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Essay about Character Analysis: The Amethysts Key

In a cave full of many riches there is something special. It is something that every human wishes they can have for themselves. It is known as the Amethysts Key, it is called this because it is a key that has a hint of purple on the bottom of it. When someone comes into possession of this key it grants them three wishes. The wishes may not happen right as the wisher speaks them, but they do get granted. However, the person who possesses this key wishes that they never ever find it. A man is fortunate enough to find the Amethysts Key, he makes his three wishes and soon realizes that wishes are not always what they seem to be.

He regrets ever making any of his three wishes. To prevent other people from making the same mistake he keeps the Amethysts key locked up. He hopes that no one will ever have to go through the things he went through. He is the only living person that realizes the trouble that this ring can cause. He feels bad for all of the people that think it will give them everything they ever wanted. He knows that all wishes come with consequences. On a bright and sunny fall day a man from out of town walks into a restaurant. He takes a seat at the bar and orders a water. He is thirsty from all of the traveling he has done.

A regular sitting next to him says, “I have not seen you around here sir, what is your name? ” “My name is Sam”, he replies. “What are you doing around here? ” asks the other man. “I have come to find the Amethysts Key. Do you know where | can find it? ” Of course the regular knows where the key is, the whole town knows. He stares at Sam wondering if he should tell him or not. Thinking it will be good to get the key out of town so it can not cause trouble he decides to tell him where it is. “The key is locked up. Old man Bill has it. He lives at the very end of town in a big brick house. ” “Thank you. ” Sam said with a smile.

He could not wait to get his greedy little hands on that key. Sam drives to the end of town and finds a big brick house. He knows that this must be the house the key is being held in. He pulls into the drive and walks up to the bright red door. Sam knocks but there is no answer. He peers in the window and sees the key sitting on top of the book shelf. He cannot believe such a valuable key is not even locked up. He goes to the door and knocks again, there is still no answer. Growing impatient he grabs the knob and begins to turn it. It starts to twist signaling that it is unlocked. Growing excited he thrusts the door all the way open.

He looks around to make sure the old man Bill is not around. He sees that there is not a trace of him. Sam tiptoes over to the bookshelf and starts to feel around the top of the bookshelf. His fingers get covered in dust and cobwebs, he finally finds the key and grabs it. He blows the dust off of it and sees that it is indeed the Amethysts Key. The purple at the bottom of the key sparkles in the light. He hurries to the front door and slams it shut. He races to his car and jumps in gunning it out of the drive way. He has a huge smile on his face and his beady eyes are full of greed and evil.

He drives back into town and pulls into an old parking lot. Sam puts his car in park and shuts off the ignition. He turns to grab the key that he has placed into the passenger’s seat. He grabs it eager to make his first wish. Sam is going to get rid of this stupid town. They have caused him a lot of trouble. He has waited twenty years to find this key, and it has been collecting dust this whole time. These people are going to pay for the trouble they caused him. Sam cannot wait to get rid of all of them. Holding the key up to his face he makes his first wish: “I wish that everyone in this town would disappear.

All of a sudden the key heats up and Sam is forced to drop it. He looks down as the Amethysts tip of the key turns a bright red. It turns so bright red that he has to look away. Finally it dulls and turns back the Amethysts color it is originally. The wind outside begins to pick up, it starts shaking the car. Sam looks up and he sees that the sky is now black. In the distance he can see the swirling of a tornado. It is all the way on the other side of town. He wonders if it will reach him. In the distance he sees people running out of their houses trying to get underground.

The wind is so powerful that they do not have a chance to get there. As soon as they step off of their porches the tornado sucks them and everything else inside of it. As other people start to come out of their houses they watch in horror at what is happing to their friends. As the tornado moves closer to their house they try and rush back in, hoping it will keep them safe. They are not that lucky though. They too are sucked up into this monstrous tornado. It keeps moving across the town sucking up everything in its path. Sam watches in delight. Finally these people are getting what they deserve.

They never ever should have thought to hide the Amethysts Key from him. Now he will never be bothered by them. He continues to watch as children and their parents scream in horror. He gets a thrill from seeing their fearful faces. They run around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to save themselves. He laughs knowing that their efforts are useless. “What stupid people,” Sam thinks. The tornado starts to get closer and closer to him. The powerful wind is rocking his car back and forth. He watches knowing that the tornado cannot get him because he does not live in the town.

A frown forms on his face as he sees that he is the only thing left in the town. The tornado however has not stopped it is still blowing up a storm and moving towards him. He thinks back to his wish. Then his eyes grow huge and his heart begins to race. He realizes that he wishes for everyone in the town to be destroyed. He is in the town! The tornado is coming for him! He fumbles for the keys to his car so he can start it and try to escape. But it is too late. The car is now off of the grown. It starts to fly towards the tornado. Sam lets out a terrified scream.

But he is the only one left, there is no one here to save him. The car is now one hundred feet off of the ground flying faster and faster towards the tornado. Sam tries to open his manual windows as a final chance to escape… but he cannot. The wind is too strong and he is moving too fast. With one final scream the tornado sucks him up. As quickly as it appeared it disappears. It leaves nothing behind. It just appears that the land is one giant uninhabited field. The only thing that remains is the Amethysts Key. It sits right in the middle of the now field. The purple tip shining in the sun on this beautiful fall day.

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