Fitbit Case Study Essay

Question 1 Fitbit is an interactive device to measure body functions such as heart rate, steps climbed or walked and other personal health data, like heart rate and quality of sleep. It is worn on your wrist or waist, depending on which Fitbit you are using. Fitbit is made by Fitbit, Inc. with their main … Read more

Corneal Ulcer

Introduction The eye is one of the vital organs in a human being. As seen on figure 1, the eye is composed of many different parts and function. The cornea is a clear covering over the colored iris and the pupil of the eye. The function of cornea is to help focus light on the … Read more

The Circulatory System

Forwards and backwards to the right and are at the same level of the fifth to eight dorsal vertebrae. The apex of the heart points downwards and forwards to the left and corresponds to the space between the fifth and sixth ribs. However, in thin people, the hearts apex may be pointing more downwards than … Read more