Pro Euthanasia Essay

The practice of euthanasia can be traced back to the darkest period in the twentieth century, the Holocaust. Hitler’s Aktion T4 program during the Second World War was created with the resolve to purge the Aryan race of congenital defects. Physicians ended the lives of some 100,000 persons across Nazi Europe. All of occupied countries, … Read more

The Importance Of Right-Time Administrations

In this paper, a meaningful clinical event, regarding delayed medications, is examined. The paper explores the importance of right-time administration and causative factors and preventative measures of wrong-time errors. As a final point, I describe how I would handle the scenario differently after learning strategies to reduce late medication administrations, thus reducing patient harm. Look … Read more

Cbt Vs Schizophrenic Theory

The results of the study were that those who used CBT had more reduction in their Schizophrenic symptoms than the BF intervention. This may be due to a variety of influential factors. For example, the “therapists” (nurses) may have been more experienced in their field of nursing than BF; however, they both received training prior … Read more

Technical Development Office VII Essay

The whole ordeal lasted only a good ten minutes. When it was all over, one of the turrets was fried by a laser beam from one of the Adelburgers. The other had the barrel of one of its twin mounted Buzzsaws overheated, before it disabled due to sustaining heavy damage. Once the guns were silenced, … Read more

Dentist Autonomy Essay

Low levels of dental anxiety can arise from a loss of control and helplessness as a patient. Dentists should provide preparatory information about procedures that need to be done but also include their patients in decision-making. This is very important in one’s dental career because it allows patients to express their right in accepting or … Read more

Annotated Bibliography Summary Essay

Annotated Bibliography: Patients with Opioid Induced Constipation Resolved with Supplements or Suppositories Lionell H. Edwards Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 500 Foundational Concepts and Application Annotated Bibliography: Patients with Opioid Induced Constipation Resolved with Supplements or Suppositories Na, J. , Oh, K. , Park, S. , Bae, D. , Choi, E. J. , Jung, M. … Read more

Health And Social Care Reflection Essay

Step 1 Thave been asked to compare and contrast my own definitions of health and illness compared to the definitions I would provide for a group of low socio-economic people living with a disability. I was told to use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1998), for this exercise. I decided to focus on Indigenous Australians living … Read more

Occupational Therapy Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

A SWOT analysis within health care can allow organisations, programs and individuals to determine both internal and external factors that influence a practice either positively or negatively, in terms of identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (Minnesota Dept. of Health 2016). Strengths Strengths are internal factors that assist or contribute to achieving a particular goal … Read more

Essay about Occupational Therapy (COTA)

Occupational Therapy, which is a form of therapy that is used for patients to recuperate from a mental or physical illness that rehabilitates them to perform activities needed in day to day life, and is the best career to pursue for natural people lovers. It offers several job benefits that your typical full time job … Read more

Health Information Exchange Model Essay

An HIE is a Health Information Exchange in which various health information for patients can be stored and viewed electronically by various participants depending on the model used. Participants include patients, physicians, insurance companies, and other users authorized to view a patient’s information. There are three basic models of HIE: centralized, decentralized, and hybrid. A … Read more

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Essay

Evenings, weekends or overnight (Diagnostic Medical). Although hospitals continue to be the leading employer for diagnostic medical sonographers, work is expected to increase in physicians’ offices, and in medical and diagnostic laboratories (Diagnostic Medical). Responsibilities in Job Sonographers follow orders given by a doctor or radiologist (Romanosky). By answering questions and collecting a patient’s history … Read more

Patient Case Study Essay

The case study (HCCC v Jarrett, NSWNMPSC, 2013) explains the enquiry made into the role and activities of registered nurse [RN] Janelle Jarrett in respect to the care of a patient during a night shift from 30th September 2011 to 1st October 2011. RN Jarrett was rostered as the Hospital in Charge [HIC] and Nurse … Read more

Karen Quinlan Case Summary Essay

Case: The Matter of Karen Quinlan, (1976). Facts: A 911 dispatch call was received late on the night of April 15, 1975 by the Sussex County, New Jersey police. The call placed by friends of Karen Quinlan stated that she had “collapsed and then stopped breathing”, it was reported to physicians that Karen was apneic … Read more

Dr Jane Beringer Case Summary Research Paper

The eager research subject one Dr. Jane Beringer’s background raises key concerns for the Institutional Review Board members either to vote for or against. Top on the consideration points are the factors that might have lead and influenced her to offer herself as a subject for the research. Importantly, it is crucial to note that … Read more

Jills Medication Essay

1. Identify the lapses in care that occurred throughout the case and led to Jill’s medication crisis. Which of these lapses occurred as a result of an individual-level (provider) failure? Which were system-level failures? Throughout the Jill’s experience, there was many lapses between the health care team in regards to filling her prescription. First, Dr. … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Life As A Nurse Essay

Hello everyone, My name is John Santiesteban and I’m currently a nurse. I am attending this class in order for me to achieve my masters in nursing. My enthusiasm for nursing first took root and flourished after losing my father. My father became very ill and needed medical care. When I saw that my father … Read more

Essay On I Want To Be A Paramedic

There was always a desire in me to opt for a profession in which I could contribute to the society and help the people in need. What better way to do this than to be a paramedic who tirelessly works to aid people in distress. On joining this profession, one must learn to apply theoretical … Read more

Pain Assessment Literature Review Essay

Literature Review on Pain Assessment The purpose of this review was to outline and evaluate pain assessment techniques and tools commonly used in the postoperative recovery room to assist in pain management. Problem Identification and Evidence Pain after surgery is stressful to patients and is a major problem in post anesthesia care unit (PACU). Recent … Read more

The Importance Of Comorbidity Essay

What is Comorbidity? Comorbidity can be defined most generally as the co-occurrence of two or more mental or physical disorders together. This is one of the critical issues while examining the patient and became an important topic of research to understand the effects in detail. Comorbid indicates existence of different medical conditions within the patient … Read more

Essay about Critical Appraisal In Nursing Research

Assessment 4 Critical Appraisal Critical appraisal article on “Quality nursing care in the words of nurses” Burhans & Alligood (2010) Journal of advance nursing 66(8). This part will be short description of author’s qualifications, abstract, literature review, which methods was used to reveal answer for the research questions, findings on six essential themes, discussion on … Read more

Four Stages Of APIE In Nursing Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the problem solving process by the four stages of APIE, and explaining their importance to nursing. Also finding out the possible problems that may occur within these stages, in relation to the video clips of Joe. Each part of the APIE process will be analysed and explore … Read more

Effective Communication In Pediatric Children Essay

workers to understand the nature and the severity of child, congruently, it would be difficult to relieve the discomfort effectively and safely. However, The American Pain Society (Sept. 2001, vol. 8) argued it is important to be sure that children ages between 3 and 7 years, are competent enough to provide information in reporting of … Read more

Chronic Care Assignment Essay

I declare that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted in any form for another unit, degree or diploma at any university or other institutes of tertiary education. Information derived from the published or unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and list of references is given. I … Read more

Hypertension Case Summary Essay

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Leg pain upon exertion HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Pat Donelson is a 67-year-old female who presented today with complaints of pain in her left lower calf. The pain started about 3-4 months ago as an “aching/cramping” pain that she described as mild in nature. She noticed the pain while walking and with adequate … Read more

Standardized Language In Nursing Essay

The Standardized Language of the nursing practice (SNL) is an effective communication process that delimits professional nursing practice (Rutherford, 2008). The standardized language made contributions for the current care to another nurses, health care providers, and others members of the multidisciplinary health care team (Rutherford, 2008). This language was standardized with a purpose of the … Read more

Ethical Dilemmas In Massage Therapy Essay

In the profession and practice of alternative healing and massage therapy, therapists are often faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. I am currently working as a certified massage therapist and holistic health practitioner. I have every intention on using my degree to broaden myself and immerse myself further up the chain of massage … Read more

Essay On Turn Around Time

There is a severe problem on the night shift and there have been complaints about the delays in the turn-around time of the specimens from the operating room. On the night shift, there is one specimen accessioner and one supervisor and a person in each of different departments. There are hematology-coagulation, chemistry, blood bank and … Read more

Essay about Light Duty Case Study

Q 1. ) What should you do in response to Eric’s request for “light duty”? Would you grant his request? Why/Why not? Please be specific about the factors you would consider and the potential solutions. The first step in considering if Eric is entitled to a light duty accommodation would be to understand if he … Read more

Patient Interview Reflection Essay

According to Fruth (2014), “the initial patient interview, also known as the health history or the subjective history, is undeniably the most important component of the patient examination” (p. 12). This initial interview acts as a base on which the therapist can perform physical examination and subsequently plan the intervention (Fruth, 2014, p. 12). Being … Read more

Respiratory Therapist: A Literature Review Essay

Andrew Bogenschutz Professor Rafaei ENGL 2089 Literature Review July 22, 2015 “Optimizing Utilization of the Respiratory Therapist” Traditionally the role of the respiratory therapist has been heavily dictated and rather limited by the physician’s orders. For seemingly as long a respiratory therapy has been a recognized medical discipline, therapist have had to endure working under … Read more