Family Dinner Overrated? Essay

According to an article in The New York Times titled Is the Family Dinner Overrated? Gray Matter points out how many studies have suggested that children who participate in family dinners tend to be “healthier, happier, do better in school and [will] engage in fewer risky behaviors… ” (Matter). However, does having family dinners really … Read more

Persuasive School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms help to keep the school safer, and less bullying happens. Our brainstorming process consisted of using the 7-step decision making process, through the brainstorming, we had many ideas. Some of our ideas were hats, lunch, and backpacks. We chose school uniforms, because many schools don’t have uniforms, we didn’t think it was fair … Read more

Multi-Media Literacy Analysis Essay

Literacy education primarily has been ruled by written language, which as a result has pushed the teaching of visual images and multimodal elements to the outskirts of the literacy curriculum. In today’s world it seems as though texts that focus primarily on written language are scarce in comparison to multimodal texts that include visual images … Read more

Federal Government Role In Education Essay

In The United States today, a high-quality education is no longer just a stepping-stone to unlimited opportunity in the world, it is a requirement for any future success. Educating every American citizen and equipping all students to graduate from high school and go on to a form of higher education is a national imperative. It … Read more

Essay about Functional Behavior Assessment

Intervention plans based on an understanding of “why” a student misbehaves are extremely useful in addressing a wide range of problem behaviors Functional Behavior Assessment According to Gresham, Watkins, and Skinner’s article in 2001, Functional Behavior Assessments: Principles, Procedures, and Future Directions, “the FBA was designed to help schools determine the appropriateness of services and … Read more

Goblin Market Analysis Essay

Youth and growing up is all about making mistakes, brushing yourself off, and learning from those mistakes. Children are constantly being taught lessons through trial and error. Learning through mistakes applies to us throughout our life. Authors Christina Rossetti and Maurice Sendak’s written pieces are ridden with symbols of adult themes of trial and error. … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Dress Code

A group of high school students, were protesting their school’s ban against tank tops and leggings, female students said that they were informed that this type of clothing was “too much of an interruption” to the men in their school. Can clothes really affect your capability of receiving an education? Does enforcing dress code favor … Read more

Auditory, And Kinesthetic Learning Style Analysis Essay

The beginnings of success require settings goals, gaining knowledge and resources. To achieve my academic goals, it takes a learning approach that will utilize muy resources and assist with my educational advancement by outlining a deeper understanding of what is required while also maintaining an ethical stance. Using your resources will benefit gaining knowledge, and … Read more

Token Economy Case Study Essay

A token economy is a method of behavior modification intended to increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors with the use of tokens. Individuals receive tokens immediately after displaying desirable behavior. Individuals collect these tokens and later exchange them for a meaningful object or privilege (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). Anthony and Mia are typically … Read more

Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program Analysis Essay

Drug Abuse Resistance Education program is the most widely used drug education program targeted towards elementary school children in the United States. Since 1980’s over a million children across the United States have been introduced to the DARE program. The program began implementing their curriculum into school systems with the goal of educating children about … Read more

Controversial Books Should Be Banned In Schools Essay

A major goal many schools aim for is to provide young students with substantial knowledge of the amazingly diverse world they live in. Although this seems to be the case, more than 11,300 books have been challenged for controversial material since 1982; 311 books were challenged recently in 2014 (American Library Association). The fact that … Read more

Why Do Children Learn Alphabets Essay

Thave had the opportunity to work in two Head Start and preschool classrooms for the past three weeks. Exposing the alphabet to young children is an important step toward children learning requirements. The aim of this reflection paper is to discuss how children learn alphabet letters through games. However, I had a few challenges along … Read more

Adrianna Kezar’s Organizational Theory Research Paper

The article Organizational Theory by Adrianna Kezar (2011) looks at one of the most important frameworks for student affairs professional’s organizational theory, which is essential in understanding their roles within the student affairs realm. One thing that stood out to me was how Kezar (2011) didn’t just simply outline four of the major organizational theories … Read more

Field Experience Reflection Essay

The coursework and field experience this semester made me realize how important it is to know my students and how to engage them. I experimented with different ways to engage my students over the course of the semester. The experience taught me that the students were more focused and that I grabbed their attention when … Read more

Essay On Social Construction

Social Construction Theory “As we thought Social Construction Theory is worried with the ways we consider and utilize classifications to structure our experience and investigation of the world” Social constructions characterize implications, thoughts, or intentions that are allocated to questions and occasions in the earth and to individuals’ ideas of their connections and communications with … Read more

Flavia Weedn: Poem Analysis Essay

American writer and artist, Flavia Weedn, once wrote in her poem, “Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same”. One of my teachers told me something during my junior year that stood out to me and touched me dearly. She said, “Lift your problems … Read more

Summary Of Privilege By Shamus Khan Essay

In his book, Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School, Shamus Khan provides an ethnographic perspective to the world of elite boarding schools through his experience both as a student and as a full-time faculty member at St. Paul’s School. To preface the book, Khan reflects on his experience at St. … Read more

Classroom Management Philosophy Essay

My philosophy of classroom management and student engagement is to guide my students in a structured environment that allows them the opportunity to be successful, self-disciplined, respectful individuals in the classroom and out. Why students misbehave I believe students misbehave for several reasons; they may not know any better because they have not been taught … Read more

Grade Inflation In Education Essay

Grade inflation is an issue where instructors give passing grades to students that do not deserve them and this is an issue that can be seen going on in colleges and universities across the country. Teachers do this for multiple reasons whether it be to keep their jobs, to fill their classrooms, or to keep … Read more

IEP Meeting Reflection Essay

When I first learned that I would be observing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting, I had several ideas on how it would actually go since I have never observed a meeting on a student. I had pictured in my mind that the meeting would be in a quiet room with a really long table … Read more

Social Conflict Theory Essay

In a social conflict perspective to bully, is a macro view, which is a view of society a whole and how a society is different in gender, religion, and race, and how it raises to conflicts in bullying and how people bullies others, and how certain types of people more vulnerable to being bullied then … Read more

Problems and solutions in education

Public schools are the building blocks of our societies. They can be considered our foundational instruments. Although these institutes of learning play such an important role, they are unable to provide the best they can, due to their numerous flaws. It is evident that these problems exist by the number of school dropouts, falling test … Read more


Home schooling is an alternative to public education. It is a choice that many more parents are making today, and even more are projected to make by the year 2000. It is estimated that at the end of the year 2000 there will be 2,000,000 home schoolers in the United States (Gorder 1996). There are … Read more

Multicultural Education

The Debate Over Multicultural Education in America America has long been called “The Melting Pot” due to the fact that it is made up of a varied mix of races, cultures, and ethnicities. As more and more immigrants come to America searching for a better life, the population naturally becomes more diverse. This has, in … Read more

Multicultural Education: Piecing Together the Puzzle

When a child opens his (or her) first puzzle and the pieces fall to the ground, it may seem very confusing. What are they to do with this pile of shapes in front of them? It often takes a parent to explain to them that all the different pieces fit together into one whole picture. … Read more

Life in a High School

Cliques are small groups of between two and twelve individuals. Cliques are small enough that the members feel that they know each other better than do people outside the clique. Members of a clique share common activities and friendships. They are social settings in which adolescents hang out, talk to each other, and form closer … Read more

Bilingual Education Essay

English only–sink or swim? Yeah right! Instead of English Only Advocates worrying about bilingual education cost in our school system, why not take advantage of the skills our ethnic minorities possess to move our economy forward? They are obviously not thinking clearly, because the benefit of bilinguals, significantly outweigh the bad. To deny our youth … Read more

Argumentative Essay: Educational Reform

Since the early 1980’s, the issue of America’s faltering public school system has become a serious concern. The crisis in K-12 education is one of the biggest challenges facing the nation. There is a great deal of evidence to show this problem. The pathetically low results of American students through international test scores is one … Read more

Teacher Certification Essay

The whole issue of teacher certification is one of great importance and when discussed must be done in a delicate and thoughtful manner. The reason for this increasing importance is because the education of our nations teachers is important to the creation of an ideal education system, which is one of the goals of our … Read more

Multicultural Education: Piecing Together the Puzzle

When a child opens his (or her) first puzzle and the pieces fall to the ground, it may seem very confusing. What are they to do with this pile of shapes in front of them? It often takes a parent to explain to them that all the different pieces fit together into one whole picture. … Read more

Fraternaty Hazing Essay

Hazing in universities across the nation has become an increasingly dangerous ritual that is seemingly becoming more difficult to put an end to due to its development into an underground activity. Though a regular activity in the seventies, hazing, a possible dangerous act of initiation to a group, has now become an activity that is … Read more

Neil Postman – Defending Against the Indefensible

Throughout the span of the past few weeks I have traversed the globe, visiting several countries and regions, only to realize that although new methods develop, language as a way of expressing ones self has remained the most effective. Despite this fact, language still has its pitfalls. Neil Postman, in his essay “Defending Against the … Read more

Prejudice, Racism and Education

Racism has been a steady problem all through time. One of the most troublesome areas of racism is in places of education. Finding a cure for this would be a major step towards ending racism in general. No one has ever thought of a solution yet, and racism will be strong as long as there … Read more

Academic Discourse Essay

In Peter Elbows, Writing for Teachers, he states, Teachers are one of the trickiest audiences of all, yet they also illustrate the paradox that audiences sometimes help you and sometimes get in your way. A teachers experience can give a student author valuable insight to the development of his writing, while at the same time … Read more

Legal Education In The US

There is no undergraduate law degree in the United States; thus, students cannot expect to study law without first completing an undergraduate degree. Basic admissions requirements for American law schools are a Bachelor’s degree in any field and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The American law degree is called the Juris Doctor (JD) and … Read more

Legal Education In The US

There is no undergraduate law degree in the United States; thus, students cannot expect to study law without first completing an undergraduate degree. Basic admissions requirements for American law schools are a Bachelor’s degree in any field and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The American law degree is called the Juris Doctor (JD) and … Read more

David Copperfield – Education

In David Copperfield, Dickens champions the importance of a liberal and moral education by drawing from personal experiences and creating starkly contrasting caricatures to exemplify his beliefs and views. Prior to 1870, there were no rules or laws governing school syllabus or teacher conduct. Hence, many schools taught by forcing the students to recite mindlessly … Read more

Anthem by Ayn Rand: A Review

The novel Anthem by Ayn Rand tells the story of Equality 7-2521, an individual living in a communal society devoid of human individuality. Equality 7-2521 began his life in the Home of Infants and was educated in the Home of Students. He had a keen mind and excelled at his school work; however, he was … Read more