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Racism In The Film The Hurricane Essay

In the film ‘The Hurricane’ directed by Normal Jewison an important message that the character Rubin helps us understand is that of Racism. Jewison shows the viewer that the victims of racism have their lives destroyed and become aggressive because of the inequality served to them. We are also shown how unprotected victims of racism are, and how they are always in danger of becoming the target to blame things on. However Jewison directed this film to change these attitudes so towards the end of the film we have a hint of hope as we see that society can change for the better.

These ideas are devolved through the use of film techniques such as dialogue, camera work, lighting and sound effects. The victims of racism are brought down and diminished by the inequality served to them which is racism. The character Rubin helps us understand this when he is in the hole and we see him from a high angle while he is weak and collapsed. This technique makes us look down on him, helping convey to the viewer how inferior he feels. This combined with the sound effect of Rubin crying really shows the viewer how utterly sad and destroyed Rubin is feeling at that point.

These techniques are used when he is being punished for a crime which he did not commit because of the fact that he is black. By seeing Rubin at his lowest point we see how racism is not only skin deep and can seriously wound the victims. This brings out one of the film’s themes, that is of racism and what racism does to its victims. The directors purpose of using these techniques was because he wanted us to see the affects of such bad treatment so viewers can see that such cruelty can bring a person to their breaking point. This sends us a message, not only of racism, but of bullying and inequality of all kinds.

When you are being treated badly it will eventually bring you to breaking point. Jewison teaches us how wrong it is to have such attitudes that value some over others, how wrong it is make people feel inferior. Because it can really hurt and destroy people, as it did Rubin at this point. I believe it doesn’t matter how strong or tough you are, racism will still bring you down to your weakest point, as it did Rubin, if you are repeatedly a victim of racism. The victims of racism are never safe, and must always be on edge as they are unprotected.

The character of Rubin helps us understand this when we hear the loud, piercing sound effect of the police sirens used as a warning sign for Rubin. Which is ironic, as police sirens are usually a sign of help and security, but for Rubin, where he is a victim of racism, the police sirens are a sound of danger. This sound effect is also combined with red lighting from the siren, casting black shadows, creating an eerie, dangerous feel. This shows how racism puts you on high alert, making it feel as if no where is safe. Not only that but it also shows how racism has caused corruption of our society.

When even the people who are known for keeping you safe have fallen into the trap of racism, that just shows how much it has spread. It helps convey to us the danger Rubin feels, as even the police aren’t going to protect him. These techniques help bring out the theme of racism and how the inferior are never safe. The directors purpose of using this technique was to show how alone and unprotected Rubin and everyone who is coloured is. It helps us highlight how unfair it is that some of us are favoured and protected and others are treated like trash.

It also shows how deceiving things can be, you would presume the police protect everyone, but they only really protect those who are superior. This teaches us that looks can be deceiving and that we shouldn’t make the assumptions that we make, as things are often different than they appear. I believe it is unfair that the superior are protected while the inferior are thrown under the bus if need be. In our society we need to try and eliminate this inequality so justice can be served to all, not only the superior. We see through techniques used in the film that attitudes can change, and racism is not set in stone, equality is still an option.

The character of Rubin helps us understand this when is in is final trial and he is shot with a high angle and the judge is shot with a low angle. This shows how the judge holds the power over the trial and Rubin is looked down on, and is not really being heard. But at the end of the trial, after Rubin gives his speech, we see Rubin and the Judge shot with equal angles, showing that he is finally an equal and will be given a fair trial. This shows that through Rubin’s powerful speech, he broke through to the judge to show him that Rubin is no less of a human than himself, and should be treated as one.

Rubin’s speech causes the judge to become aware of his own prejudice attitudes, and he realises that he must change and do the right thing and give Rubin the hard earned justice he deserves. When the judge realises this he speaks to the audience; ‘This case was predicated upon racism rather than reason, concealment rather than disclosure. ‘ This dialogue shows the judge’s realisation that Rubin has been convicted only because he is black. Even though racism did cause everyone to close their mind towards Rubin, it doesn’t mean their minds cannot be re-opened. It shows how no ones opinions are really set in stone.

We are heavily influenced by those around us, but no matter how strong those influences are, they can still be changed. It shows us that even though racism is still badly affecting our society today, it can be changed. We can change and create a world where we all feel equal and just. In conclusion, the character of Rubin helps us understand that racism can break people down and destroy them to the point where they wonder if they should still go on. We also learn that racism always puts victims on edge, so that they never feel safe. As modern viewer, we can easily see how wrong these prejudice attitudes are to do this to people.

We also learn how we can still change for the better. Attitudes, opinions and beliefs are never set in stone. Racism is still around today and is heavily affected our society. If we all become aware when we are being racist and when we are valuing one person over another, we can change. In correlation with this, a quote by the director, Norman ve never met a racist vet who thought he was racist. ‘ believe what Norman is trying to say is that no one who is aware of their racism is still racist. Today we all need to be aware of this tendency within ourselves to judge others, so that we can learn to control this.

There are so many cases of coloured people being inferior causing disastrous results. Norman is trying to show us that everyone should be treated with respect, and that we are all the same. No one deserves to be treated badly and the world still is far from being rid of these racist attitudes. But the world can change, we can extinguish these wrong attitudes. The solution is to become aware of our prejudice beliefs so we can change our attitudes. So that we treat everyone the way they deserve to be treated, no matter what their skin colour.

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