked by evolutions upon evolution in its use, but has always remained the same in its meaning and … Read more

Water Resources

This chapter presents a sampling of programs throughout the Nation that use one or more water conservation and use efficiency practices. It is important to note that the information in the table and in the examples is provided to illustrate the water savings that can be achieved by using a conservation and use efficiency practice … Read more

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley was born in 1894, and died in 1963. He first went to Eton, and then to Oxford. He was a brilliant man, and became a succesful writer of short stories in the twenties and thirties. He also wrote essays and novels, like ‘Brave New World’. The first novels he wrote were comments on … Read more

Evolution Of Technology

As every day passes we are become more and more a globalized society. With this ongoing cycle we come across a vast multitude of impasses. One of the main ideas leading toward this “global paradox” is the concept of global mindset. In this paper we will discuss all of the aspects of the global mindset: … Read more

The Yellow Wallpaper Response

In The Yellow Wallpaper, originally published in 1899, Charlotte Gilman presents the internal dialogue of a woman diagnosed with “hysteria” and for whom total rest has been prescribed. In the short story, the patient is slowly driven mad by her cure, prescribed by her physician husband, and is cut off from any intellectual pursuits whatsoever. … Read more

What Is A Hero?

When one thinks of heroes, names such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa often come to mind. These individuals have all helped society tremendously through their determination and unselfish deeds. However, we may not notice some of societys other heroes. One such heroic person that comes to my mind is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Many … Read more

The X Files: Summary

Scully and Mulder are two FBI agents that were sent to investigate murders that took place in a New Mexico town, just out side of an Indian reservation. The murders were first discovered when a lady, Annie Hatch, found two tourists bodies while she was ridding her horse. The bodies were laying next to a … Read more

Creatine and Ephedrine

When I think of Creatine I don’t think of a body building supplement I think of an aid to recuperation. Like an aspirin you take if you have a headache, an athlete takes Creatine if they have chronic sore muscles from continuously working out. Creatine is a compound that can be made in our body. … Read more

Womens Rights In The French Revolution

Many women were involved in the uncertainty of womens rights during the French Revolution between the years of 1789 and 1804. Exploration of the unfolding struggles of France managed to turn my head in the direction of womans rights more than once in my discovery. Perhaps because of the persistence of the women during this … Read more