Golden Eagle Research Paper

The Golden Eagle The golden eagle’s scientific name is Aquila cbryaactosl. They can be found in Eurasia, Northern Africa and North America. They like to make their home in the tundra, shrub-lands, grasslands, woodlands, brush-lands and coniferous forests. They will live up to 3,600m elevation. The female will 1 to 4 eggs, and she will … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Horse Slaughter

She did not deserve to be sent to slaughter. The gorgeous racehorse earned four hundred thousand dollars on the track and weaned nine foals. On the slaughter truck, the gorgeous mare came as close to death as most every other horse in the trailer with her. Every year, countless horses get trucked to their deaths. … Read more

Sandra Steingraber Des Despair Not Summary Essay

There are so many bad things in this world and the environment is one of them bad things. Our environment will never just go away but it’s definitely needs to change. It’s causing damage to our friends and family, it’s taking away all of our animals, and it’s hurting the world we know around us. … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Iguana

Iguanas are reptiles that are typically found in rainforests in southern Mexico, Central America, and South America. These lizards grow into adults that look like miniature dinosaurs and often reach six feet in length (Hancock). Perhaps because of their frightening appearance, they have become one of the most popular reptiles purchased in pet shops today. … Read more

Fire Ants Essay

Fire ants have been in the United States for over sixty years, and almost every American that lives in or frequently visits the quarantined states which they inhabit has had an unpleasant run in with these troublesome critters. Inhabitants of the Southeast who have ever stood unwittingly atop a fire ant mound know that the … Read more

North American Black bear

There are 8 kinds of bears (Ursus) in the world but I chose the North American Black bear (Ursus americanus). I will be covering general information about the bear such as their size, weight, color, food, etc. , but I will concentrate mainly on the hibernating cycle of the black bear. There are from 400,000 … Read more

Person of the Forest

In Malay orang means “person” and utan is defined as “forest’. Thus Orangutan literally means “Person of the Forest”. Orangutans are found in the tropical forests of Sumatra and Borneo. They are the most arboreal of the great apes and move amongst the safety of the trees from one feeding site to the next. They … Read more

Animal Experimentation

Animal experimentation has been a part of biomedical and behavioral research for several millennia; experiments with animals were conducted in Greece over 2,000 years ago. Many advances in medicine and in the understanding of how organisms function have been the direct result of animal experimentation. Concern over the welfare of laboratory animals is also not … Read more

Frogs Essay

Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura. The order Anura is broken down into 22 different families of frogs and toads. Although they belong to the same order, frogs and toads are different in a lot of ways. Some of the more distinct differences are their skin and where they live. Frogs usually have smooth … Read more


Pastoralism is an economy based on herding. Pastoralists maintain herds of animals and use their products to support themselves directly and to exchange with other civilizations. It is especially associated with such terrain as steppes, rolling hills, grasslands, and the like-areas of low rainfall where cultivation is difficult without irrigation, but where grasses are plentiful … Read more

Frogs – small animals

Frogs are usually small animals that have smooth, moist skin, bulging eyes, and external eardrums behind the eyes; the adults lack a tail. Frogs have long hind legs, and most species can take long leaps. Many species also have webbed feet, making them excellent swimmers. Most frogs, especially males, are quite vocal. As the frog … Read more

Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins are among the most vocal of the nonhuman animals and exhibit remarkable development of the sound production and auditory mechanisms. This can be seen in audition, which is shown in the animal’s highly refined echolocation ability, and in tightly organized schools in which they live that are made up by sound communication. In … Read more

Should Animal Organs Be Transported Into Humans

Should humans be able to have a choice if they would like an experimentally procedure? I feel that yes- humans can use animals’ organs transported into them for medical research! We have come along ways on our research of organs transplants between animals; but of course the monkey is similar to humans but it is … Read more

The Blue whale

The Blue whale is the largest creature of the sea, in fact, it is the largest creature known to man. Contrary to what most people think, even though Blue whales live in the sea, they are mammals. They breathe air, have their babies born alive and can live anywhere from 30 to 70 years. The … Read more

The topic of animal cruelty

The topic of animal cruelty is one of great importance to the wold today. Why we humans have the right reserved to treat animals as lesser individuals is beyond me. Animals are fulfilling their part in the ecosystems and communities of the earth, and to the best extent that they are able. For example, a … Read more

Endangered Species

Endangered species are living things whose population is so reduced that they are threatened with extinction. Thousands of species are included in this category. The International Union for the Conservation of nature and Natural Resources publishes a list of threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and (many people dont consider them) plants. Millions of years before … Read more

The History Of Dog

The dog has been around for many years they are careing loving animals but they also have a darkside. Dogs have been considered mans best friend for many many years; but do they really fit in the category as mans friend. DOgs have been known to turn on there owners and cause chaos throughout homes … Read more

Killer Whales Essay

Order & Genus. The scientific order of all types of whales is Cetacea. This large order is broken down into three further groups as well: the toothed whales or Odontoceti, which includes killer whales, dolphins, porpoises, beluga whales, and sperm whales, the baleen whales or Mysticeti, which include blue whales, humpback whales, gray whales, and … Read more

Wonderful Lives Of Dolphins

Dolphins are one of the most beautiful animals in the word. Dolphins are mammals and are part of the Delphinidae family. This family contains various highly intelligent aquatic mammals. The name dolphin refers to the species that a have a beak like snout and a slender streamline body which helps them to swim at high … Read more

Hawaiian Goose Essay

The Branta sandvicensis, or Hawaiian goose looks similar to the Canada Goose except only the face, cap, and hindneck are black; and Nene have buff- colored cheeks. The males and female have the same plumage. The feet of this goose are not completely webbed like the other geese. Lots of calls have been described but … Read more

Animal Rights is Not Good

Frank Balun, a then 69-year-old retired clothing designer from Hillside, New Jersey had a hobby. His hobby was keeping a vegetable garden. Frank was faced with a small problem. Some squirmy little critter was having a feast off of his tomato plants. Frank smelled a rat. He set a live-trap and on July 27th 1998, … Read more

Animals In Psychological Research

An increasing number of researchers, scientists and practitioners are questioning the use of animals in research on ethical, moral, socio-political and scientific grounds. Use of animal research data to affect change in their patients is rarely used by clinical psychologists. This is certainly a public interest issue as it involves an enormous amount of brutality. … Read more

Animals And Their Rights

When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a definite line between our needs and our taking advantage of those species that we consider inferior. As long as man has existed he has been carnivorous, and the same holds true for many other species of animals. Animals are a necessity to humans for … Read more

Pets For Pleasure And Companionship

Many people today have pets for pleasure and companionship. Nearly any animal can be a pet, such as hamsters, rabbits, birds, fish, frogs, horses, and even cats and dogs. Besides being a loving companion, pets serve many other purposes as in protecting homes, destroying vermin, and providing a means of transportation. The elderly and the … Read more

Honeybees As A Resource

Honeybees are very useful to humans. As their name suggests, they make the sweet, delicious treat known as honey that we enjoy. They also make beeswax from which we make many useful items. But the most important thing bees do for us is to pollinate the plants. The honeybee visits flowers which secrete a sweet … Read more

Animal Cruelty And Family Violence

For the past few years, I have been interested in learning about the problems society can face or do face; when it comes to animal cruelty and family violence. Even for a good amount of American families the family pet is loved and cared for. For others, it is a terrible thing to think about; … Read more

Predator/Prey Relationships

The relationship between predators and their prey is an intricate and complicated relationship; covering a great area of scientific knowledge. This paper will examine the different relationships between predator and prey; focusing on the symbiotic relations between organisms, the wide range of defense mechanisms that are utilized by various examples of prey, and the influence … Read more

The Puma, or Felis concolor

The Puma, or Felis concolor as it is known by scientists, is found in the Western Uniter States, generally west of the Rocky Mountains and in Southwestern Canada. Other names for the Puma are the Mountain Lion, and Panther. This species of cat has many subspecies throughout the United States, and Central Ameica, however it … Read more

Animals In Psychological Research

An increasing number of researchers, scientists and practitioners are questioning the use of animals in research on ethical, moral, socio-political and scientific grounds. Use of animal research data to affect change in their patients is rarely used by clinical psychologists. This is certainly a public interest issue as it involves an enormous amount of brutality. … Read more

The Deer Essay

The deer has been around as long as man can remember. It has always been in North and South America, and not that long ago was brought to Europe. The deer has been hunted for centuries by Stone Age man, American Indians, and now modern day hunters. The weapons used to hunt deer have changed … Read more

Animal Rights Essay

Ever since The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England in 1824 was formed there has been long running debates on the topic of animal rights. The first societies were formed to protect and maintain human treatment of work animals, such as cattle, horses and house hold pets. Towards the end of … Read more

The Ring-Tail Lemur

The ring-tailed lemur is an amazing mammal. They are very interesting creatures that God put on this earth. One of my favorite characteristics about this animal is there big bushy cute tail. The ring-tailed lemurs scientific family is Lemuridae. The ring-tailed lemur gets its name from the neat ringed pattern on the fur on the … Read more

Animal Cruelty leads to Human Violence

Animal cruelty encompasses a range of different behaviors harmful to animals, from neglect to malicious, brutal killings. Studies show that animal cruelty may lead to more serious forms of crime, like heavy drug use, violent outbursts, and most common, cold blooded murder. Many studies in psychology, sociology, and criminology during the last twenty-five years have … Read more

Animal Liberation Essay

Why is it that we as a society condemn the actions of a man against a man but very rarely a man against an animal? I think this question must be understood if we are ever to change the rights animals have. As of yet I don’t believe animals have any actual rights. Rather humans … Read more

The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

Crocodylus acutus, or more commonly referred to as the American crocodile, Kis the second most widely distributed of the New World crocodiles, ranging from the southern tip of Florida, both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of Southern Mexico, as well as the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola (1 Species). These areas provide the … Read more

Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

The search for alternative methods to animal testing is underway in many laboratories across the entire world. While success has been made, the research is far from over. These alternatives have been developed using the concept of the three Rs. In 1959, William Russell and Rex Burch defined the principle of the three Rs in … Read more

The African Elephant

The common name is the African Elephant, the scientific name is Loxodonta Africana, the phylum is Vertebrata, the class is Mammalia, the order is Proboscidea, and the family is Elephantidae. The Closest Relatives to the African Elephant are: the Asian Elephant, mammoths, primitive proboscidean (mastodons), sea cows, and hyraxes. Scientists believe that the African Elephant … Read more

Dinosaurs and Birds

Are birds really dinosaurs or are they simply related? That is a question that has gained new life in recent years due to the overwhelming facts the are pouring in from newly found fossils and studies from fossils that have been found in the past. Two groups have formed in the study of this question: … Read more

Jurassic Park Report

A stormy night, off the coast of Costa Rica, a young man is admitted into a hospital with a wound caused by a small, reptilian animal. He is diagnosed with severe nausea and some sort of blood poisoning. The man dies leaving the doctors with a problem of deciphering the origin of the disease and … Read more

The Fire Ant

The Fire Ant is one of the most feared migratory arthropods in North America. The first non-native species was introduced into the Port of Mobile, Alabama, starting in 1919, through soil ballast, from South American ships, being dumped ashore. The black fire ant (Solenopsis richteri Forel) arrived sometime in 1919, and the red fire ant … Read more

Aggression, a critical part of animal existence

Aggression is a critical part of animal existence, which is an inherent driving force to humans, as we, too, are animals. The source of aggression within humans is a long summative list, but before trying to understand its source one must apply a working definition of aggression. Aggressive behavior is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as … Read more

Animals and Their Rights

When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a definite line between our needs and our taking advantage of those species that we consider inferior. As long as man has existed he has been carnivorous, and the same holds true for many other species of animals. Animals are a necessity to humans for … Read more

Animal Rights – Do We Really Love Our Animals

Do you consider yourself a pet lover? Do you love animals in general? Can you imagine yourself as a little boy in a trailer far away from the depths of socialization? Once upon a time there was this boy, and this boy had a friend. No matter how hard times got he had Bo. The … Read more

Animal Rights Paper

Every year an estimated 25-35 million animals are subjected to painful and cruel testing in laboratory experiments. These experiments are performed to better the health of human beings by means of research. Many of these non-human animals are put through tests that you would not wish on your worst enemy. Many wonder if the means … Read more

Animal Rights Protests: Is Radical Chic Still In Style

Over the past fifteen years a powerfully charged drama has unfolded in New York’s Broadway venues and spread to the opera houses and ballet productions of major cities across the country. Its characters include angry college students, aging rock stars, flamboyant B-movie queens, society matrons, and sophisticated fashion designers. You can’t buy tickets for this … Read more

The Slaughter of America’s Horses

Any one who has wanted to travel to Europe or Asia, or go on a cross-country trip should follow along with one of many horses at local auctions. Thats right, the symbols of the Wild West get to travel where most Americans will never go in their lifetime. However, its recommended that traveling and housing … Read more

Abuse Of Innocent

Is it right to force a mouse to live it’s live in a laboratory cage to test anti-cancer drug? How would you like to be squeezed in a cage with many other animals, not being able to touch the grass, run around and play, smell the flowers, or go for a walk in the warmth … Read more

The Importance of Animal Testing

Research on animals is important in understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent them. The polio vaccine, kidney transplants, and heart surgery techniques have all been developed with the help of animal research. Through increased efforts by the scientific community, effective treatments for diabetes, diphtheria, and other diseases have been developed with animal testing. Animal … Read more