You Will Find A Way Speech

Do you have a strong feeling that you can’t do it, but you are still being called to try it, to go after it, to make it happen? How many times has this happened in your life? How many times have you ignored the call to do something because you simply believed that you couldn’t … Read more

Spartan Narrative

It was a Tuesday in Sparta. The cars were bubbling, kids were crystal porting. I spotted my best friend Urina she is very rebellious just like me. I taught her everything she knows. She isn’t as hard to spot since her and I both have midnight black hair, everybody else’s’ hair is blonde. So it’s … Read more

Moving Into The Unknown

This quote explores the notion of jumping into the unknown, believing in being worthy and having enough, and having the courage and bravery to step out of line and be different and unique. Jumping into the unknown and stepping out of comfort zones are one of the fears that all are afraid of. The possibility … Read more

Anthony Observation

The day is sunday, April 2, 2017, I am at my grandmas house. I am observing my cousin Audrey, who is 5 years-old. The time is approximately 11:30 am. Audrey and I sit at the kitchen table for the observation. I give Audrey a set of shapes that are in two sizes in red, yellow, … Read more

Essay about No Country For Old Men Analysis

Existential film is shaped by the central themes and overall narrative that draw strongly from existential beliefs and questions. Directed by brothers Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country For Old Men is an existential film as it reveals the idea of the existential concept of absurdity — anything may happen to anyone at anytime without … Read more

Summary: Drug Trafficking In Colombia Essay

Introduction Regardless of what people might think Colombia has strongly fought the drug trafficking for more than 60 years. The Army has been fighting capos, Cartels, and guerillas who switched his communist ideology for terrorist ideology. Now a days the narco-guerrilla is supporting economic in drug trafficking. On the other hand, this battle has brought … Read more

The Role Of Racism In Sports Essay

Good morning to the sporting community and the cricket association and thank you for taking the time to listen to me today. I am Gordon Smith, a reporter for channel 7, this morning I will be illustrating to you why I strongly feel that the sporting community overreacted to Chris Gayle’s treatment of the reporter … Read more

Candide Reflective Essay

Mr. Hlawaty, A main struggle I had with this essay was the open-endedness of it. I found it difficult to come up with a dynamic research question and furthermore develop an adequate thesis out of that question, because I was often uncertain about whether or not I was doing it “right. ” I worried that … Read more

Military Testing Benefits Essay

When and how has testing been a benefit to you? Testing is something that we use every day at times without a second thought as to what we are doing. We are constantly considering and evaluating what will happen as a result of what we do. This is the very essence of testing; which is … Read more

John Ruskin What We Think Analysis Essay

It is sometimes said that thoughts develop into actions. I disagree with this statement. A person must always have thoughts and ideas before doing anything, however, without deciding to act upon the thoughts they remain merely, thoughts. John Ruskin sums it up well in this quote: “What we think, or what we know, or what … Read more

Essay on To Build A Fire Character Analysis

Deepak Chopra once said, “The masculine energy was about survival. The male was the hunter who risked his life and had to be in the fight-flight mode. ” When pertaining to survival, the main character in “To Build a Fire” by Jack London failed to follow three main steps in Laurence Gonzales’ nonfiction trade book, … Read more

Jewish Museum Reflection Essay

I’ve seen plenty of art throughout my life, whether it be in person or just through the internet but I’ve never actually observed and taken notes. Art has always been one of those things I always thought I wouldn’t really understand. As a kid, I always wanted to draw but I soon realized how awful … Read more

The American Dream In Avici’s Wake Me Up Research Paper

Imagine, as a child a girl’s dream is to graduate high school, complete her degree, marry the ideal partner, have remarkable children and live the American dream; but then reality came into perspective and at eighteen years old she is pregnant with no college education and no job security. Growing up a boy’s dream is … Read more