Phonological Awareness: A Literature Review Essay

Various studies have shown the importance of phonological structure of words, often referred to as phonological awareness. According to Snow, Burns, and Griffin (1998), phonological awareness is the ability to attend explicitly to the phonological structure of spoken words, rather than just to their meanings and syntactic roles. Children who exhibit low phonological awareness are … Read more

Julius Caesar Leadership Essay

A dictionary definition of a leader is a guiding hand in a movement or group. My definition of a leader is someone who stands out amongst the rest and steps up to the task and helps the “followers” advance and strive to become a leader as well. The only way a leader can be effective … Read more

Ignorance In Education Essay

Ignorance can be one of the most hurtful catalyst, which I can think of. Ignorance can cause one to say the first thoughtless perception a person has in their head. For example, a seventh grader learning about the Hindu religion and reincarnation in social studies class and then asking the only Indian student in the … Read more

Parental Involvement In Schools Essay

Why is parental involvement lacking in Title I schools? Throughout my K-12 teaching career, which took place exclusively at Title I schools, a lack of parental involvement was prevalent within the school communities. Parents were often unresponsive to teacher correspondence, and after-hours school events were generally poorly attended. According to LaBahn, many factors negatively impact … Read more

Descriptive Essay: Jaguar Pride

One cool, September afternoon, I stood in a hotel parking lot with 200 of my closest friends, in an unfamiliar state. Charter buses sat in the background with window paint announcing our arrival in a loud, “JAGUAR PRIDE! ” The sun rose on the horizon, scattering blues and pinks across our faces. We were divided … Read more

Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Essay

In his autobiographical novel, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman story summarizes a young man going to Berkeley having a rich father and never feeling alone while he sleeps at night. He is popular and a famous gymnast, his name is Dan. He doesn’t have a bad side because everyone expects him to be … Read more

Definition Of Professionalism Essay

The topic of professionalism seems quite broad and daunting. It is hard to describe in a sweet little sentence or even a three paged double spaced paper. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of professionalism is, “the skill, the judgement, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well … Read more

Narrative Essay About Moving School

When I was little my parents got divorced. As that happened they said I had to move schools. I would have never thought this would ever happen, but my parents just decided to move where it was halfway from work both ways, so they decided Royalton. Moving to Royalton was very scary, but also a … Read more

Family Dinner Overrated? Essay

According to an article in The New York Times titled Is the Family Dinner Overrated? Gray Matter points out how many studies have suggested that children who participate in family dinners tend to be “healthier, happier, do better in school and [will] engage in fewer risky behaviors… ” (Matter). However, does having family dinners really … Read more

Persuasive Essay Homework

Since Roberto Nevilis introduced it to the world as a punishment in 1905, there have been many arguments to whether or not homework should be required. What initially started as punishment for kids who messed around in class has become a mandatory task that all students are required to do daily. I’m here to end … Read more

Social Issues In Social Work Essay

Whilst a deep theoretical analysis of race, gender, class, sexuality and ability is needed to understand the roots and origins of societal issues today, equally important is taking that theory out of the classroom and into action based praxis. As an undergraduate student at Columbia in the fall of 2013. I cofounded the campaign for … Read more

Persuasive School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms help to keep the school safer, and less bullying happens. Our brainstorming process consisted of using the 7-step decision making process, through the brainstorming, we had many ideas. Some of our ideas were hats, lunch, and backpacks. We chose school uniforms, because many schools don’t have uniforms, we didn’t think it was fair … Read more

Gifted Student Poverty Essay

The gifted student and poverty are two incredibly diverse topics that meet in underfunded and misunderstood programs. In an attempt to define gifted and talented (GT) students, as well as our understanding of poverty, the assumptions and misinterpretations of our knowledge slowly becomes evident through research analysis. First, seeking to define the problem and then … Read more

Distribution of Condoms in Public High Schools

Coinciding with the onslaught of the new millennium, schools are beginning to realize that the parents are not doing their job when it comes to sexual education. The school system already has classes on sexual education; these classes are based mainly on human anatomy. Most schools do not teach their students about relationships, morals, respect, … Read more

Life in a High School

Cliques are small groups of between two and twelve individuals. Cliques are small enough that the members feel that they know each other better than do people outside the clique. Members of a clique share common activities and friendships. They are social settings in which adolescents hang out, talk to each other, and form closer … Read more

The tragedy at Columbine High School

The tragedy at Columbine High School is something that will be remembered and talked about for many years to come. People from across the nation have all heard about this event. But there are still a couple questions that people have. For instance who’s to blame? The kids alone, the parents for how they brought … Read more