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Theme In Numbers Essay

The theme of Numbers by Rachel Ward is that behavior, feelings and trust are hugely influenced by others. Ward uses character dialogue to reveal the theme throughout the story. From the beginning to the end of the book, Jem evolved into a completely different person. On their first encounter, Jem and Spider were having a conversation between one another underneath the bridge. The two bonded quickly and a special relationship developed. She said to Spider, “Kicked out of school, kicked out of my last “home,” and the one before that and the one before that. People just don’t seem to get me.

Don’t understand that | need my space. Always telling me what to do. They think rules and routine and clean hands and minding your p’s and q’s will make everything all right”(Ward 6). She was always a terrible child since she got kicked out of school and several of her “homes”. She never made the correct decisions to be successful in life. Nothing seemed to being going in the right direction for Jem. She was always down in the dumps and not even other acquaintances could cheer her up. She did not have any friends that she could chat with and she was not delighted to be around others.

She enjoyed her plain life by herself. Life seemed to be a real struggle for Jem even though she was only 15. After several days of fleeing away from cops and other strangers, Jem discovered her life was starting to change. Jem became more appreciative for the help they gave and the guide to follow for life. When Spider was caught by the police, she realized she was going to have to risk her life by herself and go somewhere safe and far from others. She whispered quietly to herself, “I can’t say Trelaxed, but my breathing got easier. My mind was still panicking, though.

I was alone now, really alone. Spider and I, our adventure had only lasted for three days, but it felt like I’d always been with him. We’d packed the amount of living most people do in a lifetime into those days. More than that, I’d learn to rely on him. Let’s face it: He’d done most of the thinking, the decision-making, ever since we agreed to cut and run. I was going to have to think for myself now”( Ward 198). Spider was a special friend for Jem. He taught her many valuable lessons about life that will impact her future. Jem adores Spider and she realizes how much a friend can change a person.

She began to have more confidence in herself and the importance of being around others more frequently. Spider will always be a life changer for dem. What she learned from him will influence her life forever. Before Spider left Jem forever he said, “I had a blast with you, Jem. These last few weeks, they’ve been the best time of my life. Don’t go without me. I love you”( Ward 310). Spider showed how much he loved Jem with his words. He didn’t want to leave her, but he knew it was time to go away. They created a great friendship and they wished it could have lasted forever.

They gained trust in each other in just the few days together. They both had positive feelings for each other. In the end, Jem told herself, “I’m not so different anymore. That whole time with Spider, it changed me, and not in just the obvious ways– growing up, falling in love, having sex in that. It showed me what I was missing, what I hadn’t had for fifteen years: having real friends, someone to laugh with, learning to trust people, open up a bit”(Ward 319). People do not have to live their whole life the same way they started. Jem started to appreciate life more and change how she feels.

She learned that she can trust others. Throughout the book, Jem’s behavior changed a lot. Now she is well mannered and acts like a normal human being. She understands the importance of friendships, love and trusting in others, even though they are not related and they may be strangers. Jem demonstrated confidence in herself, as well as, understanding and patience of those around her. Rachel Ward’s use of character conversations helps readers to understand the message that feelings, behavior and trust are hugely impacted by others.

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