Julia Davis Play Critique

Another winner of the National Youth Arts Artist of the Year Award, Julia Davis is a staple at the Musical Theatre of Anthem. Some of her favorite roles in the past couple of years have been Cosette in Les Miserables, Jellylorum/Griddlebone in CATS, Cinderella in Into The Woods, Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor … Read more

Loyalty In Odysseus And Argos Essay

Loyalty is the foundation for any type of relationship– relying on one another to have faith in the other person. When that faith dwindles is when their true devotion is tested. Both “Argus” by Alexander Pope and Argos Recognizes Odysseus by Theodoor Van Thulden use Odysseus coming home from war to a welcoming greeting from … Read more

The Things They Carried Away Analysis Essay

The “Things they carried away” is a story which is about the physical and emotional pain that a soldier carry during a war. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is the main character of the story who is a weak soldier who does not want to be in the war, however, he could not withdraw because soldiers were … Read more

Essay about Sister James Doubt

Sister James, a nun in her twenties, consistently deals with multiple problems in the play Doubt: A Parable by John Shanley. She is at the heart of the focal conflict in the play, but deals with personal conflicts. She is extremely impressionable and makes the audience aware of her uncertainty throughout the play, rather than … Read more

Much Ado About Nothing Honor Quotes Essay

Honor Honor is a constant subject in this play. Don John planned for Hero to be publicly humiliated at her wedding. Hero’s honor is crushed in the aftermath of that event. Claudio’s honor would be destroyed if he married an unfaithful woman. Another example would be Benedick’s argument for why he will never get married/fall … Read more

Ines De La Cruz Essay

The film start with the new viceroy and the new archbishopric talking about how to govern New Spain (Mexico), that they should try to work together unlike in Spain. They also say that it’s their duty to make sure New Spain is saved. However plans never really go as planned specially in this film. Then … Read more

Zora Neal Hurston Color Struck Colorism Essay

Colorism can be defined as the discrimination or prejudice against individuals with a darker skin tone and usually occurs within people of the same ethnicity and race. Color Struck is not only the title of one of Zora Neal Hurston’s popular works, it is a term used by African Americans who believe that lighter skin, … Read more

Essay on What Saves Us Poem Analysis

What Saves Us and The Way of Tet by Bruce Weigl are two poems that find the small pockets of beauty in war amidst all of its’ ugliness and elaborates on that beauty with Weigl’s powerful and eye opening writing techniques. Weigl writes with painstaking care and every syllable, adjective, and break is surgically placed … Read more

Emotions In The Sisters Brothers Essay

Emotions are very powerful qualities of humans and often create big impacts on one’s decisions and actions. In the novel The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt, the main character Eli begins to understand this idea after he meets the lobby lady at a hotel and falls in love. After experiencing this love for the first … Read more

Allegory In Young Goodman Brown Essay

Have you ever watched curiosity get the best of someone, or heard the age old saying curiosity killed the cat? In the story Young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates this perfectly by showing just what happens when you start to question those around you. Young Goodman Brown represents an allegory by using religious imagery, character … Read more

My Papa’s Waltz Poem Analysis Essay

“My Papa’s Waltz” is one of most popular contemporary poems written by Theodore Roethke. The poem was first published in 1942 by Heast Magazines, Inc. from The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke. It is a poem about a boy recalling a time with his father while they share a dance of waltz. This poem consists … Read more

This Kiss Song Analysis Essay

There are wires growing out of everyone’s ears. That is, to listen to music. Music is an infinite source, whether that source is for lifting up spirits, expressing underlying pain and anger, or just merely a distraction. Music from well-developed Broadway musicals to a series of beats at a party, it is something we all … Read more

Ivan Velikopolsky: Motivation For Success Essay

When a person concentrates on one single thought, a broader more important lesson might be missed. In “The Student,” Ivan Velikopolsky, a seminary student, tells the story of how Apostle Peter denied knowing Jesus three times the night before Jesus’ crucifixion. After telling this story to two widowers, he finds that the widowers are crying. … Read more

Essay on Fiddler On The Roof Analysis

Third Sunday of Easter Year C (Homily) 10/04/2016 Fiddler on the Roof is a musical by Sheldon Harnick which had 3000 Broadway performances. It is based on the book Tevye and his Daughters by Joseph Stein, set in Tsarist Russia in 1905. The story centres on Tevye, the father of five daughters who owned a … Read more

From Eden Poem Analysis Essay

Much like poetry, “Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. ” Music and poetry are two platforms in which artists from the beginning of time have chosen to circulate their ideas, feelings, and opinions. Although different in popularity, these mediums are alike in various ways. Nonetheless, not … Read more

Theme Of Laughter In Othello Essay

A revision of Shakespeare’s tragedies Othello and Romeo and Juliet, Ann-Marie MacDonald’s comedy Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) follows Constance Ledbelly, an assistant professor at Queen’s University, as she delves into the plots of the two plays, attempting to discern the possible influence of a Wise Fool on the texts, as well as embarking on … Read more

Flaws In The Interlopers Essay

Even people that appear perfect have character flaws. While not always fatal theses flaws are there. Many people in today’s society have been brought up to hide their imperfections. Hiding them always seems to be the answer. As a whole species we want to please other people because, humans are social creatures. Almost everyone growing … Read more

Mori Girl Research Paper

Sitting beneath a tree, eating toast with strawberries and drinking rose petal tea, a sweet girl takes a quiet moment to revel in the small wonders of the world before they pass her by. ~Welcome to the world of the Mori girls~ A community devoted to Mori-kei was founded in August 2006 on Mixi, a … Read more

500 Days Of Summer Analysis Essay

500 days of summer, a romantic comedy, written by Scott Neustadter and Michael h weber, puts us in the life of a man named Tom Hansen in his mid-twenties, who meets a girl named summer Finn, who he believes is the love of his life. during their time together she gets him out of his … Read more

A Rose For Emily Loneliness Analysis Essay

Death is an inevitable process of life, when a significant other is lost it can cause a traumatic disruption in the way someone continues living their life. When someone neglects change the feelings of being isolated, may be resulted by self-imposed thoughts of not belonging with society or by being rejected by others leading to … Read more

Descriptive Essay: Jaguar Pride

One cool, September afternoon, I stood in a hotel parking lot with 200 of my closest friends, in an unfamiliar state. Charter buses sat in the background with window paint announcing our arrival in a loud, “JAGUAR PRIDE! ” The sun rose on the horizon, scattering blues and pinks across our faces. We were divided … Read more

Theme In Numbers Essay

The theme of Numbers by Rachel Ward is that behavior, feelings and trust are hugely influenced by others. Ward uses character dialogue to reveal the theme throughout the story. From the beginning to the end of the book, Jem evolved into a completely different person. On their first encounter, Jem and Spider were having a … Read more

Marigold Hotel: Movie Analysis Essay

In the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, the changes in the environment effected each character in its own way, but their changes also play a role in the lives of the surrounding characters as well. The movie is about seven individuals who decided to leave England to enjoy their retirement in India, at “The … Read more

Taming Of The Shrew Character Analysis Essay

There is true love and there is lust. Love is an intense feeling of deep affection while lust is a very strong sexual desire in which one does not truly care for another. The characters in both the play and the movie explore and experience these feelings along with character traits such as kindness, selfishness, … Read more

The 400 Blows Film Analysis Essay

The debut film of Francois Truffaut, The 400 Blows is worldrenowned for being the epitome of the French New Wave movement. Following the award for best director at the 1959 Cannes festival, Truffaut’s The 400 Blows entered theatres of all nations ranging from its domestic French theatres to the foreign theatres such as in the … Read more

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Character Analysis Essay

What was the relationship between Brick, Maggie, and Skipper? Brick is caught in the middle of a former love triangle in the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Maggie is Brick’s wife and Skipper is Brick’s former lover. Brick can not stand Maggie and is very unhappy with her. I believe that Maggie is … Read more

The Cheater’s Guide To Love Analysis Essay

Some say love makes the world go around. The most evident theme in a majority of stories is love in all its beauty, along with its shortcomings. “The Cheater’s Guide To Love” features a main character that struggles with finding love again after ruining his first. Similar, in “Love is Blind and Deaf,” the couple, … Read more

Essay about The Wife Of Bath Literary Analysis

1.The story opens with a description of the transition of the spring season. The weather becomes warmer, the birds come out to sing, and flowers reopen themselves up to the world. April showers bring the greenery back to life. This can also be said about the humans excited for tolerable weather. By celebrating the vitality … Read more

Theme Of Individualism In Frankenstein Essay

After a certain period of time passes, the creature mentions his strong desire for love. He eventually approaches the cottagers he was watching and the only person home was the blind father. The blind man accepts him into his house and displays a glimpse of love to the monster. On the other hand, Frankenstein was … Read more

Wickedness: How Do People Become Evil? Essay

Big Question: How do people become evil? “Are people born wicked? Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them? ” Last summer I went to go see the musical Wicked. This question was asked at the beginning of the musical but it never gave a direct answer. I believe that wickedness is thrust upon people … Read more

Essay on Imagery In Those Winter Sundays

Poetry is a collection of words that tell stories, paint pictures and stir up emotions. Poems can be interpreted differently by each reader. Some find a particular poem to have a specific meaning, while another could find a completely opposite meaning. Poems often use imagery and simile or metaphors to illustrate an idea, thought or … Read more

Greed Theme Essay

Over the decades, humanity has changed a substantial amount on several different aspects. Although many things have changed, the recurring themes of human greed and betrayal have both stayed persistent. By examining several stories this essay aims to critically assess the underlying theme of greed, specifically in the form of greed for personal rank and … Read more

Dogberry: A Character Analysis Essay

Do you ever feel like you know someone really well just by the way he/she talks or communicates? There are different ways people communicate with each other and most of the time it reflect on their personality or the way they feel about each other. The forms of communication help readers understand the character’s feelings, … Read more