What is Creatine

Creatine is not an Herb, mineral, vitamin, hormone, or a steroid. It is also not those bread cubes that you scatter over your salad, either. Creatine is a natural nutrient found in our bodies and the bodies of most animals. Approximately ninety five percent is scattered throughout the rest of the body, with the highest … Read more

Fortunes furious fickle wheel

Whatever is, is right, said Alexander Pope, and all is for the best echoed Pangloss of Voltaires Candide (Lamm 175 ln 46). Pangloss believed that if something happens, then it is for a reason. He held that the, sometimes, bitter endeffectwas justified by the predestined and inevitable meanscause. Pangloss represented the attitude of eternal optimism, … Read more

Ghosts, by Henrik Ibsen

In his play “Ghosts”, Ibsen forces the reader to think about his own ideas and believes, as well as those of society and past ages. Symbolism is one technique repeatedly used to portray the author’s ideas through rain, light, fire, the orphanage, Oswald, and through Engstrand himself. The use of religion is also interesting in … Read more

Common Culture In America

We have a common culture in America, but close examination reveals much diversity within it. Our culture is made up of a number of subcultures which are based upon differences in religion, occupation, education, racial and ethnic characteristics, wealth, geographic location, national origins, and other factors. From these subcultures emerge people whose values and life … Read more

Avenging a Father

There are many different reasons why Hamlet must avenge the death of his father the late King Hamlet. The aspect of justice versus revenge is a prominent theme throughout the play. Prominent characteristics in each of the characters seeking revenge shows the different aspects of what each character feels is justice. Hamlet is notoriously known … Read more

Children on their Birthdays

Truman Capote created a character in “Children on Their Birthdays” who is the definition of a dreamer. Her name is Miss Bobbit and although she is only a child, everyone who knew her addressed her as Miss Bobbit because “she had a certain magic, whatever she did she did it with completeness, and so directly … Read more

American History X

American History X is a very controversial movie. It is a movie about a Venice Beach skin head gang called the D. O. C. The gang is run by the master mind of Cameron Alexander who likes to poison childrens minds with racism and other negative things like stealing and vandalizing. The story is based … Read more

Two Influences of the Day

Through the play ” Raisin in the Sun, ” Beneatha Younger is exposed to two men who she both has an interest in. This being Joseph Asagai and George Murchison. Both men have some similar characteristics, but also differences which make their actions stand out from each other. To start, both men are kind at … Read more

Janie’s Struggle To Find Her Voice

Janie Crawford, the main character of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, strives to find her own voice throughout the novel and, in my opinion, she succeeds even though it takes her over thirty years to do it. Each one of her husbands has a different effect on her ability to find that … Read more

Affirmative Action, Racial And Sexual Discrimination

Affirmative action is the nation’s most ambitious attempt to redress its long history of racial and sexual discrimination, however in modern times and approximately forty years after the establishment of this policy, society is plagued with the issues of whether affirmative action is necessary, whether it is a benefit or detriment to society, and why … Read more

Alternative Therapies – Traditional Yoga

With an increasing trend in western culture toward the use of alternative therapies, yoga is emerging as a primary means for achievement of both physiological and psychological wellness. Traditional yoga utilizes a combination of both physical and spiritual methods for faciliatation of self-improvement. The origin of yoga has not been clearly identified, however archeaological evidence … Read more

The Big Lie, about Theism

The Big Lie I have been going to church since I was three years old. I also attended Sunday school since I was three. Since then I have been confirmed as a member of the church and have actively participated in the senior high youth program at my church. All of these years I figured … Read more

Nanotechnology and Multi-Scale Simulations

In the past couple of decades, the technology available has increased exponentially. We are able to examine and solve problems now that were only a dream to many scientists 20-25 years ago. As we increase our ability to discover and expand we are also facing new problems every day. These problems come as we delve … Read more

The Internet and the Media

The media today can be scandalous and misleading. However, the media provides much needed information. It can be helpful, When you go online its almost as if a world of information is opened to you. The media plays a large part in this. Every time a website is accessed an ad will pop up for … Read more

The Censorship of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckelberry Finn has been called one of the greatest pieces of American literature, deemed a classic. The book has been used by teachers across the country for years. Now, Huck Finn, along with other remarkable novels such as Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird, are being pulled off the … Read more

Women In Ballet

Ballet is an art form born out of the expressionism and creativity of the Renaissance period (Kraus 63). From the first ballet performed in 1580 to the present, women have been portrayed as fragile and dependent on men. One such ballet is The Nutcracker in which the girl-heroine Clara relies on the Nutcracker to save … Read more

One Of The Worlds Great Religions

Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religions for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology, it covers both the natural and spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. (Albert … Read more

From racketeering, bootlegging, and brotheling, Alphonse Capone

Al Capone, born to Gabriele and Teresina Capone, was born in Brooklyn, New York. At age 5 he starrted school at Public School no. 7 on Adams street. Als school had outbreaks of violence. Male Students engaged in fist fights with female teachers. At age 14 he engaged in a fight between himself and a … Read more

The Psychedelic Sixties

What better line to epitomize the feeling of the Americans throughout the chaos and turmoil of one of the most memorable decades in United States history, than this quote in the Jefferson Airplane song \”Volunteers? \” The people of the time were utterly awestricken by the horrors they were being forced to endure, and they … Read more

Women in Educational Administration

Several people at the conference dealt with the problems women encounter in getting into administrative positions in schools and colleges and when they do, the obstacles they encounter in making their jobs successful. Their discussions brought home to me the reality of my own mother’s experience. As children we witnessed our mother struggling, summer after … Read more

Pornography, An Issue That Has Two Points Of View

Pornography is an issue that has two points of view. Adults suffer consequences because of younger audiences, and this isnt their fault but they still go by it. There are many restrictions with pornographic content like changing time slots on T. V. or having to place a credit card number over the net, which isnt … Read more

Character analysis of Jordan Baker

In The Great Gatsby, written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Jordan Baker was portrayed as being reckless and dishonest, having the arrogant attitude of many of the people of her time, but also having the characteristics of modern-day women. This classic novel was written on the glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age, on the wealth … Read more

On Revenge And Medea

Revenge and vengeance are basic tools of human instinct. Whether society chooses to accept or blind itself to this fact, it is an indisputable truth. Francis Bacon examines this truth in “Of Revenge”, a view of society and literary characters that reflects the strive for vengeance. However, “Of Revenge” deeply underestimates the corruption of the … Read more

Marijuana and Hemp, The Untold

The purpose of this brochure is to expose the numerous facts about marijuana and hemp that have been suppressed-facts the government does not want you to know. Hemp is a plant that can be used to produce thousands of products. Hemp is of the same plant species that produces marijuana; its scientific name is Cannabis … Read more

Themes in Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger

A major theme of J. D. Salingers novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is turning your back on the world is not good. The teenage boy Holden Caulfield demonstrates this theme in the story with the constant negativity he receives as result of his negative attitude. When someone turns their back on the world the … Read more

New Reproduction Technologies

During the debate on March 15, 2000 which discussed new reproductive technologies (NRTS) issues were raised regarding the positive and negative effects of NRTS. Issues raised by the advocates of NRTS were surrounding infertility, homosexuality, disease, and cloning. All of these factors raised were concerning the moral rights of individuals who were unable to have … Read more

Tradition at A Rose For Emily and The Lottery

People throughout the world do things for many different reasons. Religion, peer pressure, or tradition are some of the reasons the people do things. In the U. S. we have many traditions such as Christmas. Some people have strange or out of the ordinary traditions. The two short stories “The Lottery” and “A Rose for … Read more

Military Organizational Structure

The Toad Military Organizational Structure Organization involves a intentional formalized structure of roles. People working together towards a common goal, but in specialized areas. The overall effectiveness of any particular association is directly proportional to the functioning of its members. As a firm increases in size the participants lose sight of the concept of teamwork. … Read more

The new Gel Cell by Alcatel

The new Gel Cell by Alcatel is a mobile phone for specified markets. It is very small, the gel is the actual battery, it comes in many colours, and the most important factor is that it is disposable. It has been developed because of the large demand to produce new products in the over saturated … Read more

The Sport of Boxing

Boxing is often referred to as the “Manly Art of Self Defense. ” It is a very respectable sport that has a rough side to it. Boxing takes place in a sixteen to twenty-four foot square padded area called a ring. A boxing match (referred to as a bout) is usually a fast , violent … Read more

Abortion and the Mentally Handicapped

Ms. Smith, We of the Ethics Committee have reviewed your case for an extended period of time. We took into consideration, for our decision, the yearn of any female to experience childbearing, child birth, and the joy of raising young. Being a mother is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and once you become a mother you are … Read more

The affirmative action program

The affirmative action program is important because it gives job opportunities for many people regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, and national origin. The work force should be well represented by the different ethnic backgrounds of our society. Some people look at affirmative action as reverse discrimination, but this program doesnt guarantee employment based … Read more

Pride And Prejudice Impressions

First impressions are very important. In the Victorian age, people based their whole opinion of someone on first impressions. Most times the first impression of someone is not the way they truly are. Sometimes a first impression can cause you to think negative of someone but later you find out that they are very nice … Read more

Young Goodman Brown – Interpretive Differences

Young Goodman Brown, universally acclaimed as one of Hawthorne’s best short stories, presents the student searching out its meaning with not only several possibilities but several rather ambiguous ones. D. M. McKeithan, in an article entitled ” ‘Young Goodman Brown’: An Interpretation” (Modern Language Notes, 67 [1952], 93), has listed the suggestions that have been … Read more

Opportunities of Character, Not Color

Created in the 1960s, affirmative action programs attempted to undo past racial discrimination by giving preference to blacks and other minorities. The idea behind these programs was to help minorities gain the representation in the job market that paralleled their percentage of the population (Finley 1). Unfortunately, affirmative action has mutated into a thirty-year-old policy … Read more

Censorship on the Internet

During the past decade, our society has become based solely on the ability to move large amounts of information across large distances quickly. Computerization has influenced everyone’s life. The natural evolution of computers and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. This global net allows a person … Read more

History of The Grateful Dead

The Grateful Dead was forced to overcome many obstacles to arrive at the point in which they are today. In San Francisco, on August 1, 1942, Jerome John Garcia was born. This marked the beginning of a long strange trip (Mokrzycki 4) Jose Garcia, Jerome’s father named his son after his favorite Broadway musical composer, … Read more

Catherine II, or Catherine the Great

Catherine II, or Catherine the Great, empress of all Russia, did much to continue the process of Westernization reforms began by Peter the Great. Catherine was devoted to art, literature, science, and politics. Many people say she had a great gift and was a great leader, thus she was awarded with the name “the Great” … Read more

Narrative Voices in Huck Finn

Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twains novel, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, … Read more

Death Of Salesman And Will Loman

Willys whole life. He asks him, “When the hell are you going to grow up? ” Willys spends his entire life in an illusion. He sees himself as a great man that is popular and successful. Willy exhibits many childlike qualities. Many of these qualities have an impact on Willys family. His two sons Biff … Read more

Richard the III by William Shakespeare

In the play, Richard the III, by William Shakespeare, the character Richard (Duke of Gloucester) is a very manipulative and deceiving person. Richard acts like this in order to fulfill his dream to become King. And since he is at the bottom of a long, long list to be King, he has a lot of … Read more

Daniel Johns Biography

Daniel Johns is a guitar player. He was born in 1979. He has blonde hair and is 16 years old. One day he heard a song on the radio with a guitar solo in it. He thought it was cool, so he wanted to get a guitar. He didn’t get one until about a year … Read more

Aristotle, A Great Thinker

Aristotle was a great thinker who used his reasoning ability and knowledge through others to draw ethical assumptions and principles. Aristotle was once in favor of the teachings of Plato until he began to question his philosophy. These ideas lead Aristotle to years of writing and teaching his work. Aristotle was a professor for twenty … Read more

ADC Telecommunications Financial Ratio Analasis

ADC Telecommunications (ADCT) is a communication equipment manufacturer located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Since 1952, the company has successfully weathered the tumultuous transformation process of technology. Today, ADC Telecommunications exclusively focuses on manufacturing computer-networking equipment. Increasing demand for fiber optic transmission systems like asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), synchronous optical networks (SONET) and most wireless communications … Read more

The “Watergate Scandal” And Constitutional Crisis

The “Watergate Scandal” and constitutional crisis that began on June 17, 1972 with the arrest of five burglars who broke into the Democratic National Committee (DMC) headquarters at the Watergate office building in Washington D. C. It ended with the registration of President Richard M. Nixon on August 9, 1974. (Watergate) At approximately 2:30 in … Read more

How the Renaissance had an effect on western Europe

The Renaissance was significant on the development of Western Europe and the Impact it had was immense. The Renaissance not only influenced the worlds of art, music, and literature, but also the worlds of politics, religion, and society. During the Renaissance, advancements were made in several areas of technology and in thought. The Renaissance was … Read more

The Loman Family and Their Problems of the Spirit

In his 1950 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, William Faulkner lamented the dearth of problems of the spirit in modern literature and pointed out the importance of the old universal truthslove and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice in weaving a successful, meaningful story. Faulkner placed these human traits into a genus all … Read more

Ethical Analysis of First Central Bank

The relevant facts are centered on communications concerning union activity by the bank’s employees, the bank’s management, and the union. On one occasion, membership cards had been distributed to various locations within the bank. On two separate occasions, bank employees had been directly involved in initiating union activity. The bank’s management communicated with its employees … Read more