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Technical Development Office VII Essay

The whole ordeal lasted only a good ten minutes. When it was all over, one of the turrets was fried by a laser beam from one of the Adelburgers. The other had the barrel of one of its twin mounted Buzzsaws overheated, before it disabled due to sustaining heavy damage. Once the guns were silenced, Walther then proceeded to look at the wound Sigma 1 had sustained. Walther was told by Sigma 7, the Adelburger treating Sigma, “This man is going to die, unless we give him some professional medical attention.

Whatever hit him, it was enough to cause a lot of damage to the muscles on his bicep, not to mention rupturing an artery in the process. “Alright, I’m letting you be in charge of bringing Sigma 1 back to St. Philomena’s Hideaway,” said Walther. “Take Sigma 2 and Sigma 5 with you. The rest of us will be moving up as soon as you guys get him off the ground. ” “We’ll do what we can, sir,” answered Sigma 7, who was then helped by Sigma 2 and Sigma 5 in bringing Sigma 1 back to the transponder beacon. Knowing that it was all clear to continue moving up, Schaffer and the other remaining Adelburgers got back on their feet, and slowly made their way to the tower.

Carefully moving in a scattered formation, they were unsure if they were any traps left in front of them by the Union, and so they wanted to be on the safe side. After Schaffer and the remaining Adelburgers leaped over the wall of sandbags, and onto a seven foot deep trench, the ground covered in long pieces of freshly cut plywood, they decided to first examine the turrets that were firing on them earlier. On the ground where the turrets were emplaced, the Adelburgers saw a large number of empty shell casings strewn about in various spots. Upon approaching the turrets, they were also amazed to discover the high-tech nature of the turrets.

Resting on a table between the destroyed turrets, there was a portable laptop computer, with some kind of software program installed in its hard drive. Whatever it was, the computer program happened to be the one controlling the turrets. Interested in examining further, Schaffer told his fellow Adelburgers to make sure that they were no other turrets in the other sides of the rectangular redoubt. “You guys look around and see if we missed anything, I’ll take a look at this computer,” he volunteered. Taking control of the laptop, Walther began to examine the capabilities of the software.

He discovered that the software and even the turrets themselves were cheap to build and nearly impossible to be cracked by a computer hacker. Further examination of the munitions that the turrets were using against the Adelburgers, indicated that the bullets were custom made JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) rounds, which may explain why various muscle fibers in Sigma 1’s right bicep was badly damaged. And lastly, Schaffer noticed that the AI (Artificial Intelligence) operating the turrets also came with an IFF (Independent Friendly Fire) system, which made them discriminant at what they were firing at.

In other words, aside from those already registered on the software as being ‘friendly’, the turrets will literally shoot at anything that happens to be caught in its field of view. Just as he was finished examining the information on the laptop, Schaffer’s boys returned to him, having discovered six more turrets, with two covering each side of the rectangular fortification. After being informed of this, he commanded them: “Shut them all down now. ” “We’ll see what we can do,” Sigma 8, the one who informed Walther of this information, gladly said to him in response.

Before he left, he said to Schaffer, gesturing at the tower that the fortification was built around. “If you like, the honors are yours. ” “Don’t mind if I do. ” Schaffer nodded in agreement. Climbing up on the island of topsoil and grass that was proportionally leveled with the rest of the park, Walther began to walk toward the metallic tower, gazing in awe of it. Not long after, he noticed a cable box located at one of its legs. Curious, he began to open it, only to find that it containing the controls for its use and operation.

In addition, it was also where its power supply was, which happened to be a refined, crystal shaped version of the Tesla Anomaly that caught the interest of the Ryanischwalkuren Gesellschaft and the RGA, after having been discovered by the Underground almost a year ago. Furthermore, he also found out who happened to manufacture the technology behind the towers, and only the towers: none other than “Technical Development Office VII,” part of the Republic and Confederation Programs’ Research and Innovation Ministries.

After taking note, keeping it in mind for future reference, he soon began charging the laser rifle he took from Sigma 1, and began to blast away at the cable box. It was enough to destroy the tower in the wake of the cable box’s destruction, for it was very reliant on the highly volatile Tesla Anomaly. With their assignment complete, Schaffer and the remaining Adelburgers regrouped before heading back to the transponder beacon, having already completed what was originally expected of them. Following their returning back to St.

Philomena’s Hideaway, from the reports that he had garnered from the other three Adelburgers crews, who had told tales similar to what Walther had experienced that night, it became obvious to the Adelburgers that the Occult followers of the Union were not to be underestimated. This was more apparent when high command decided to believe otherwise. In the end, all of the Adelburgers survived, including Sigma 1, the one who got hit by a dum-dum tip bullet from the gun barrels of a sentry turret. *** (Thirteen days later)

Butch O’Hara’s younger sister, Foreign Volunteer Legion leader Moira O’Hara, was a fellow class of the Dewy-Eyed Princess, at the pre-k-8th grade Catholic primary they both attended in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In the 2014-2015 school year, Drusilla was a seventh grader at this school. Moira, on the other hand, graduated a year earlier, and for the first half of the next school year, she attended a public high school, before attending the all-girl school known as St. Teresa of Avila Catholic High School for Girls. Though they rarely see each other outside of Underworld, they both remained close friends.

What seemed to have been a fantastical turn of events soon became a reality: on the 2nd of April, Holy Thursday 2015, upon being dismissed with the rest of the students thanks to a noon dismissal, Drusilla had the opportunity of going home from school. This was possible, due to the fact that her father lived not far from where the school, aside from the fact that her parents were divorced. Still dressed in her school uniform, on her way home from school, Drusilla encountered Butch O’Hara’s sister in the same sidewalk she treaded. Hey Drusilla,” Moira greeted her, waving at her once the two girls were within audible range of each other. She took a deep breath, taking note of the newly animated life around them.

And then she said to Drusilla, “Nice to see you again on a nice spring afternoon like this. ” “Same,” agreed the Dewy-Eyed Princess. “At a time like this, I have to wonder you’re here. ” “Well, I’m glad you noticed, Drusilla,” said Moira. Revealing her left hand before the Dew-Eyed Princess, she showed her what appears to be a letter. This letter was meant for you,” she explained to Drusilla, while waiting for the Dewy-Eyed Princess to take it from her hand. Drusilla complied by taking the letter from Moira’s hand, and from there she began to examine the envelope. Judging by her personal observations, it seems that there was no return address; all that she could find was ‘to Drusilla’ written on the front side.

Unsure as to why an old friend would want to give this to her, the Dewy-Princess decided to express her personal questions to Moira. “Why do you want me to have this letter? she asked her. Moira replied, explaining to the Dewy-Eyed Princess in the simplest terms possible. “Somebody wanted me to give this to you,” she told her. She later admitted, “However, I haven’t met the sender of the letter yet, so open the envelope, and see for yourself. ” “Thanks,” said Drusilla. “A pleasure,” Moira answered back whilst watching the Dewy-Eyed Princess proceeded open the envelope with her hands. As soon as it was opened, she pulled out the letter and began to read it, her other hand holding on to the envelope which contained the letter.

On the top of the letter were the words ‘to whomever this letter was sent,’ of which marked on the paper in red ink using a rubber stamp. Drusilla’s eyes soon became focused on the text as she continued reading the letter. [To whomever this letter was sent] Dear Sir or Madam, You have been contacted for reasons that should be obvious by now. But just in case you have no idea as to what we meant, allow us to demonstrate by discussing the following… Are you or anyone you know personally in contact with a group of nine girls named after Odin’s nine daughters in Germanic mythology?

If not, how about a certain Bauer family member named ‘Hannelore Elvira Bauer’? Do you have unauthorized access to the so-called ‘Technical Development Office VII’? Are you aware of Technical Development Office VII’s research and development projects, specifically, in fields regarding the ‘Anomaly phenomenon’? Do you happen to know any information about the three Ryanite secret societies referred to as ‘Black Crayon’, ‘White Swan’, and ‘Red Rose’? If so, to what extent? How about the equally mysterious and also sinister ‘Order of the Golden Dusk Aristocracy’?

Have you or anyone you know have ties to the Brotzman family? Yes, the very same family of Harold Sebastian Brotzman. Are you aware about the existence of occult forces known as the ‘Union’, utilizing stolen and reversed engineered technology taken from Technical Development Office VII? Are you also aware of any future plans by the Union or its rivals? Lastly, do you have any interest in following up on the ‘GUBU phenomenon’ within the Catholic School System in America? How much and to what extent? Does your evidence suggest there is a possible connection?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then chances are you now know what we wanted to contact you in the first place. You may also be wondering who we are and what our purposes are. That is perfectly understandable, considering you have no idea why we want to contact you. First of all, we are not concerned in regards to what you will do with this letter. It is part of the Free Will God gave you. Feel free to keep this letter to yourself or distribute it to any interested parties as you see fit. This may be our only means of communications until you have demonstrated yourself as someone to be trusted.

Regrettably, we truly do know as of yet if you are going to be interested in what we have to say. For this reason, if and when we do continue our communications with you as we see fit, we will be identifying ourselves as BELLADONNA. We will not describe anything about ourselves, except for the fact we are a group of clergymen and religious nuns and monks sharing a common interest in all of the above questions. We come from various orders, dioceses and archdioceses, and we have reason to believe that we have to say may be of interest to you, the sir or madam that we are sending this letter to.

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