Labor In America

The Industrial Revolution was dawning in the United States. At Lowell, Massachusetts, the construction of a big cotton mill began in 1821. It was the first of several that would be built there in the next 10 years. The machinery to spin and weave cotton into cloth would be driven by water power. All that … Read more

Triumph Over Tragedy

When we think of a tragedy, instantaneously the classic Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet springs into our mind. Thoughts of lost love and torments abound. The most human of emotions, sorrow, overwhelms us. We shudder, a chill creeps up our spine. We agonize over the tragedy, and the tragic figure. We lose sight of reality, … Read more

Motivation Equals Progress

Self interest is a driving force; it is motivation. Motivation leads to progression and without progression early man would never have gotten past learning about fire. There is no single purpose of self-interest, it is for the individual to decide, but it is my motivation to live and I am convinced that it raises the … Read more

How can drug trafficking be controlled

The Drug Enforcement Agency has tried to limit the drug trafficking problem coming from countries south of the U. S. Also many other law enforcement agencies. The southern hemisphere has given the U. S. a really hard time with the international drug trade. Where do drugs come from? Most of the marijuana Smuggling routes that … Read more

Violence In Entertainment And Its Effect On Society

Does entertainment influence society’s attitude towards violent behavior? In order to fully answer this question we must first understand what violence is. Violence is the use of one’s powers to inflict mental or physical injury upon another, examples of this would be rape or murder. Violence in entertainment reaches the public by way of television, … Read more

Acid Rain – a form of air pollution

Normal rainfall is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in the raindrops to produce hydrogen ions. Yet, normal rainfall is not considered acid rain. Acid rain is a form of air pollution in which airborne acids produced by electric utility plants and other sources fall to Earth in distant regions. The corrosive … Read more

There’s One In Every Group

As time passes many of us will experience an array of trials and tribulations. As we go on our many journeys though out life youll find that you have to be strong to make it though hard times. During Elaines adolescences she is abused physically and mentally by her peers, but later gains self-confidence. Many … Read more

The Abenaki Indians

The Abenaki Indians lived in the northern part of New England and the southern part of the Canadian Maritimes. The Abenaki were divided into eastern, western, and maritime divisions. The eastern Abenaki were located in modern day Maine, to the east of New Hampshires White Mountains. The southern boundaries of the Abenaki homeland were near … Read more

Banded Iron Formations and evolution of the atmosphere

The time between the formation of the earth and the beginning of the Cambrian(about 570mya) is a 4000 my long period known as the Precambrian, this includes approximately 90% of geological time of which we know very little about as pre-Cambrian rocks are poorly exposed, many have been eroded or metamorphosed and fossils are seldom … Read more

Grace Kelly Essay

Even before Grace Kelly married a prince, she had the aura of a princess. Frank Sinatra once commented, “Grace was a princess from the moment she was born. ” She had remarkable elegance and sophistication that made her different from other Hollywood actresses. Some say she had an undertone of fire beneath her charm. Alfred … Read more

Brontes novel Wuthering Heights

In Brontes novel Wuthering Heights the idea compensation for love lost is discussed. Wuthering Heights is a quiet house in the country where the Earnshaws and Heathcliff live. Heathcliff loves Catherine Earnshaw very much but, she decides to marry another man, Edgar. Heathcliff marries Edgars sister just to make Catherine jealous. At the end Heathcliff … Read more

Schlesinger’s Canon Vs. My High School’s Canon

In school, whether it be at the high school or college levels, there are usually lists of books thought as being essential reading. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. –a Pulitzer Prize winning historian–calls this list in his book The Disuniting of America, a “canon” or “canonical literature. ” A problem exists with this canon, at least … Read more

Jack Kerouacs On The Road – A Memorable Journey

Jack Kerouac’s exhuberant novel, On the Road, follows a group of restless young friends criss-crossing America in second-hand cars while finding their ‘kicks’ in jazz, girls, drugs, and intense conversations about love, poetry, and serenity. Exposing the underground Beat lifestyle of the 1950’s, Kerouac celebrates the defiance of a generation chasing the freedom promised by … Read more

Freedom in the United States

No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to … Read more

The Taming of the Shrew a play written by William Shakespeare

“The Taming of the Shrew” was a play written by William Shakespeare during the early 1590’s. It combines both comedy and social commentary, which raises questions and ideas regarding the prominence of women in this time in history. Shakespeare draws from other texts of that era to appropriate his understanding of a “shrew”, the integral … Read more

Stereotyping, a form of pre judgement

Stereotyping is a form of pre judgement that is as prevalent in today’s society as it was 2000 years ago. It is a social attitude that has stood the test of time and received much attention by social psychologists and philosophers alike. Many approaches to, or theories of stereotyping have thus been raised. This essay … Read more

Actions and Effects of Creatine

Throughout time, humans have had a fascination with being excellent at what they do, and athletics have been no exception. Many substances exist, and many have been criticized and analyzed for their safety, legality, and morality for athletes. With the banning of steroids from competitive sports, and the implementation of random drug testing in most … Read more

Neil Armstrong Essay

When Neil Armstrong was two years old he loved going to the Airport to watch the planes take off and land. He got so excited just watching. When he was five years old he pretended that he was hovering over his bed. He wanted to fly! He loved airplanes and at six years old he … Read more

Russian Revolution of 1917

The roots of the Russian Revolution of 1917 were deep. Russia had suffered under an extremely oppressive form of government for centuries under the rule of the czars. During the 19th century the nation was filled with movements for political liberalization. In the long run there were several revolutions, not one. The first rebellion, known … Read more

The Aftermath of an Abortion

To have abortion or not is a very difficult choice to make. The final choice comes from religious and ethical beliefs. However, to have an abortion means to participate in a horrendous crime against humanity, God, and oneself. Abortion can also have deleterious effects on the mothers health and well being. Many of the couples, … Read more

How the Treaty of Versailles Effected Germany

Wen World War I ended on November 11, 1918, peace talks went on for months due to the Allied leaders wanting to punish the enemy and dividing the spoils of war. A formal agreement to end the war was made and called the Treaty of Versailles. The issue that took the most time were the … Read more

Failing to Buy into the American Dream

Wealth, material possessions, and power are the core values of The American Dream. Pursuit of a better life led countless numbers of foreign citizens to American soil desiring their chance at the limitless opportunity. Achievement of the American Dream is not always the achievement of true happiness. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay … Read more

Legal Education In The US

There is no undergraduate law degree in the United States; thus, students cannot expect to study law without first completing an undergraduate degree. Basic admissions requirements for American law schools are a Bachelor’s degree in any field and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The American law degree is called the Juris Doctor (JD) and … Read more

The Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf

The Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf is the most important work of Old English literature, and is well deserved of the distinction. The epic tells the story of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monster Grendel, a descendent of Cain, and of his exploits fighting Grendel’s mother and a Dragon. … Read more

Booker Taliaferro Washington

Booker Taliaferro Washington was born on April 5,1856 in Franklin County, Virginia. Washington gained an early appreciation for the values of family and education. Booker had been blessed with an intact family, with one exception of having a white father who never contributed to his life and whose identity Washington never acknowledged. From the lifelong … Read more

Tornadoes Report Essay

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm cloud to the earths surface. They are sometimes nicknamed twisters because of their shape and because of what they do. The winds in the tornadoes are usually 100mph or less. In +F4’s they can exceed 250mph. They usually stay on a … Read more

Stephen W. Hawking

Stephen W. Hawking has a mind set that is beyond today’s general way thinking. His attempts to identify a grand unification theory that unites everything we know about the physical world and science far exceeds any realm of thinking that has ever graced this earth. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England. … Read more

Indian Removal Act

Once the white men decided that they wanted lands belonging to the Native Americans (Indians), the United States Government did everything in its power to help the white men acquire Indian land. The US Government did everything from turning a blind eye to passing legislature requiring the Indians to give up their land (see Indian … Read more

The Role Of The National Transportation Board In Aviation Safety

The movement of millions of passengers over distances thought impossible decades ago is symbolic of the modern air transportation era that is characterized by speed, comfort and personal convenience. The commerce of aviation, both the operation of commercial aircraft for profit and the development of aeronautical systems, is also an important symbol of national prestige … Read more

Environmental Problems

In today’s environment Palm Beach County alone faces many environmental problems, which can turn disastrous if not taken care of. Included in these problems are air pollution, water contamination, and urban explosion. Air pollution is a major factor threatening our health and our environment. Due to the pollutants that circulate in the air, many people … Read more

How To Argue And Win Everytime

Jerry Spence startes off by asking why do we argue? He says that he doesn’t like to argue and he doesn’t like people that do. The confused me at first. He askes why not ty to get along, and besides when he argues he loses. He says we were born to make a winning argument … Read more

Characterization in a Passage from A Farewell to Arms

Anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation. Although that ceased when the carabiniere put his hands on my collar. I would like to have had the uniform off although I did not care much about the outward forms. I had taken off the stars, but that was for convenience. It was … Read more

Articles of Confederation

Analyze the degree to which the Articles provided an effective form of government with respect to any two of the following: Foreign Relations, Economic Conditions, or Western Lands In 1777, the states enacted the Articles of Confederation to preserve democracy and prevent tyranny from those who sought to centralize power. But in their efforts to … Read more

Early Health and Medicine

Today our personal health is often something we take for granted, because over the years we have developed more advanced vitimens, medicines, and cures for numerous sicknesses. In the early days, getting sick was much more terrifying than it is today. The cures for diseases were not much healthier than the diseases themselves. Any illness … Read more

Indian Boarding School

“Compressed emotions,” that is the explanation a teacher once gave to the ongoing question, “What is poetry? ” He said it was someone’s deepest emotions, as if you were reading them right out of that person’s mind, which in that case would not consist of any words at all. If someone tells you a story, … Read more

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, teacher, and scientist

Aristotle was one of the most influential thinkers in western culture, and a Greek philosopher, teacher, and scientist. He was probably the most scholarly and learned of the ancient Greek Philosophers. Aristotle mastered the entire development of Greek though before him and employed this knowledge in his writings. He criticized, summarized, and furthered the development … Read more

Women’s Reform Movement

Women in the late 19th century, except in the few western states where they could vote, were denied much of a role in the governing process. Nonetheless, educated the middle-class women saw themselves as a morally uplifting force and went on to be reformers. Jane Addams opened the social settlement of Hull House in 1889. … Read more

Pitfalls Of Herbal Supplements

As we prosper through time, inequality is slowly less evident. A lot of people don’t realize that although things are improving with time, inequality is still prominent in our society. The people that are failing to realize that there still is inequality, are the fortunate ones. They rise well above the poverty line, and usually … Read more

Foreshadowing of Death in Moby Dick

In Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, a recurring theme of death is seen throughout the book. A coffin appears at the beginning of the book and at the end of the book, Ishmael sees a large oil painting that foreshadows and represents many things and events that follow in the book, and Fedallah makes a … Read more

Plot Sequence of Moby Dick

Moby-Dick, like any other novel, is complete with a plot sequence which essentially maps the layout of the story line. In the plot sequence, there are five major groups. Those five groups are the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and finally the resolution. Melville does an outstanding job of describing and conveying these in … Read more

Moby Dick, or The Whale: Book Report

I.Author Information Herman Melville, was born in 1819, in a very “good” neighborhood in New York. Many influences on Melville’s works were European literature, experiences in his travels, and tragedy in his life. Melville was born into the time when inspiring works of American literature began to emerge. Yet, European heritage in literature still had … Read more

Ignorance By Moby Dick

Ignorance is seen every day of our lives. Even people in the 1850s were aware of ignorance. Ignorance is defined as being uneducated or resulting from or showing lack of knowledge. Ignorance can be taken to extremes though. There is complete ignorance where the person thinks that even though they do not understand it all … Read more

Moby Dick – Human Nature

In Moby Dick, Herman Melville makes use of two climactic scenes of the book to underline a profound and intellectual commentary on human nature. The chapters entitled The Musket and The Symphony are two such climactic scenes in which Starbuck and Ahab reveal a critical attribute of mans temperament. Melville uses these two characters to … Read more

AHAB in “Moby-Dick”

Although Ahab’s insanity appears to be what shuts him off from humanity, in reality it is what makes him human. Ahab desperately wants to be freed from his obsession – to not have to rely upon it to feel. It is because Ahab is no longer in control of his obsession that the reader eventually … Read more

The Scarlett Letter and Moby Dick

Two distinguished authors, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville, were the only two anti-transcendentalist novelists. They focussed their novels on limitations and the potential destructiveness of the human spirit rather than on its possibilities (The American Experience 301). Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Melville’s Moby Dick, are tales of sin, guilt, obsession and destruction. From out … Read more

Moby Dick: Symbols To Draw Attention

Often in great works of literature, symbols are incorporated to add depth. These symbols make it more interesting to the reader by making connections from one idea to another. Herman Melville depicts a great number of characters and symbols in his 19th century novel Moby Dick. Melville uses symbols to develop plot, characters, and to … Read more