Operation Noble Air

1 – What do you consider the 3 most important resources available to the MTSA required port FSO in assessing domestic and international risks associated with terrorism and other criminal activity threats posed to port maritime operations and the MTS? Be Specific. This can be policy, data, authorities, etc. This is not simply a cut … Read more

Security Framework For NIST

Security plays a significant role in today’s corporations and mitigating risks to a company’s most valuable asset, data, is important. With data breaches, such as the one experienced by Target, the Department of Homeland Security as well as the Internal Revenue System, it is becoming increasingly obvious that no one is immune. Securing data is … Read more

The Invasion Of People’s Privacy

Since September 11, 2001, the United States of America will always watch its back for terrorist attacks. Ever since that September day, we have increased our security in our airports and created Homeland Security. Some people feel the NSA, National Security Agency, has gone too far with its surveillance in protecting our country and people … Read more

Physical Security Report

MEMORANDUM FOR PERSONNEL CONCERNED 21 May 2016 SUBJECT: ARMS ROOM STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) 1. References. a. DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition and Explosives b. AR 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives c. AR 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program d. AR 190-14, Carrying of Firearms and Use of … Read more

Social Security In the Future

It was early spring in the year 2048 and my bithday was coming up this August 26. I would be turning 70 years and retirring. I am not looking forward to it as much as I thought. My whole life I dreamed of moving to Florida and living on the beach when I retired. I … Read more

The Office of Scientific Intelligence

Today, as never before, the threats to classified and sensitive information are immense and growing: computer attacks are increasing, competitive secrets are at risk and information warfare is on the rise. The resurgence of terrorism, the rise of economic spying and upswing in computer crime recently led U. S. intelligence officials to list these threats … Read more

Security On The Internet

How do you secure something that is changing faster than you can fix it? The Internet has had security problems since its earliest days as a pure research project. Today, after several years and orders of magnitude of growth, is still has security problems. It is being used for a purpose for which it was … Read more

Internet Security Essay

What will US politics and the economy be like as we progress through the twenty-first century? There is no single vision, but many people perceive a type of digital democracy. The use of information via Internet or World Wide Web will dramatically change politics and the way government takes place. For example, a digital democracy … Read more

Security on the Internet

How do you secure something that is changing faster than you can fix it? The Internet has had security problems since its earliest days as a pure research project. Today, after several years and orders of magnitude of growth, is still has security problems. It is being used for a purpose for which it was … Read more

Internet Security Analysis

What will US politics and the economy be like as we progress through the twenty-first century? There is no single vision, but many people perceive a type of digital democracy. The use of information via Internet or World Wide Web will dramatically change politics and the way government takes place. For example, a digital democracy … Read more

Privacy on the Internet

Ever feel like you are being watched? How about having the feeling like some one is following you home from school? Well that is what it will be like if users do not have the privacy on the Internet they deserve. EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center), a advocacy group that has been fighting the Clinton … Read more

New Airport Security Equipment and Techniques

Flight by humans is an unnatural occurrence that our species has mastered, or at least somewhat mastered. Within the aviation industry there are inherent risks that come with operating and or flying aboard an aircraft. The predominant risk that we are talking about unfortunately is death. Because of these risks the Federal Government and their … Read more

The CIA’s Role Then And Now

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was created by President Truman as an insurance policy against that kind of surprise, which caught America off guard in World War II. According to the National Security Act of 1947 the CIAs principal function was to be the correlation and evaluation of … Read more

Internet Security Report

The Internet is the community of the future, but if security measures are not put in place and enforced, then it will become more of a slum and less of a community. The primary question is, therefore, who has the obligation to put these security measures into place? Is it the individual users of the … Read more

A Look at Public Key Encryption

Encryption is the process of disguising information by transforming plain text into gibberish, or ciphertext, which cannot be understood by an unauthorized person. Decryption is the process of transforming ciphertext back into plaintext that can be read by anyone. Example of encryption can be found in history, for example in the era of the Cold … Read more

Controlling Security Threat Groups

Security threat groups or, “prison gangs” pose a daily problem within the walls of our national prisons and officials must constantly devise new methods in dealing with an ever growing population of inmates. The difference in dealing with multiple gangs is that prison officials focus on the group behavior rather than centering on individual involvement. … Read more

Airport Security Essay

The Aviation and Transportation security act deals with alot of diiferent issues that need to be taken in to consideration when passing the law the first being that all Security postions should be regulated by the federal government which is a good policy due to the 911 tragedy. The training required for the position should … Read more

A Look at Public Key Encryption

Encryption is the process of disguising information by transforming plain text into gibberish, or ciphertext, which cannot be understood by an unauthorized person. Decryption is the process of transforming ciphertext back into plaintext that can be read by anyone. Example of encryption can be found in history, for example in the era of the Cold … Read more

Elderly Warned About Social Security Scams

WASHINGTON (AP) — Elderly Americans should be careful about giving out their Social Security numbers, officials warned Tuesday after arresting a man who sent out letters offering an extra check to senior citizens who send back money or their bank account and Social Security numbers. “People should be really cautious about who they give their … Read more

What is Security?

Security is the discipline of using effective protection measures to safeguard important assets from abuse. In other words, security is about protecting important things. Protection involves not just mechanisms (such as locks and doors), but also proper selection and use of mechanisms. Properly applied, the various disciplines of information security really come down to risk … Read more

Social Security

Nearly every American sees the letters FICA at least once a week. While rushing out of the office or place of employment and scurrying to the bank to cash a well-deserved paycheck, the average American scowls at the roughly 8% the “FICA tax” inevitably consumes. Yet, ask any American what they plan to use to … Read more

Social Security Introduction

Social Security Introduction ‘Social Security—the nation’s largest, costliest, and most successful domestic program has reached a critical juncture in its development. As its creators anticipated, nearly every wage earner now pays taxes into the system. In principle, all citizens may be eligible for “entitlements” at some point in their lives. Yet . . . senior … Read more