Obesity in African American Women

Despite the well-publicized health and emotional consequences of obesity, a successful weight-loss industry, and a high rate of voluntary dieting, the prevalence of obesity in African American women continued to increase. For the most part, African American women are aware of the serious health risks related to obesity. Honest attempts to diet and exercise properly … Read more

The Black Vote: African Americans as an Interest Group

The African-American community is comprised of 34 million people, and makes up approximately 12. 8 percent of the American population (Barker, Jones, Tate 1999: 3). As such, it is the largest minority group in the United States. Yet, politically, the black community has never been able to sufficiently capitalize on that status in order to … Read more

The Role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War

An estimated 100,000 African Americans escaped, died or were killed during the American Revolution(Mount). Roughly 95% of African Americans in the United States were slaves, and because of their status, the use of them during the revolution was inevitable(Mount). This led many Americans, especially those from the North, to believe that the South’s economy would … Read more

The Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance is the vast migration of African-Americans to northern cities during the 1920s and 1930s. During this time African-Americans felt that they were finally able to freely express themselves as proud Black individuals. This period of time held some very important landmark occasions, but also came with its share of racial prejudice and … Read more

Incarcerating a Generation

The disproportionate numbers of African Americans in the prison system is a very serious issue, which is not usually discussed in its totality. However, it is quite important to address the matter because it ultimately will have an effect on African Americans as a whole. Of the many tribulations that plague Americans today, the increase … Read more

Publication Of The African-American Mosaic: A Library Of Congress Resource Guide For The Study

This exhibit marks the publication of The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture. A noteworthy and singular publication, the Mosaic is the first Library-wide resource guide to the institution’s African- American collections. Covering the nearly 500 years of the black experience in the Western hemisphere, … Read more

African American Bell Curve

The bell curve of African American rights has risen and fallen throughout America’s history. The period between the Pre-Civil War Era and the Post Civil War Era, were momentous in displaying the status and rights of African-Americans in the time. As the Civil War approached, the status of African-Americans was an increasingly troubling issue among … Read more

African-americans In The South

As a social and economic institution, slavery originated in the times when humans began farming instead of hunting and gathering. Slave labor became commonplace in ancient Greece and Rome. Slaves were created through the capture of enemies, the birth of children to slave parents, and means of punishment. Enslaved Africans represented many different peoples, each … Read more

The Influence of Black Slave Culture on Early America

The Black slaves of colonial America brought their own culture from Africa to the new land. Despite their persecution, the “slave culture” has contributed greatly to the development of America’s own music, dance, art, and clothing. Music It is understandable that when Africans were torn from their homes and families, lashed into submission , and … Read more

American Slavery Paper

The purpose of this report was for me to research and explore the connection between African American women and music. Since prior to the slave decades, music has been an integral part of African American society, and served as a form of social, economic, and emotional support in African American communities in the past and … Read more

African-American Representation In The Media

In Jacqueline Bobo’s article, The Color Purple : Black Women as Cultural Readers, she discusses the way in which black women create meaning out of the mainstream text of the film The Color Purple. In Leslie B. Innis and Joe R. Feagin’s article, The Cosby Show : The View From the Black Middle Class, they … Read more

Sociocultural Learning Essay

At the beginning of this semester, I went into a classroom without the intentions of it having any impact of my life. What I did not know was that this course held not only a vision for the future but also answers to my past. Growing up, I was influenced by a society that was … Read more

The Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance is the vast migration of African-Americans to northern cities during the 1920’s and 1930’s. During this time African- Americans felt that they were finally able to freely express themselves as proud Black individuals. This period of time held some very important landmark occasions, but also came with its share of racial prejudice … Read more

The Ku Klux Klan

In the southern states of the USA, the era known as the “Reconstruction” period created a tension , a fear and total hate for the black race among many white people. This event was the result of the primitive version of constitutional equality of the African-American race at the end of the Civil War. It … Read more

The rise of the “American” women

There are many things that were impacted after the World War I and World War II. For instance, there was the “great migration” that changed the lives of an estimate of a half of a million African-Americans, which were given the opportunity to migrate from the South to the North. They were given the opportunity … Read more

Arts and African-Americans

When I look at the early identification of African-Americans involved in the Visual Arts, I see a small cadre of artists closely aligned to the production of works in the strict tradition of European or English classicism. The rules were clearly defined for the artists, and cultural expression was not the acceptable standard for visual … Read more

The Harlem Renaissance and Langston Hughes

The Harlem Renaissance was a great and powerful era in black history, It was an African American cultural movement of the 1920s and early 1930s that was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City (Harlem Renaissance). Langston Hughes wrote Blues and Jazz flourished throughout the streets of New York, and young black artists … Read more

History Of African-American Civil Rights

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat? George Bush was a strong opposer of black voting rights? Times have certainly changed. Key events in US history; have led to moderate desegregation that encompasses our nation today. One must thoroughly investigate dates, and legislation between 1948 and 1980 to fully comprehend the nature of racism today. When investigating … Read more

The Federal Government

The federal government attempted to use many laws to protect the rights of the newly freed slaves, such as the Civil rights Act of 1866, which gave African Americans the right of citizenship and forbade other states from passing their own discriminatory laws. This brought on the Black codes, which restricted much of the African … Read more

A Stronger Resistance

The abolitionist movement in the United States sought to eradicate slavery using a wide range of tactics and organizations. The antislavery movement mobilized many African Americans and some whites who sought to end the institution of slavery. Although both black and white abolitionists often worked together, the relationship between them was intricate. The struggle for … Read more