Urban transportation alternatives

Recently I went on an adventure around Europe and visited three major cities: Paris; Amsterdam; and Berlin. Throughout my travels I used many different forms of transport to get around including trains, buses, cars, ferries, and my own two feet. It was such a central theme to my adventure that I decided to research transportation … Read more

Starving the Hungary

Though most Americans are aware of the Great Depression of 1929, which may well be the most serious problem facing our free enterprise economic system, few know of the many Americans who lost their homes, life savings and jobs. This paper briefly states the causes of the depression and summarizes the vast problems Americans faced … Read more

Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley is a complex novel that was written during the age of Romanticism. It contains many typical themes of a common Romantic novel such as dark laboratories, the moon, and a monster; however, Frankenstein is anything but a common novel. Many lessons are embedded into this novel, including how society acts towards … Read more

Karl Marx, German political philosopher and revolutionist

Some sociologists have marked the course of the history remarkably. Others with lesser impact, have been rapidly forgotten. Karl Marx belongs to those with unforgettable memory. His works didnt perish, but are rather classified as everlasting. Karl Marx, German political philosopher and revolutionist, is one of the most influential thinkers of all times. Hes the … Read more

The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

Crocodylus acutus, or more commonly referred to as the American crocodile, Kis the second most widely distributed of the New World crocodiles, ranging from the southern tip of Florida, both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of Southern Mexico, as well as the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola (1 Species). These areas provide the … Read more

Jane Eyre and A Room With A View

I enjoyed the novel Rebecca thoroughly because of its many plot twists, suspense, universal themes and realistic characters. This novel ties closely with the novel Jane Eyre , in theme, plot and characters. My second novel A Room With A View has similar women characters and themes but has a very dissimilar plot line. All … Read more

The Problem Is Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world and my interest in the subject is simple. My mother is the most resilient person I have ever met. Any time I need any kind of inspiration, I need only to think of her. When she was eighteen she was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease. … Read more

1984 by George Orwell

1984 a story of dictators who are in complete control of a large part of the world after the allies lost in World War II. The government in this novel gives no freedoms to its citizens. They live in fear because they are afraid of having corrupt thoughts about the governments of Oceania, a crime … Read more

Jane Eyre’s equality to Rochester

From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-confidence and contentment. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of her so as to find contentment. An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and out of favor at the beginning … Read more

The Great Gatsby As A Metaphor

“The Great Gatsby “, besides being a great literary piece, is a metaphor for a whole society, the American society. As well, as a clich: “The party was over”, which signifies a level of prophetic vision within the American society and its history. An essential part of this American characteristic of the novel, and its … Read more

Canterbury Tales, Character Analysis

Chaucers greatest work came after everything else. Canterbury tales was the last of his literary works. It followed such stories as Troilus and Creseyde. It is considered as one of the greatest works of literature during the English Middle Age. The ironic thing is that it wasnt even finished the way Chaucer had intended it … Read more

Importance of the Setting in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

The book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was obviously a novel where the setting was the major factor in the plot of the story. If this had taken place in any other area, like Canada, there would not have even been as story because slavery did not exist there. Therefore the South was the prime region to … Read more

My Research Paper – Capital Punishment

The topic I chose for my research paper is Capital punishment. I chose this topic because I think Capital punishment should be banned in all states. The death penalty violates religious beliefs about killing, remains unfair to minorities and is therefore unconstitutional, and is inhumane and barbaric. The death penalty constitutes cruel and unusual punishment … Read more

What happened to the colony of Roanoke

No one is sure what ever happened to the 113 colonists. There have beenmany theories proposed trying to explain what happened for example, the people of Roanoke simply left the settlement, the people of Roanoke decided to leave Roanoke Island to live with the Natives, or the colonists were killed by the Native Americans. These … Read more

American-Made Aliens

A recent, nation wide poll shows that 45 percent of Americans today believe Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s) have visited Earth in some form (Rhodes 18). The same poll taken in the 1950’s shows that under four percent of the US people believed aliens even exist. What could have caused the American people to go from … Read more

Bernard Bolzano, philosopher and mathematician

Bernard Bolzano was a philosopher and mathematician whose contributions were not truly recognized until long after his death. He is especially important in the fields of logic geometry and the theory or real numbers. Bernardus Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano was born in Prague, Bohemia, (which is now part of the Czech Republic), on October 5, … Read more

Womens Rights Essay

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. ” That was Margaret Mead’s conclusion after a lifetime of observing very diverse cultures around the world. Her insight has been borne out time and again throughout the development of this country of … Read more

Death Of A Salesman And Its Conficts Against 50’s Idealism

In the beginning of the play, the main character, Willy Lowman, has just returned home after finding himself unable to concentrate on driving. His wife, Linda, suggests that he ask for a job in New York so that he wont have to drive so much. Willy insists, however, that it is vital to his company … Read more

Frederick Douglass Biography Analysis

Frederick Douglass’s writings reflected many American views that were influenced by national division. Douglass was a very successful abolitionist who changed America’s views of slavery through his writings and actions. Frederick Douglass had many achievements throughout his life. Douglass was born a slave in 1817, in Maryland. He educated himself and became determined to escape … Read more

Huck Finn: Twain’s Cynic Point of View

Throughout the Mark Twain (a. k. a. Samuel Clemens) novel, The Adventures of HuckleBerry Finn, a plain and striking point of view is expressed by the author. His point of view is that of a cynic; he looks upon civilized man as a merciless, cowardly, hypocritical savage, without want of change, nor ability to effect … Read more

The novel, A Land Remembered

The novel, A Land Remembered, is the epic saga of three generations of MacIveys. The novel begins with a flash back, from the last generation MacIvey, Sol. Sol was a real estate tycoon in Miami and the surrounding areas. He has chosen to give up his life in Miami to live his last hours in … Read more

Shylock – The Jew

An in-depth character analysis Often, The character Shylock, in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice, is portrayed as a beastly monstrosity, with a lust for Antonios life. Through a more careful examination it can be determined that Shylock was an upstanding member of his community, who endured abuse, forgave easily, and upheld the customs and law. … Read more

Origanum Vulgare Essay

The culinary herb oregano is mostly used in foods. Oregano also known as the pizza herb is used in a number of Italian dishes as it goes especially well with tomatoes. All the flavors of oregano are prominent in Italian cooking and in robust dishes of certain other cuisine, such as Mexicans chili con carne. … Read more

The intensively descriptive novel, The Color Purple

The intensively descriptive novel, The Color Purple is about Celie, a woman born in the early 1900s, unselfishly surviving the social injustices of those times. As the novel unfolds, Celie experiences so much sorrow, that she is forced to grow up quickly and learn to appreciate the little that life has to offer her. As … Read more

William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” has been interpreted in many different ways. Most of these rely solely on hints found within the story. I believe that his life can also help one analyze this story. By knowing that Faulkner’s strongest influence was his independent mother, one can guess that Miss Emily Grierson’s character was … Read more

Book Review-Two Nations by Andrew Hacker

In Andrew Hackers book, Two Nations, Hacker argues that blacks and whites live in two different worlds. He uses statistical evidence to prove that the United States is a nation of inequality, hostility, and separatism. Hacker uses a quote from Benjamin Disraeli in the preface that basically sums up his entire book, Two nations, between … Read more

Animal Farm – Animalism vs Marxism

Characters, items, and events found in George Orwells book, Animal Farm, can be compared to similar characters, items, and events found in Marxism and the 1917 Russian Revolution. This comparison will be shown by using the symbolism that is in the book with similarities found in the Russian Revolution. Old Major was a prized-boar that … Read more

Huck Finn Themes

The primary theme of the novel is the conflict between civilization and natural life. Huck represents natural life through his freedom of spirit, his uncivilized ways, and his desire to escape from civilization. He was brought up without any rules and has a strong resistance to anything that might sivilize him. This conflict is introduced … Read more

The Colonization of Africa

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe both involve the colonization on Africa. In Heart of Darkness, the author talks about how savage the natives were and how much there was a need to update the living conditions of the natives and to help them become better people. … Read more

Law Of Diminishing Returns

The Law of diminishing returns is a key one in economics. It is used to explain many of the ways the economy works and changes. It is a relatively simple idea; spending and investing more and more in a product where one of the factors of production remains the same means the enterprise will eventually … Read more

Martial Arts in Asia

To follow is my report on martial arts in Asia. This a very interesting subject, and a very good report. It will describe martial arts and some types of martial arts. It will also say where they originated from. The term “martial arts” is a general term used to describe general types of fighting. Most … Read more

Alcoholism: Symptoms, Causes, and Effects

Alcoholism is a disease that affects many people in the United States today. It not only affects the alcoholic, but also their family, friends, co-workers, and eventually total strangers. The symptoms are many, as are the causes and the effects. Alcoholism is defined as a pattern of drinking in which harmful consequences result for the … Read more

Death of a Salesman Report Essay

It is late evening and the sun is about to set on old highway 53 heading south from Yonkers to home. Willy driving in is car, continuously thinking to himself, what he his going to do about all his problems. You see Willy is down on himself about his success in life. He thinks to … Read more

Female genital mutilation (FGM)

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is referred to as the removal of part, or all, of the female genitalia. The most severe form is infibulation, otherwise known as pharaonic circumcision. It is estimated that 15% of all FGMs performed in Africa are infibulations. The procedure consists of clitoridectomy (all, or part of, the clitoris is removed), … Read more

Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange

Stanley Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange was a deeply disturbing depiction of human nature that shed light onto dark thoughts in the character’s soul. Alex seems to have no regard for human decency or human life. He and his gang of friends kill at will. They have no purpose for their violent outbursts other than to shock … Read more

Black people in America

The struggle for social and economic equality of Black people in America has been long and slow. It is sometimes amazing that any progress has been made in the racial equality arena at all; every tentative step forward seems to be diluted by losses elsewhere. For every “Stacey Koons” that is convicted, there seems to … Read more

Marranos: A Lost People

Some people might call them New Jews, some New Christians, and others call them Marranos. The majority of the world population has no idea who the Marranos are. To begin to explain these secret people, one must first receive a lesson in World History. We will begin in the 1492. In school, we are brainwashed … Read more

Women Must be Free to Choose Abortion

There comes a time in the lives of most women when an ovum, fertilized with sperm, will implant itself into her uterine wall. This is nature’s first step in its attempt to continue the human race. Currently, when this implantation occurs, the impregnated woman has the right to allow the embryo to nourish itself into … Read more

Othello – A Racist Play

Although there are lots of things to suggest this is a racist play I don’t think that racism actually dominates the play, even though it has a racist theme. There is a romantic union between black and white which gets destroyed because most people think the relationship is wrong. At the time the play was … Read more

Cavalier and Metaphysical Poetrys Similarities and Differences

The seventeenth century lyric poems, such as Robert Herricks Cavalier poem Counsel to Girls, and Andrew Marvells metaphysical poem To His Coy Mistress are similar in many ways; yet also contrast in some aspects. These poems of love and life can be summarized in the quote, Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is … Read more

William Faulkner Literature

William Faulkner wrote many stories depicting society during the early twentieth century. In his stories Barn Burning and A Rose for Emily, Faulkner discusses how rich whites mistreat the tenant farmers who in turn abuse the blacks, tells about Colonel Sartoris Snopess dilemma when his father wants him to lie, and explains how Emily was … Read more

Midsummer Nights Dream And Love

What Makes Us Love? What makes us love? This question has been studied for centuries by philosophers, scientists, and even writers in search of a sensible answer. Shakespeare, for one, explored many ideas to justify love. In his play, A Midsummers Night Dream, he lists various thoughts on what he thinks causes people to love. … Read more

Computer Crime Report

Advances in telecommunications and in computer technology have brought us to the information revolution. The rapid advancement of the telephone, cable, satellite and computer networks, combined with the help of technological breakthroughs in computer processing speed, and information storage, has lead us to the latest revolution, and also the newest style of crime, “computer crime”. … Read more

Tennessee Williams and A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams was born Thomas Lanier Williams in 1911. As a successful playwright, his career was greatly influenced by events in his life. He was noted for bringing the reader “a slice of his own life and the feel of southern culture”, as his primary sources of inspiration were “the writers he grew up with, … Read more

Hacking to Peaces

The “Information Superhighway” possesses common traits with a regular highway. People travel on it daily and attempt to get to a predetermined destination. There are evil criminals who want to violate citizens in any way possible. A reckless driver who runs another off the road is like a good hacker. Hacking is the way to … Read more

Biography of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was born on the thirteenth day of the month Quintilis in the year of 100 BC. His full name was Gaius Julius Caesar, the same as his fathers. Gaius was his given name and Julius was his surname. He was a strong political and military leader who changed the history of the Greco-Roman … Read more

Tay-Sachs disease

A girl is born without Tay-Sachs disease, a devasting genetic disorder that has decimated a lot of babies worldwide. A leukemia patient has defective bone marrow replaced with healthy bone marrow that was cloned from tissue from her own cells. These futuristic scenarios are not part of the debate for genetic engineering but they should … Read more

The Importance and Difficulty of Teaching English

“In the world were over seven thousand languages have exisisted, one language had become dominate. This dominant language is English. ” “In the majority of countries throughout the world speak English as their second or first language, no longer just America or England. ” English has taken many forms, American English, the Queen’s English, Australian, … Read more