Feed My Sheep Research Paper

Today was a fast pace day for Feed My Sheep. I was the only person available to work in the counseling department of the facility, so I felt a little overwhelmed. The other two staff member didn’t show up because they both had a family emergency they needed to address. Today started out like any … Read more

Cbt Vs Schizophrenic Theory

The results of the study were that those who used CBT had more reduction in their Schizophrenic symptoms than the BF intervention. This may be due to a variety of influential factors. For example, the “therapists” (nurses) may have been more experienced in their field of nursing than BF; however, they both received training prior … Read more

Vasopressin And Social Behavior

Based on research articles read thus far, there is a linkage between vasopressin and oxytocin and social behavior, and there is also a linkage between early life/ prenatal stress and vasopressin and oxytocin receptor densities in the brains of rodents. Stress is defined as the brain’s response to any demand and can be triggered by … Read more

Call Me Joe Reflective Model Essay

The aim of this assignment is to reflect upon The Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) video safeguarding vulnerable adults 1 & 2; Call Me Joe (NMC, 2010). I will be using Rolfe et. al’s (2001) reflective model ‘What, So What, and Now What’ to facilitate this reflection and to identify key areas of concern around … Read more

Kappa Gamma Case Study Essay

Upon assessing the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house at the University of Iowa, it was determined that stress management and time management were the top two health concerns for the girls that lived in the sorority house. This was determined by using the Checklist of Health Promotion at Worksites survey (CHEW) and a Needs and … Read more

Jills Medication Essay

1. Identify the lapses in care that occurred throughout the case and led to Jill’s medication crisis. Which of these lapses occurred as a result of an individual-level (provider) failure? Which were system-level failures? Throughout the Jill’s experience, there was many lapses between the health care team in regards to filling her prescription. First, Dr. … Read more

Patient Shadowing Case Study Essay

During the shadowing of an LPN’s normal workday, what roles/ job expectations did the nurse fulfill? The nurse delegated tasks to aides which was expected. Two patients asked the nurse if she could help them change their brief and the nurse was busy in a med pass and told the patient that she would get … Read more

Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Essay

People have always wondered who are the people that take care of family or friends while they are sick? Many people think that the doctors take care of the patients their whole stay but that is not true, behind the scenes the nurse practitioners take care of the patients. Nurse practitioners have a very difficult … Read more

Patient Case Study Essay

The case study (HCCC v Jarrett, NSWNMPSC, 2013) explains the enquiry made into the role and activities of registered nurse [RN] Janelle Jarrett in respect to the care of a patient during a night shift from 30th September 2011 to 1st October 2011. RN Jarrett was rostered as the Hospital in Charge [HIC] and Nurse … Read more

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Essay

For the last three years, I have had the honor to serve as a staff RN at UT Southwestern Medical Center within the Medical Intensive Care Unit. Over the years, I can honestly say that from my experiences, my philosophy in regards to nursing has grown. I truly believe that individuals health needs should be … Read more

Metaparadigm Of Nursing Essay

Nursing has various definitions depending on every culture and generation from around the world. In my opinion, I defined nursing as a healthcare profession, which focuses on the care of people, their families, and communities to achieve an overall goal of relative health and quality of life throughout life. From this worldview I can define … Read more

Congestive Heart Failure Essay

Scientific evidence reinforces the influence of supportive family relationships and correlates family support with positive patient outcomes. Alternatively, chronic disease is not only a stressor for the patient, but also for the family. This fact requires that nursing provide interventions to the family as well as the patient to ensure positive health and well being. … Read more

Ethical Issues In Nursing Leadership Essay

Nursing Leader and Issues in Healthcare The task of maintaining client and staff satisfaction is a vast challenge that nurse leaders face in all fields of expertise. Nurse leaders work with staff who share a common goal of returning clients to their optimum health. Leadership is being proficient in providing guidance toward chosen ambitions and … Read more

Standardized Language In Nursing Essay

The Standardized Language of the nursing practice (SNL) is an effective communication process that delimits professional nursing practice (Rutherford, 2008). The standardized language made contributions for the current care to another nurses, health care providers, and others members of the multidisciplinary health care team (Rutherford, 2008). This language was standardized with a purpose of the … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Life As A Nurse Essay

Hello everyone, My name is John Santiesteban and I’m currently a nurse. I am attending this class in order for me to achieve my masters in nursing. My enthusiasm for nursing first took root and flourished after losing my father. My father became very ill and needed medical care. When I saw that my father … Read more

Essay about Critical Appraisal In Nursing Research

Assessment 4 Critical Appraisal Critical appraisal article on “Quality nursing care in the words of nurses” Burhans & Alligood (2010) Journal of advance nursing 66(8). This part will be short description of author’s qualifications, abstract, literature review, which methods was used to reveal answer for the research questions, findings on six essential themes, discussion on … Read more

Ethical Dilemmas In Massage Therapy Essay

In the profession and practice of alternative healing and massage therapy, therapists are often faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. I am currently working as a certified massage therapist and holistic health practitioner. I have every intention on using my degree to broaden myself and immerse myself further up the chain of massage … Read more

Role Of Cns In Nursing Essay

New Permutations of Longstanding Nursing Commitments. My interpretation is that advance practice nursing and nursing has been around for many decades, and CNMS, CRNAs, CNSS, and NPs are just another way of expressing and demonstrating nursing care. Nursing has been delivered for many decades now. APRNS is an advancement in knowledge and skills and still … Read more

The Theory of Planned Behaviour

Last year, for the first time ever, the developed countries of the world had more people aged 60 and over than youths aged 14 and under. For the world as a whole, the same will be true by the year 2043. The percentage proportion of older people in Western Europe is predicted to increase by … Read more

The Johnson Behavioral System (JBS) Model

In this paper, I am going to summarize the Johnson Behavioral System (JBS) Model (Johnson, 1980, 1990), explain the perspectives for nursing practice, and explore its applicability in nursing practice. First, I am going to talk a little about Dorothy E. Johnson the nurse that wrote the Model. Dorothy E. Johnson was born August 21, … Read more

Upholders and health educators for patients

Upholders and health educators for patients, families, and communities, I did my report on Registered Nurses. There are all sorts of fields one could go into. For example, you have hospital, office, home health, nursing home, public health, occupational health nurses, supervisors, nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses such as clinical nurse specialists, certified … Read more

Analysis and Evaluation of Jean Watsons Theory of Caring

Since its establishment as a profession more than a century ago, Nursing has been a source for numerous debates related to its course, methods and development of nursing knowledge. Many nursing definitions and theories have evolved over time. Furthermore it is in a constant process of been redefined. The purpose of this paper is an … Read more