French New Wave

French New Wave films can be seen as a contrast of Hollywood film which most of the elements apply in the film is opposite. However, some elements are still similar to Hollywood films, yet, has a different style as Hollywood films. Such mise-en-scene expression are most common style uses in both of the period. And … Read more

Essay on Everyday Use Movie Analysis

When looking at families, whether in stories or films, one can spot the person within the family that is the outcast. Lars from Lars and the Real Girl and Maggie from “Everyday Use” both share the role of being an outcast, and it is evident by the way they are treated within their respective family. … Read more

On The Waterfront Film Analysis Essay

At first sight Salt of the Earth and On the Waterfront seem two structurally independent and unrelated movies that only share some basic theme elements in their plot. However, analyzing both, side by side and frame by frame, can give us a more profound understanding of the American film industry, Hollywood in particular, and its … Read more

Symbolism In Pans Labyrinth Essay

In the film ‘Pan’s Labyrinth,” the director Guillermo del Toro juxtaposes the real and imaginary worlds during the time of the Spanish Civil War. The protagonist of this film is a 11-year-old girl named Ofelia who reads fairy tales and believes that everything she reads is real. The film focuses on Ofelia’s struggle to live … Read more

Archetypes In Avatar Essay

Avatar Archetypes Archetypes are one of the rare things in the world that speak a universal language. By using powerful archetypes in literature, an author can move a story forward and make it more comprehensible for the reader. The movie Avatar was written and directed by James Camryn in 2009 and is a prime example … Read more

Clueless Movie Analysis Essay

Clueless was directed by Amy Heckerling and released in 1995. 2. The main character in Clueless is a blonde haired, blue eyed girl named Cher Horowitz. Cher’s father is a litigator, which is “the scariest kind of lawyer,” according to Cher. Judging by her father’s job and her brand new white jeep with “four-wheel drive, … Read more

El Espinazo Del Diablo Essay

Guillermo Del Toro’s 2001 film, El Espinazo del Diablo translated to The Devil’s Backbone, is a chilling ghost story set in Spain in the middle of their civil war. A young boy named Carlos arrives at an orphanage that is haunted by a ghost. The ghost isn’t the only looming presence, as there is a … Read more

Marxism In The Movie Selma Essay

Synopsis In the movie Selma directed by (name), tells the story about Martin Luther King Jr and the journey from conflicts of interest to boycotts leading to the violent walk to Montgomery. Risking lives and freedom just for the ability for people of color to vote. Keep in mind that voting for everyone is the … Read more

Film Analysis: Life Starts On Earth Essay

There are movies that make you laugh, and there are movies that make you cry. Either you come out of the theater happy or come out sad. But once in a while you end up seeing a film which makes you think as you come out of the theater. You have a feeling of happiness … Read more

Gendered Voice In One Night The Moon Essay

Good morning/afternoon/evening/day to you all, I am honoured to be here in front of all of you today, at the Australian Film Institute, in front of many respected and hard-working English teachers. I appreciate the effort for all of you to come here and for us to discuss distinctive voices in the film that I … Read more

Empathy In Enders Game Essay

The over whelming theme throughout Ender’s Game is empathy. Ender uses this great ability of empathy to eventually become the leader he is destined to be. Starting at a young age, seen through his first incident at school with Stilson, Ender follows a philosophy of winning for all time. Winning just that single battle is … Read more

Spike Lees Bamboozled Film Analysis Essay

The story of Bamboozled revolves around a Black studio executive and his attempt to create a successful show for the major network where he is employed. Instantly, Spike Lee’s film becomes a format for political discussion, as he highlights the state of the media industry and the difficulties minorities face within it. Pierre Delacroix, the … Read more

Eating Gilbert Grape Essay

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape: The Reality of Happiness In 1993 the film “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” was released by Paramount Pictures. The movie was directed by Lasse Hallstrom, and starred actors such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis, John C. Reilly, and many more. This was an award winning film that showed life from … Read more

Gettysburg Movie Analysis Essay

The United States Civil War was fought between the states remaining loyal to the Union (predominately states from the North) and those wishing to secede, forming a separate nation, the Confederate States of America (made up of the southern states). One of the deadliest battles of the war was the Battle of Gettysburg. The battle … Read more

Journey Of August King Movie Analysis Essay

The Journey of August King (Ehle, 1996), takes place in 1815, the stories backdrop is North Carolina, the lead role August King, a country farmer, is on his way home after taking this route to sell his produce and he has purchased needed goods for the farm, a cow a pig some geese and other … Read more

The Big Lebowski Essay

The Big Lebowski, as a classified as comedy and noir, is a film about a sloppy slacker that likes to call himself”The Dude” who eventually gets into a messy situation involving a kidnapping. The Dude is an Absurd hero who lives his life the way he wants to and doesn’t try to make more interesting … Read more

The Book Thief Book Vs Movie Essay

The Book Thief Essay Mark Zusak’s novel, The Book Thief, was better than the film, as it dives deeper into the various perspectives and personalities of the characters. It builds up the character of Max, and the minor characters (such as the Holtzapfel family) build up the story. By reading this story, you learn about … Read more

Essay on Clueless Film Analysis

Clueless was an iconic release, written and directed by Amy Heckerling that dramatized the life and struggles of Cher Horowitz; your typical, American rich girl. Cher comes from an wealthy home, her story is set in Beverly Hills, CA where she lives and attends high school. Her mother passed away early in her life and … Read more

Amreeka Movie Analysis Essay

Everyone has an origins that has impacted them in either a positive or negative way or sometimes even both. The 2009 film Amreeka is directed by Cherien Dabis, and tells us about a remarkable journey between a mother and son in order to find a better life. The film begins with the mother Muna (Nisreen … Read more

Allegory In The Movie The Matrix Essay

At the beginning of the allegory, the “theory of forms” is also introduced. This theory states that the “existence of a level of reality inhabited by ideal “forms of all things and concepts”(Plato pg1) indicating that there is a form to any object, Adding as well that all forms will be eternal and unchanging but … Read more

Wit Movie Analysis Essay

Death is inevitable. Everything that lives must eventually face death. There are two certainties and guarantees in the passage of life. The indubitable is the birth of an individual and death of the individual. The end of life for an individual is perceived as an enemy to humanity and a horrid event the individual and … Read more

Essay on There Will Be Blood Analysis

The film “There Will Be Blood: is a movie about Daniel Plainview and his struggle to become a self-proclaimed oilman. In the film, Daniel is at war with mother earth in the fight for black gold. Throughout the movie, his ongoing battle alters his life in countless ways. It changes his family, friends and his … Read more

2001 Space Odyssey Analysis Essay

The movie 2001: Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick is about Humanity finds a mysterious, obviously artificial object buried beneath the lunar surface and, with the intelligent computer H. A. L. 9000, sets off on a quest. This movie is a story all about the path of evolution and how time has progressed. There are … Read more

Pan’s Labyrinth Analysis Research Paper

The dark fantasy film Pan’s Labyrinth is a fascinating example of creative story-telling. This film focuses on so many aspects between Ofelia’s imaginary world and the real world, including her stepfather fighting for the Francoist regime. This little girl is uprooted to a military outpost in Fascist-ruled Spain commanded by her new stepfather, the Captain. … Read more

The Godfather Film Summary Essay

1. In the movie The Godfather, Consigliere Tom Hagan captured the essence of my legal practice: “I have a special practice. I handle one client. ” Basically, I run a small law firm of government attorneys that represent a single state-agency client. Specifically, I supervise a division of the West Virginia Attorney General’s Office that … Read more

On A Tree Fallen Across The Road Analysis Essay

Tragedies are unpredictable and inevitable, however the different perceptions towards a hardship can alter an individual’s path. Tragedies can twist the image of reality, but they can also be a source of guidance. The movie Forrest Gump directed by Robert Zemeckis and the poem “On a Tree Fallen Across the Road,” by Robert Frost showcase … Read more

Stop Kony 2012 Film Analysis Essay

The power of social media on pro-activist movements Uprisings and movements have been at the basis of society since the dawn of humanity. They usually come in the form of revolutions such as seen in France, the United States, and Russia in the 20th century. Manifestations have a base goal of resolving a social issue. … Read more

The Breakfast Club Film Analysis Essay

The Breakfast Club is a gathering of high school students who go to a saturday detention each with a different reason to why they are there. Mr. Vernon gives them a basic task to do while they are in there. They must write an essay about themselves. Every individual has a smart thought of what … Read more

Crash Movie Analysis Essay

Crash was a film that debuted in 2004. The movie told the story of various individuals and families of different ethnic backgrounds. The film showed a lot of different scenarios through the eyes of the people living in Los Angeles, California. This shows that everyone no matter race or other group identity face discrimination in … Read more

Big Fish Film Analysis Essay

Big Fish is a visually appeasing film that will capture its audiences with its witty and fun-loving characters, fairytaleesque plotline, and relatable conflict that will have everyone reaching for the phone and dialling their father’s numbers. The film is brought to life by director Tim Burton, who is known for Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before … Read more

Barton Fink Analysis Essay

However, when Barton fails to produce a piece of work that adheres to the generic Hollywood structure, without the “action, adventure, wrestling” (Coen; Coen, 1991: 48. 58) that the audience wants Lipnik changes character. When Fink claims that he thinks it is his best work yet, Lipnick aggressively tells Fink that “if your opinion mattered, … Read more

Compare And Contrast She’s The Man Essay

When a different rendition of a story or play is made many times the characters and plot are slightly changed because of the directors take on the story. In the movie She’s The Man the director, Andy Fickman, creates a modern version of the Shakespearean play 12th Night. The main character is Viola who takes … Read more

Racism In The Film The Hurricane Essay

In the film ‘The Hurricane’ directed by Normal Jewison an important message that the character Rubin helps us understand is that of Racism. Jewison shows the viewer that the victims of racism have their lives destroyed and become aggressive because of the inequality served to them. We are also shown how unprotected victims of racism … Read more

Essay on The Princess Bride Analysis

Although I am not very familiar with poetic readings and readings from our Literature book, I did enjoy and was able to comprehend the book Daphnis and Chloe by Longus because it was fairly easy wording and I am somewhat familiar and interested in Greek mythology. Upon reading Daphnis and Chloe, I found a connection … Read more

Outbreak Movie Analysis Essay

For this assignment, I choose to watch the movie Outbreak, which is a movie about a hemorrhagic virus called “Mutoba”. In the movie, the host of the virus was a monkey. The descriptive epidemiology of the disease is as follows the virus was first discovered in 1967 in a small village in Zaire that was … Read more

Analysis Of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape Essay

“What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” is a heartwarming film that uniquely explores the struggles of children in unfortunate circumstances, offering a deeper explanation as to why so many young adults struggle to achieve a higher education, or to even graduate from high school. After the death of his father seven years prior, Gilbert became the sole … Read more

Glory Film Analysis Research Paper

In the film, Glory, the director made specific choices in editing the scenes in how we are meant to see it. He wanted for us to understand and capture what he was trying to accomplish in said scenes. Music and sound is used to capture our attention and focus on the scene that is currently … Read more

Essay about Immorality In The Truman Show

The film, The Truman Show, outlines the encounters associated with morality, immorality and amorality that is highlighted in today’s society. The theme of immorality is portrayed throughout the lives of the two main characters; Truman’s wife, Meryl and the show’s director and God-like character, Christof. Meryl, Christof, Sylvia and the viewers of the television show … Read more

Robocop Movie Comparison Essay

“Looking at films differently” 1. Introduction a. Comparing and contrasting Robocop(1987) and Robocop(2014) b. Thesis statement: These movies were filmed at two very distanced times in our society yet they still are an accurate reflection of our geopolitical atmosphere II. These films are very much the same a. Both films interpret on how law enforcement … Read more

Krabat Film Analysis Essay

The ingenuity of Kreuzpaintner in Krabat (Question 1) The movie Krabat, directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner, addresses the adventure of a young orphan named Krabat who learns black magic from an evil sorcerer in a satanic mill. Krabat goes through several struggles that help him develop into this heroic character and ends up fighting for his … Read more

Creative Writing: The Saturday Night Fever Troll Scuffle Essay

His name was Barry Smells Plenty for obvious reason, and he decided not to kill me at least not yet. He’d rather waddle around kicking me in the chin dressed in … wow. Can you say time warp? Barry wore a cheesy white bellbottomed suit that was identical to the one John Travolta wore in … Read more

Film Analysis: Fear Eats The Soul Essay

As the author Dr. Robert C. Thomas writes, Fear Eats the Soul “is a film of stairs and stares. Stares, because the entire film is made up of a series of looks: gazes that objectify, and trap, both the-one-being-looked-at and the one looking. These gazes are of such duration that they disturb and implicate the … Read more

Marigold Hotel: Movie Analysis Essay

In the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, the changes in the environment effected each character in its own way, but their changes also play a role in the lives of the surrounding characters as well. The movie is about seven individuals who decided to leave England to enjoy their retirement in India, at “The … Read more