Why Is Standardized Testing Ineffective Essay

Imagine something that makes hundreds- no, thousands- of people miserable each year. Something that wastes billions of dollars. Something that decides the future of a child in one day. Sadly, such a thing exists. It is called standardized testing. Not only is it ineffective, it also hurts many different people in many different ways. First … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

Standardized testing has been a growing controversial topic in America for several years. Should students be forced to take standardized test? Should teachers’ pay be based on those test results? How much preparation should be done for the test? Are students taking to many standardized tests? These are only some of the questions that have … Read more

Argument Against Standardized Testing Research Essay

Standardized tests have become a recent controversial topic across the nation. Americans strive for a great education system, but fail to realize that testing is the main issue. They are believed to be a simple way to evaluate students from all different areas. However, there are countless faults that cannot show truly show students’ ability. … Read more

Essay about Standardized Testing Advantages

Today, we face an ever looming issue; how do we accurately assess educational progress, but not detract from the learning experience? The age old method for measuring students’ academic abilities has always been standardized testing. However, standardized testing only proves education is lacking, revealing generally poor performance across the board. Standardized testing undermines the education … Read more