Essay on Gen Davis Legacy Leadership

A legacy leader is one who transforms their surroundings. Legacy leaders make lasting improvements to their communities that benefit future generation. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate why General (GEN) Benjamin 0. Davis Jr. was a legacy leader. This paper will illustrate how GEN Davis’ story has contributed to my own personal growth. … Read more

Star Spangled Banner Research Paper

The well-known Star Spangled Banner elaborates on the land of the free, and the home of the brave – but why does this free land exist, and who are the brave? The United States Armed Forces are the federal military forces of the United States. They consist of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, … Read more

Argumentative Essay: Women In The Military

Women in the military are just a distraction to the men. I don’t see why women are a distraction, they go through the same training and pain and everything else. As women and men go through the same stuff everyday the men still think women are not capable of being in the military. Women train … Read more

Case Study: Operation Gothic Serpent Essay

Operation Gothic Serpent (OGS), the manhunt for Mohamed Farrah Aidid (MFA), leader of the Somali National Alliance (SNA), commenced on 3 October 1993 and ended on 4 October 1993. Task Force Ranger’s (TFR) mission targeted the so-called Black Sea slum district, near the Bakara Market, to capture two of MFA’s key lieutenants near the Olympic … Read more

Military Decision Making Process Essay

The military decision-making process (MDMP) is an iterative planning methodology that integrates the activities of the commander, staff, subordinate headquarters, and other partners to understand the situation and mission, develop and compare courses of action (COA), decide on a COA that best accomplishes the mission, and produce an operation plan or order for execution. (MDMP … Read more

Military Training Benefits Essay

Joining the military has its benefits; but before we start talking about the main points let’s see what the military has to offer you. Through its tough courses it will test you to your limits. It will make you strive to do better. So joining the military is beneficial. The average time a soldier is … Read more

Militant Monks

The Knights Templar, a military order of monks answerable only to the Pope himself, were founded in 1118. Their primary responsibility, at least initially, was to provide protection to Christians making pilgrimages to the Holy Land. They rose in power, both religious and secular, to become one of the richest and most powerful entities in … Read more

Objections Emerge To U.S. Resolution

If Baghdad fails to follow through, however, U. S. officials said a Pentagon (news – web sites) plan calls for more than 200,000 troops to invade Iraq. In brief remarks as he entered Sunday’s meeting, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri said only that the Arab position is firm in rejecting any use of U. S. … Read more

Women in Military

Throughout the history of the United States of America, Civil Rights have expanded to include everyone. Many activists have fought for rights, setting precedents to be followed. In 1920, the 19th Amendment granted suffrage to women. Since then, women have been gradually stepping up on the ladder of success. Everyday more and more opportunities are … Read more

So You Want To Be A Navy Seal

From Sea, Air, and Land, the U. S. Navy Seal Teams are the most feared and respected commando forces in the U. S military if not the world. The Seal Teams are the most elite and highly trained forces on the face of the earth. President John F. Kennedy formed the teams in 1962 as … Read more

Political Control Of The Military

“No new taxes. ” This is a quote that most all of us remember from the 1992 presidential election. Along with it we remember that there were new taxes during that presidents term in office. There are a myriad of promises made and things done in a presidential election year that have questionable motives as … Read more

Characterization in Catch-22

The large cast of characters in Heller’s Catch-22 is what makes the novel so memorable. The experience of each character makes the “catch” more believable to the reader. Each character symbolizes a different attitude and reaction to the system in which he is trapped. Oftentimes, the characters are stereotypes rather than actual “individuals.” There is … Read more

A Shot In The Dark

Since the end of the Persian Gulf War, the United States along with the United Nations has struggled with Saddam Hussein to locate his weapons of mass destruction. Saddams persistence and dubious manner towards the United States military has raised concern for military protection. To combat biological threats, Secretary of Defense William Cohen implemented a … Read more

The Roswell Incident

Forty-seven years ago an incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. It involved the recovery by the U. S. Military of material alleged to be of extraterrestrial origin. The event was announced by the Army Air Force on July 8, 1947 through a press … Read more

The Militarys Role in the Beginning of the End of Rome

The fall of Rome occurred over many centuries and was caused by several factors including military decay, barbarian invasions, and the failure of the government to respond to these problems. While these problems existed to a greater of lesser degree, since the end of the 2nd century, their effects were accelerated by the reforms of … Read more

Report on We Were Soldiers

The Vietnam War was a nightmare for many soldiers. It re-defined the meaning of war to an entire generation. As the conflict grew it became known around the world that this was a war that could not be won. After this was realized by America the main focus became to “get out” instead of “getting … Read more

Homosexuals in the Military

Homosexuals have been excluded from our society since our country’s beginning, giving them no equal protection underneath the large branch of the law. The Emancipation Proclamation gave freedom to blacks from slavery in the 1800’s and women were given the freedoms reserved for males in the early 1900’s with the women’s suffrage movement. But everyone … Read more

Military Organizational Structure

Organization involves a intentional formalized structure of roles. People working together towards a common goal, but in specialized areas. The overall effectiveness of any particular association is directly proportional to the functioning of its members. As a firm increases in size the participants lose sight of the concept of teamwork. To maintain the competitive edge … Read more

The History of Submarines

In the year 2000, the American submarine force will celebrate the first century of service by highly skilled people in some of the most technologically advanced vessels ever built. The past 100 years have witnessed the evolution of a force that mastered submersible warfare, introduced nuclear propulsion to create the true submarine, and for decades … Read more

Homosexuals in the Military

Homosexuals have been excluded from our society since our country’s beginning, giving them no equal protection underneath the large branch of the law. The Emancipation Proclamation gave freedom to blacks from slavery in the 1800’s and women were given the freedoms reserved for males in the early 1900’s with the women’s suffrage movement. But everyone … Read more

The Bay of Pigs Invasion

By late 1958 Castro was still fighting a guerilla war against the Fulgencio Batista. Before he came to power, there was an incident between his troops and some vacationing American troops from the nearby American naval base at Guantanamo Bay. During the incident some U. S. Marines were held captive by Castros forces but were … Read more

Military Organizational Structure

The Toad Military Organizational Structure Organization involves a intentional formalized structure of roles. People working together towards a common goal, but in specialized areas. The overall effectiveness of any particular association is directly proportional to the functioning of its members. As a firm increases in size the participants lose sight of the concept of teamwork. … Read more