The Last Question Of The Egg Essay

The Egg, by Andy Weir takes place in second and first person pronouns – it is a dialogue between “I” and “You”, with the reader being “you” in this short anecdote. It starts off with the “I” speaker, of the story, talking to us – the reader, that we have died in a car accident. … Read more

How Does Henry Lawson Use Figurative Language Essay

“Distinctively visual texts use figurative language and other language devices to engage the responder and invite him/her to explore different places and experiences. ” Discuss the construction of images in relation to two of the short stories, which you have studied, and one related text. Distinctively visual texts are often used by composers to evoke … Read more

Good Country People Good Vs Evil Essay

When reading any work of fiction, it is highly important to consider what the themes of that particular story might be. The theme expresses the main purpose of the fictional work to the audience and essentially has some type of meaning. Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Flannery O’Conner both demonstrate in their works, “A Very Old … Read more

Poetic Devices In David Sedaris Us And Them Essay

In the section I selected from ‘Us and Them,’ the author, David Sedaris, uses a plethora of literary devices to comedically depict a mundane conversation and a boy’s mother’s reaction to it. The conversation depicted in the passage, and its following few lines, are perfect representations of the flow of feelings produced by uncomfortable conversation. … Read more

Essay about The Things They Carried: A Literary Analysis

Tim O’Brien’s short story “The Things They Carried” is set in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and describes a soldier’s burden by listing what they carried and portraying scenes in a war. Critics have debated over the classification of O’Brien’s story. The major dispute is over whether “The Things They Carried” is appropriately classified as … Read more

Hatchet Symbolism Essay

Authors shape their texts using a range of narrative techniques and conventions designed to influence readers into engaging with the characters and action of their stories, and encourage readers to welcome their ideas, values and attitudes. In the novel Hatchet, author Gary Paulsen demonstrates three heavy themes to readers; the initiation into manhood; man and … Read more

The Swimmer John Cheever Analysis Essay

Life is full of incredulous and horrendous surprises. Mistakes are natural in human nature; humans can better themselves by facing and accepting their mistakes. In the short story “The Swimmer” by John Cheever, Ned Merrill swims through his neighbors’ pools to get home. This short story has a variety of symbolism that connects to the … Read more

Cecelia Everhart: A Narrative Fiction Essay

Cecelia Everhart was a raven haired beauty who was quite dull and vain. Seated next to her was her husband, Charles, a rather tiny fellow. Weak and unintimidating, he gave off the feeling of a rather poor man; however he was rather malapert and therefore quite rude. Their daughter was an exact replica of her … Read more

Essay on Gray Skies Tomorrow Book Report

Mexican author, Silvia Molina, writes the novel, Gray Skies Tomorrow, a narrative of a young Mexican girl who travels to London to attend Oxford University and her life there within a two-year span. Although not exactly an autobiography, the author writes first-person and describes events in her life as well as fictional events as she … Read more

Oryx And Crake Analysis Essay

Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake follows the life of Jimmy/Snowman in a grim world of the not-so-distant future. The novel is a speculative look at the path Atwood believes our society is headed down. It features issues such as genetic engineering, global warming, food insecurity, and even child trafficking. A common element amongst these … Read more

Ricky Suspense Analysis Essay

I’m particularly impressed with your pacing, which is the most important aspect of creating suspense in a script. You have the innate ability to utilize the ‘slow reveal in your writing, which is a trait that is hard to teach and difficult to master. Instead of giving your audience all the facts from the outset, … Read more

Through The Tunnel Analysis Essay

Max Lerner once said “The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. ” Doris Lessing illustrates this point in her short story, “Through the Tunnel. ” In the short story, Jerry, a young, English boy, finds himself by overcoming the … Read more

Essay on Tomcat In Love

“The goal, I suppose, any fiction writer has, no matter what your subject, is to hit the human heart and the tear ducts and the nape of the neck and to make a person feel something about the characters are going through and to experience the moral paradoxes and struggles of being human”(Tim O’Brien). This … Read more

Analysis: How Do Stories Shape Humanity Essay

How Do Stories Shape Humanity? “Novels and stories are renderings of life; they can not only keep us company, but admonish us, point us in new directions, or give us courage to stay a given course. ” (Robert Coles). We as humans, all love a good story; whether we are watching a movie, listening to … Read more

Amelia From The Magpies Analysis Essay

“Because there’d been this other person, a person who would have never joined a club or chased a girl who didn’t want to get caught. Who never would have let herself get made a fool of. ” (McCreight, 318). This excerpt captures the feelings of Amelia, the protagonist, as she struggles to find her identity … Read more

Escape Timeline Paragraphs Essay

Timeline Paragraphs Event #1, titled: ‘Deciding to Escape’, is the most important event in the story. This event introduces the conflict and starts off the story. In ‘Deciding to Escape’, we learn that Connor knows he is going to be unwound. Connor decides to run away with Ariana, but Ariana refuses the offer. Without the … Read more

Essay on To Build A Fire Character Analysis

Deepak Chopra once said, “The masculine energy was about survival. The male was the hunter who risked his life and had to be in the fight-flight mode. ” When pertaining to survival, the main character in “To Build a Fire” by Jack London failed to follow three main steps in Laurence Gonzales’ nonfiction trade book, … Read more

Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

Nabokov’s Lolita is a book that deals with obsessive lust and bloody violence, the real horrors of which are often masked by the beautiful, clever language of the novel. Indeed, Humbert’s early job as a perfume salesman mimics and evokes this masking and sweetening aspect of language. Sudden, horrible death occurs frequently in Lolita, but … Read more

Another Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Truman Capote wrote the novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s without a rhyme or a reason. He used real life characters possessing different names. It is stated that the narrator just might have been Truman himself during his early years in New York. It is clear that Mr. Capote does not believe in traditional values. He himself … Read more

Setting of Blood Meridian

Cormac McCarthy’s setting in Blood Meridian is a landscape of endless and diverse beauty. McCarthy highlights the surprising beauty of combinations of scrubby plants, jagged rock, and the fused auburn and crimson colors of the fiery wasteland that frame this nightmarish novel. Various descriptions, from the desolate to the scenic, feature McCarthy’s highly wrought, lyrical … Read more

Science fiction: gibberish or a glance at oneself?

Since the very rudiment of mankind humans have dreamed… Dreamed of understanding nature’s phenomena, dreamed of finding out the secrets of the infinite universe and dreamed of perception of their own place in its vast continuity. These dreams, passed orally through the lips of generations eventually took form of what we now call a myth. … Read more

Virginia Woolfs Vision

Almost sixty-five years have lapsed sinee Virginia Woolf spoke at Newnham and Girton colleges on the subject of women and fiction. Her remarkable words are preserved for future generations of women in A Room of One’s Own. This essay is the “first manifesto of the modern feminist movement” (Samuelson), and has been called “a notable … Read more