If You Have An Imagination, Let It Run Free

Stephen Edwin King is one of todays most popular and best selling writers. King combines the elements of psychological thrillers, science fiction, the paranormal, and detective themes into his stories. In addition to these themes, King sticks to using great and vivid detail that is set in a realistic everyday place. Stephen King who is … Read more

Sophocles “Oedipus the King”

Sophocles “Oedipus the King” is a tragic play which discusses the tragic discovery of Oedipus that he has killed his father and married his mother. The story of Oedipus was well known to the athenians. Oedipus is the embodiement of the perfect Athenian. He is self-confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very … Read more

The Yellow Wallpaper – Short story

Often times what is meant to help can hinder. Positive intentions do not always bring about desirable effects. The “Yellow Wallpaper” is an example of such an occurrence. In this short story the narrator is detained in a lonesome, drab room in an attempt to free herself of a nervous disorder. During the era in … Read more

Rape – How Can We Change

Although the country has seen crime rates plummet in recent years, rape continues to be a major concern in America. According to Annette Fuentes’ article, “Crime Rates Are Down… But What About Rape? ” in Ms. magazine, “an estimated fifteen percent of women are raped or molested at some point in their lives” (22). While … Read more

A Considerable Speck – Compared to 4 Other Poems

I think Robert Frost is a understandable, but yet an unconventional poet. Frost wrote in his own style, and as a result, he took quite a bit of heat from the critics of his period. Frost has an elegant style of writing descriptive and understandable poems. I am going to tell you about the five … Read more

Col. Ronald M. Sharpe

The Pennsylvania State Police began to follow the requirements of the Affirmative Action Acts of the 1960’s. The PSP as well as all other entities within the Criminal Justice System have been working to create more diverse law enforcement teams. In August 1987, Deputy Commissioner Ronald Sharpe was appointed Commissioner of the PSP. Sharpe was … Read more

Edgar Allan Poe Life

Edgar Allan Poe, son of Actress Eliza Poe and Actor David Poe Jr., born 19th of January 1809, was mostly known for his poems and short tales and his literary criticism. He has been given credit for inventing the detective story and his pshycological thrillers have been infuences for many writers worldwide. Edgar and his … Read more

Arts of Africa

After attending several exhibits on Africa and its culture I picked one that I found most interesting. Built around 15 B. C. the Temple of Dendur was built as a shrine to the goddess Isis. Facing flooding issues from the Nile River it was given to the United States and rebuilt at the Metropolitan Museum … Read more

The History of the Internet and the WWW

1. The History of the World Wide Web- The internet started out as an information resource for the government so that they could talk to each other. They called it “The Industrucable Network” because it was so many computers linked to gether that if one server went down, no-one would know. This report will mainly … Read more

Emily’s Father Essay

Throughout this story, the overbearing presence of Emily Grierson’s father is perhaps the greatest influence on her behavior. The story describes how Miss Emily’s father rejected her suitors by standing in front of her and aggressively clutching a horsewhip whenever the young men came to call. Without her fathers influence and overprotective behavior it is … Read more

Mrs. Ramsay, Larger Than Life

Mrs. Ramsay is a mother in every fiber of her being. Motherhood is her occupation, her personal life, her hobby and her passion. And in motherhood, Mrs. Ramsay is an expert. And although motherhood is not frequently valued as a prestigious, viable career choice, people who knew Mrs. Ramsay recognized her uncanny talent for it, … Read more

The Pond Essay

It was the middle of springtime and across from my house where the incident took place. There was a lake there in which my brother and I loved to explore from time to time. The humidity and waterdrops where reminiscent of a fully functional sauna. The onslaught of heat and burning glow of the sun … Read more

A Brief Out Line Of Basketball

A brief out line of basketball is it is a game played with a pumped round ball between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court. In professional or minor competition basketball is usually played indoors, but it does not need to be. Each team tries to score by shooting the ball through … Read more

A Look At Anemia Related To Nutritional Issues

“Anemia can be defined as a decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood caused by low hemoglobin concentration” (“A Practical Guide”, 1). “Cells in the body require oxygen to fully utilize fuels. The oxygen is transported from the lungs to tissues throughout the body via red blood cells. Oxygen binds to hemoglobin, a specific … Read more

Plutonium: ‘Our Country’s Only Feasible Solution’

Should we begin to manufacture one of the most destructive and infamous substances on the face on the Earth once again? The engineers say yes, but the public says no. The United States stopped making this element with the ban on manufacturing nuclear weapons. But with the continuing problem with our ever diminishing energy sources, … Read more

Gwendolyn Brooks – Poet, writer

Poet, writer. Born June 7, 1917, in Topeka, Kansas. Throughout most of the twentieth century, Gwendolyn Brooks was a lyrical chronicler of the black urban experience in America. In 1950, she became the first African-American poet to win the Pulitzer Prize. Brooks grew up on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois. She began writing poetry … Read more

My Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to go to college, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that she make a difference. Even if not all of the words are mine, they mean something to me. As a matter of fact, some of the words should … Read more

Software Piracy Essay

Software piracy is the failure of a licensed user to adhere to the conditions of a software license or the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted software by a person or entity that has not been licensed to use the software. Software piracy has become a household word and a household crime and has had … Read more

King James I of England

This is a paper over King James I of England that I wrote for my honors english class. I received an A on the the assignment. King James I On June 19, 1566 in Theobalds, Hertfordshire, England, Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to her only child, a boy whom she named James. James’ father … Read more

Colon Cancer, What is the disease

Colon and rectal cancer develop in the digestive tract, which is also called the gastrointestinal, or GI, tract. The digestive system processes food for energy and rids the body of solid waste matter (fecal matter or stool). Colon cancer and rectal cancer have many features in common. Sometimes they are referred to together as colorectal … Read more

Transvestitism report essay

In the last few decades, there has been a rapid change in social attitude towards so-called sexual problems. There has been a call for the freedom to live in the style of which one chooses, so long as no one else is harmed in the process. One area that appears little understood, however, is transvestitism, … Read more

A true tale of two dads

A true tale of two dads, one dad is a highly educated professor, the other, an eighth grade dropout. The educated dad left his family with nothing, except a few unpaid bills. The dropout later became one of Hawaii’s richest men and left his son a fortune. The educated dad would say, “I can’t afford … Read more

The Social Imagination

C. W. Mills’ book ‘The Sociological Imagination’ was published in 1959. Mills is justly famous for his idea of the sociological imagination as it still provides sociologists with a set of guidelines with which to carry out social analysis. Sociological Imagination refers to the connection between individual difficulties and the social forces that are the … Read more

Life Beyond Earth

Do you think its possible to find aliens in your lifetime? The chances that an extraterrestrial civilization would actually come to the Earth are slim. However, if they did the best way to find extraterrestrial life is not by space exploration, but by electronic signals. Signals can carry words, numbers, and pictures cheaply and at … Read more

Darkness report essay

Darkness has fallen across the land. The harvest moon struggles to show itself through thick, dark, shadowy clouds. A lazy breeze brings waves of goosebumps to the surface of my exposed flesh. Each time I hear the whisperings of the wind through the decaying tops of the trees, an involuntary shudder courses through my tensed, … Read more

The Iceman Cometh

Denial is the refusal to admit the truth. It is the refusal to accept or acknowledge the reality or validity of a thing or idea. Many characters in The Iceman Cometh suffer from denial and false hope. O’Neill places these characters in the appropriate setting in which they are able to fantasize about their dreams. … Read more

Tatoos for Christians

It is quite popular these days to have a tattoo. It is not unusual even for people professing faith in Christ to have tattoos. Some Christians, however, have a problem with this. The issue came up recently at a Bible study my daughter attends, so I decided that a Fact Sheet on the subject was … Read more

Virtual Reality – What it is and How it Works

Imagine being able to point into the sky and fly. Or perhaps walk through space and connect molecules together. These are some of the dreams that have come with the invention of virtual reality. With the introduction of computers, numerous applications have been enhanced or created. The newest technology that is being tapped is that … Read more

Opiates And The Law

Illicit drug use and the debate surrounding the various legal options available to the government in an effort to curtail it is nothing new to America. Since the enactment of the Harrison Narcotic Act in 1914 (Erowid) the public has struggled with how to effectively deal with this phenomena, from catching individual users to deciding … Read more

Origins of Communism

Throughout the history of the modern world, man has sought out the perfect government. An invincible system of order. And in our search for this ideal system, the idea of holding property in common has been a reoccurring thought. From early Christian communities to modern Marxist states, socialism and more specifically, communism has had an … Read more

Beowulf and Values

The Anglo-Saxons living in the time of Beowulf did not believe in the afterlife. To them, the only way to experience life after death was to live on in the memories of others. One could fulfill this goal by being known for ones generosity, courage, and strength. Beowulf, the protagonist of this epic poem, embodied … Read more

The Great Depression

The Great Depression was the worst economic decline ever in U. S. history. It began in late 1929 and lasted about a decade. Throughout the 1920s, many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; the main causes were the unequal distribution of wealth and extensive stock market speculation. Money was distributed unequally between … Read more

Costa Rica Essay

Within it’s 51,100 square kilometers there is a wider variety of species of birds than in all of Europe or North America. With a relatively small population of roughly three million inhabitants, Costa Rica also boast of one of the oldest and more consolidated democracies in Latin America. In 1869 the primary education for both … Read more

Surfing the Snow

People have always wanted to fly; snowboarding can give that feeling. Imagine getting launched fifteen feet into the air and sixty feet down a ski slope. This is just one of the thrills of snowboarding that has been suppressed for a number of years. Snowboarding had a hard struggle to get where it is today … Read more

The Great Gatsby – American dream

The Great Gatsby is a novel that is about the rich people of the roaring twenties and in particularly about a man named Gatsby in search of the American dream. The story starts out with the narrator Nick Carraway moving from the west (Chicago) to a New York suburb called West Egg. His is trying … Read more

Internet privacy and Internet censorship

During the last decade, our society has become based on the sole ability to move large amounts of information across great distances quickly. Computerization has influenced everyone’s life in numerous ways. The natural evolution of computer technology and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. This global … Read more

Compare and Contrast Martin Luther and John Calvin

Martin Luther and John Calvin were both very important leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Although they were both against the Roman Catholic Church, they brought about very different ideas in religion. Martin Luther founded the group that are today known as Lutherans. He was ordained a priest in 1507. He dealt with questions dealing with … Read more

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was a preventable disaster that NASA tried to cover up by calling it a mysterious accident. However, two men had the courage to bring the real true story to the eyes of the public and it is to Richard Cook and Roger Boisjoly to whom we are thankful. Many lessons … Read more

Hollywood’s Attack on Religion

The section that I have chosen to analyze from the book Hollywood vs. America is “The Attack on Religion. ” In this part of the book, Michael Medved discusses the shift in attitude Hollywood has made toward religion, from acceptable to contemptible. He takes a look at the messages being sent in films, music and … Read more

Why is the sea salt

One theory states that the sea is salt because of the mid-Ocean rift. Fresh basalt flows up through the rift along with juvenile water; water that is made up of many of the components of sea water including chlorine, bromine, iodine, and many other molecules. Also some salts get into the ocean through volcanoes and … Read more

Hamlet in act III scene II

Hamlet in act III scene II is left alone and starts to philosophize about the concept of suicide. He presents a logical argument both for and against ending his own life and seems to be governed by reason rather than frenzied emotion as in the previous two major soliloquys . To be, or not to … Read more

Voltaire Notes About Candide

Candide, a novel by Voltaire, is an adventure story that can be summed up into one word: eccentric. The story begins with the introduction of an extremely wealthy family that resides in the England province known as Westphalia. While there, he encounters two people who will have a greater impact on his beliefs, goals, and … Read more

Catcher in the Rye Essay

“I keep picturing all these kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s big but me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff -What do I have to do, I have to catch them. I mean their running, and they don’t look … Read more

The Bear by William Faulkner

In The Bear by William Faulkner, there are several different personalities and attitudes that come into play at various times in the story. The story is told from the perspective of Isaac McCaslin, the boy of the story and one of the main characters as well, and many critics feel that this was probably a … Read more

The Unforgettable Man

Being an orderly at Scottsdale Memorial Hospital was a fun job that required a strong heart. The hospital was a great place for me to experience the beauty of life and the unwanted death of humans. Throughout my year of employment at the Community Hospital, I was able to enjoy my work by interacting with … Read more

Damsels in Address

It is clearly evident that many fairy tales of childhood tend to shape the reader. Certain moral codes and ideals are tightly woven into the text of many fairy tales, promoting or denoting a characters actions. In the Grimms fairy tales Cinderella, Brier Rose, and Rapunzel, the heroines of these tales exhibit strong behavioral codes, … Read more

United States’ Fight Against AIDS

On May 27, 2003, Bush signed a law committing $15 billion dollars to fight AIDS in fourteen of the most afflicted countries with this disease over the next five years ([1]&2). AIDS is a global problem that affects everyone in some way or another. Therefore, everyone benefits when someone fights this problem. The AIDS problem … Read more

Black women and their hair

Since the early 1900s, Black women have had a fascination with their hair. More explicitly, they have had a fascination with straightening their hair. The need to be accepted by the majority class has caused them to do so. Though the image of straight hair as being better than coarse hair still hasnt left the … Read more

Carver’s “Boxes”: Something is Not Right

Have you ever had that eerie feeling in the back of your mind that something just is not right? It is as if there is some unknown reason that a situation has a different meaning then what is obvious. This feeling is the disguised backbone of Raymond Carver’s story, “Boxes”. In this story the son … Read more

Star Traveling To The Millennium

Now as we are rapidly approaching the Millenium many people are getting the blues. This seems absurd because this offers all of us a perfect chance to start again. NASA is embracing this chance to grow and expand their departments. The phrase, “Space, the final frontier,” expresses the world’s obsession with space travel, that started … Read more