The New Education

There is a bed in Seattle which is nestled in North America on the spinning Earth led by the Sun around the Milky Way, a speck of cosmic dust floating in the Universe. On this bed Carl Sagan died of an obscure disease for which there is no cure. Carl Sagan is a celebrated writer … Read more

The Politics of education in Ethiopia

Education is intensely a political matter. Under whatever historical and social circumstances, the task of educating future generations is deeply embodied in a society’s value systems and social fabric. The institutional arrangement for accomplishing this task depends on a wide and complex set of political conditions. It is, therefore, hardly possible to adequately understand and, … Read more

Prayer in public schools

Picture this, the prayer amendment has just been applied to the U. S Constitution, a Jewish kid in a public school classroom is surrounded by Christian children, including a Christian teacher. The teacher begins to recite a Christian prayer, when a Jewish child gets up out of his seat and asks, “I want to be … Read more

The purpouse of a higher education

Some People say that the world has many opportunities, some say that you cant get anywhere unless you are born to some certain class of people. Some even say that it is pure fate that brings you where you are going to be and what you get is what you get and you cant do … Read more

Legal Education In The US

There is no undergraduate law degree in the United States; thus, students cannot expect to study law without first completing an undergraduate degree. Basic admissions requirements for American law schools are a Bachelor’s degree in any field and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The American law degree is called the Juris Doctor (JD) and … Read more

New York University

From the early beginnings of my high school career, I have dreamed of attending a private university on the East Coast. Upon learning about New York University, it seems to fit perfectly. NYU offers the education and facility for me to achieve my dream of becoming a business leader in addition to having a solid … Read more

A research on Inclusion

Although no consensus exists about the definition of inclusion, it can usually be agreed upon that inclusion is a movement to merge regular and special education so that all students can be educated together in a general education classroom. Because of the lack of consensus, inclusion is a hotly debated topic in education today. Mainstreaming … Read more