Bill Gates, cofounder of the Microsoft corporation

Bill Gates, cofounder of the Microsoft corporation, holds 30.7 percent of its stock making him one of the richest people in the United States. He was the marketing and sales strategist behind many of Microsoft’s software deals. Their software became the industry standard in the early 1980s and has just increased in distribution as the … Read more

Bill Gates and how the world was effected by his accomplishments

William Bill Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He accomplished many unbelievable things, and highly influenced the people around him in many ways. In University, Bill Gates was known to be the “smart computer nerd,” who totally amazed all of his friends with his knowledge. One of the people that he had influenced … Read more

How Bill Gates Changed The World

Bill Gates, the single richest man alive. Yet he his days that started as a hacker where not always glorious, the way that he rode up to the top doing what he does best (hacking) make him a very interesting person to learn about. Today Bill Gates gives generously to the population and is nothing … Read more