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Summary: Drug Trafficking In Colombia Essay

Introduction Regardless of what people might think Colombia has strongly fought the drug trafficking for more than 60 years. The Army has been fighting capos, Cartels, and guerillas who switched his communist ideology for terrorist ideology. Now a days the narco-guerrilla is supporting economic in drug trafficking. On the other hand, this battle has brought a negative impact in the Army.

According to some studies made by the Army Health Direction: “The curiosity is usually the beginning of this problem and the lack of education, which has influenced some privates to believe that marijuana makes them stronger, helps them to improve their performance, physical and mental”. This belief has made a stereotype and has influence the new generation of privates to be easy to persuade to consume illegal drugs. To stop the problem that has affected the Colombian Army negatively, Sergeant majors should inspire the new generations to change their lifestyle.

XX Leaders in the Colombian Army will use positive psychology and Master Resilience Training to change the mentality among junior privates who believe drugs can improve their personal development, as well as to mitigate the lack of self-esteem. Hunting the Generation Gap There is a generational gap between the old privates and the young ones; this is the famous “GENERATION GAP”. It brings a huge difference way of thinking; this younger generation comes with new beliefs, principles and values.

Usually, the generation gap could bring in young private’s lack of interest and commitment. On the other hand, its main thought is “being fashionable” that influences their behavior, their thinking, they want to be at the forefront in terms technology, science, fashion, they have a mark sense of lack of responsibility, this makes them an easy generation to influence. Therefore, we can deduce that the new privates are the ones most likely population to fall into the abyss of drug. The new privates will be the target that sergeant majors should focus on the generation gap.

They have to develop a program in which they identify the actual problem, frame it and come up with an approach to solve it. In order to accomplish this goal, sergeant majors need to know where they are when they finish evaluating the problem, at that time; they must have the consuming rate for the unit. Sergeant majors have to define the goal, which will be the end state, this end state should be their priority, and they need to develop a plan. The plan should have clear objectives based on the analysis of the problem or the stakeholder; it also should have a sense of urgency, because they have to act quickly.

The should have strategies that highlight not only its values and play with their strengths, but also the plan should contain the MRT Competencies which are Self-Awareness, Self-regulation, Optimism, Mental Agility, Strengths of Character and Connection. Nonetheless, the most characteristics of this plan will be the commitment to monitor, measure and reevaluated if it necessary. After having the plan designed, sergeant majors should pursue what is important, they have a great ability to communicate and inspire soldiers, at this point, and they can motivate them to change their mentality through their plan to adopt a new lifestyle.

MRT as a lifestyle A lifestyle is a generational and cultural ideology, which expresses and influences at work, leisure, sex, food, clothing, etc. mainly on customs and daily life. At this point, sergeants majors should involve young generations of privates on building resilience by using two of the MRT competence, which are selfawareness and self-regulation by putting in context their fears and their possible outcomes to those events that could cause a trauma.

Once sergeant majors have identified their Iceberg, they should use them to persuade privates that it is time to make some changes in life, and at the same time, they can introduce MRT as a new lifestyle, because MRT changes lives, it helps to improve the temper, mind and mental thoughtless of a soldier. It also focuses on the five dimensions of force, which are emotional, social, spiritual, family and physical. In this way, we can change the privates’ mindsets who still believe in myths like “illegal drugs help personal performance” without any foundation.

Considering that Colombia is a country that has fought drug trafficking and narco-guerrilla for more than six decades, the Army needs trained soldiers with strength of character and mind that are always ready for the toughest missions in the most dangerous situations without the need to use any substance that alters their mood or way of thinking. In this way, they will win the war. For that reason in the Colombian Army, sergeant majors need to develop their plan to show that the MRT program teaches and gives privates the skills and tools to strengthen interpersonal, personally and professionally.

It also helps them to control their thoughts and emotions so that they will be a better soldiers, sons, husbands, fathers and citizens. Resilience as first Aid In order to be better soldiers, Leaders at all levels should provide care and support to the new generations because looking after their Soldiers is part their job and responsibility. Looking after Soldiers involves mental and emotional wellbeing. MRT is absolutely essential in the Colombian Armed Forces today. Sergeant majors are the most trained military and experience soldiers among all enlisted.

They have to transmit the message in all units on the rapid, positive and sustainable results of MRT and positive psychology. They should also transmit the idea that MRT should be the first aid that leaders at all levels should have on hand. MRT and positive psychology meets the needs that new generations need. For example, an explanation on the effectiveness of MRT is that it prepares not only the soldiers but also families; to join efforts together to lead soldiers out of the drug addiction. Even though, the effectiveness of MRT and positive psychology could be questionable for many people.

It primarily depends on the person. If a young soldier pays attention and captures the MRT competencies, it could be useful for him, this soldier will multiply the success of MRT and positive psychology. However, sergeants majors must be on guard to endure what this soldier said, because there are many myths about MRT and positive psychology. MRT Myth or Reality There are many myths and positive psychology About MRT That the sergeant majors must deal, they should be able to clarify the negative concepts that may appear.

They have to use their critical and creative thinking to stop the malicious propaganda that may be against MRT and show with results and examples that MRT and positive psychology are a tangible reality. Due to Master Resilience Training is mainly about logic and reasoning, The MRT competencies and principals of positive psychology make trainers and trainees to take a critical look at their thought processes, and help them to understand how their thoughts affects their emotions and reactions. One big myth is that Master Resilience Training is only for young people who have not faced life’s challenges yet.

However, that is not true; MRT is certainly great for people who may face or not adversity, because it equips everybody to cope his/her challenges. Nonetheless, when adversity strikes, whether they are a young privates or old privates, the level of resilience will enable them to bounce back more effectively. Therefore, it is a reality because it also focuses on simple things of daily life, it gives a clear and logical view of these simple facts, and their consequences by understanding all these facets, which makes everything easy to cope better things life and bounce back from adversity.

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