Genus is the grammatical gender of a noun. However, the genus may differ from the biological gender of the nominee. The biological sex is called Sexus. In German there are three genera: masculine (male), feminine (female) and neuter (neuter). These are usually indicated with certain articles: the (masculine), the (feminine), the (neutral).
Literary Devices
A genre is an expression or a classification in literature, film, music as well as art. For example, within the literature all texts can be assigned to one of the three genres (lyric, drama, epic). In order to classify and separate the individual works within these genres more precisely, they are divided into genres on the basis of individual characteristics and their artistic content. For example, the sonnet would be a genre of lyric poetry, and the novel would be a genre of epic, with the adventurous romance representing a subordinate genre of the novel. Such subspecies are referred to as subgenre. In terms of the film would be fantasy film, horror film, action film and thriller genres. The term is sometimes used very spongy, so the terms genre and (sub) genre are sometimes used synonymously.
In the formation of the genitive, a case of grammar, the suffix -s or -es is appended to nouns whose gender (gender) is male or neutral. These endings are called genitive-S. However, mistakes are often made in the correct formation. This is due in particular to the fact that in some cases it is regulated whether -s or -es is appended, but in certain words both spellings are possible. Below is an explanation.
A case of the German grammar is called a genitive, also a case or case. The case indicates the relationship between a noun and other elements of a sentence. The genitive is used to indicate membership, participation, or origin, and also stands for certain verbs and prepositions. The control question is Whose?
The family romance, also a generational romance or a family saga, is a novel genre, whose plot deals primarily with the fate of a family. The figure constellation is thus mainly characterized by the members of a family. The narrated time thus usually extends over several generations and thus usually covers several decades. Since the figurative ensemble is located within the family or in the vicinity of this family, similar conflicts always arise in family romans (eg inheritances, generation conflicts …).
The Geminatio is a stylistic device of rhetoric and a figure of the word repetition. As Geminatio we call the repetition of words in the immediate neighborhood. This means that a word or a word group is reused immediately, usually by a comma. Thus, the Geminatio of the Anadiploses, Epanalepse and Epizeuxis resembles.
Vox nihili
As Vox nihili, also ghost word or ghostword, is meant a word which has arisen only by accidental printing, writing or pronunciation errors of the copyist or editor. Accordingly, a Vox nihili does not arise deliberately, but because of an error and thus has no real meaning. What is important is that a ghostword can only be considered as such when it has appeared in a publication which leads to the actual dissemination of the word, such as dictionaries or scientific papers which are referenced and cited.
The description of the subject is one of the first exercises for the pupils in dealing with the language of the scriptures and often meets us in the German classes of elementary school.
As a pair of opposites, two words are designated, which mean the absolute opposite of each other. As an example, the adjectives can be cited cold and hot. If it is cold, it has a very low temperature, it is hot, it has an elevated temperature. In relation to the temperature, the words stand opposite each other and for this reason form a contrasting pair. Such words, which have the opposite meaning, are also called counter-words or antonyms.
In a comparison of poems it is a matter of comparing two or more lyric texts (poems) with one another. Thus the simple poem analysis gets an additional level and can give further impulses for the discussion. In principle, works are used which can be compared with one another in some way and have certain similarities.
The interpretation of the poem is one of the essential contents of the German instruction in the upper level and is usually part of the poetic analysis that accompanies the poem interpretation.
In the literary genre of lyric poetry there are various poems, also poems, which have similar characteristics. Such poem forms are distinguished by the fact that there are certain guidelines for how such a poem has to be designed. For example, the length, that is, the number of lines and stanzas, as well as the measure or the rhyme scheme, can be fixed. Furthermore, there are collective names, which may include different types of poems, which then have the same thematic reference. The following is an overview.
We encounter the poem analysis for the first time at school, and often the first steps are not so simple and certainly present a challenge. After all, we have to examine not only a few formalities, but poem on elements such as stylistic means, rhyme schema and, of course, analyze the measure.
The form of lyric poetry, which in the first instance contains intellectual experiences, is called the thought-lyricism, also the idea of lyricism and philosophical lyricism. It is not the immediate experience (cf. Erlebnislyrik) or, as in the ballad, the narrative in the foreground, but philosophical, religious and generally intellectual-ideological content. The idea is not conveyed through a symbol, but rather as an inner experience. The lyrical ego therefore tries to attain clarity through thoughts or facts, to itself, or even to the external world. The different sides of the respective object are usually shown, and they are oscillated between intuition and reflection. At the same time, the idea of love is separated from the doctrinal and purposive poetry, but can be indirectly didactic or doctrinal through the depicted.
Gazette is an old term for the newspaper. Nowadays, the term is used mostly ironically, partly also derogatory, and is therefore regarded as archaism. The one who wrote for a gazette was called a Gazetier. Nevertheless, there are also modern publications, usually daily newspapers bearing the noun in the title, such as The Gazette, a political culture magazine, or the Gazet van Antwerp, a Belgian daily newspaper.
As a Gassenhauer, a hit or evergreen, a very successful and in any case known song, is called colloquially. In part, the term is also used as a synonym for Schlager. Originally the Gassenhauer between the 16th and 18th century meant the song of the litter, and the wandering around and strollers. It is also possible that the Gassenhauer was derived from the Kontratanz. The contrat is a dance, according to the announcement, the sequences being danced in the rhythm of the music in lines, the so-called lanes, which were mostly sung or played, from which the later folk songs were derived. In Romanticism (cf. Literaturepochen), the term is often used derogatory, meaning primarily Schlager, which is characterized by constant primitive repetitions and often appears hackneyed, angry, dishonorable or even trivial, and thus opposes the popular song, which was perceived as noble , Later, however, the term was also used for particularly catchy pieces from operetta, opera, or singing, and already resembles today’s meaning of the term.
As Galimathias, also Gallimathias, is called confused, incomprehensible or even meaningless talk (cf. Kauderwelsch). The noun can nowadays be regarded as archaism, as it is already documented since the 16th century and is used, for example, in the satire Ménippée (1594) as jargon de galimatias, and is often found in (written) critiques. In addition, there were Nonsens-couplets, also known as Galimathias, in the Old Viennese Volksstheater. These were nonsensical singing inserts, which interrupted the action of antics as well as comedies, and which were performed with great success – for example, by actors such as Wenzel Scholz (1787-1857). However, the exact origin of the term is still unclear.
Pentalogie (Fünfteiler)
A pseudonym, also a five-part work, is an artistic work, which consists of five individual parts, which together belong together. Pentalogy is mostly a literary, musical or cinematic work, the term sometimes being transferred to other areas and then being able to designate any kind of artistic five-part. What is essential for the pentalogy is that their parts, although they are cohesive in content, but usually function independently. This means that the action of the individual works is mostly self-contained and thus comprehensible without the knowledge of other parts (see Mehrteiler). The term is often referred to the literature – often prose works – or the film.
The frontispiece is an illustration, which is on the second side of a book, the book cover not being counted in the page count (pagination). The frontispiece is therefore on the left side. Thus, the frontispiece is opposite to the title page, that is, the third side, and is printed on the back of the carpet, which is the first page. There is a book cover next to the book. Nowadays, this frontispiece page is rarely printed, but in biographical writings such as memoirs and autobiographies, as well as art books, it sometimes still shows a portrait of the respective author, poet or artist. In scientific treatises or even works that are part of a series, such a frontispiece can also show details of the respective complete series. In some cases, however, the frontispiece also contains information on the content of a book (see content), on the author, and on his other publications (cf.
The fragment is an unfinished work of art. Consequently, the concept may refer to an incomplete work of art, music, literature, or even quite similar expressions. In most cases, the term is referred to in the literature, and here it is a genre of its own. In the literature, the fragment means either an incomplete text or an incomplete work. The unfinished work can be consciously chosen by the author as a genre. This genus is typical of the epoch of romance. Romantic poetry was described by Friedrich Schlegel as a progressive universal poetry. Progressive means that something is advanced and is always expanded, that is, never completed. Romantic poetry was often incomplete and fragmentary. The feature is also found in novels of the time. In the widest sense, the fragment means a fragment, that is, a part of the larger whole, and can thus mean an unfinished work of art, sculptures, or fragmented documents.
Focalization is a concept from the theory of theories introduced by Gérard Genette in 1972. Focalization means the relationship between the knowledge of the figures of a narrative and its narrator. There are three possibilities: the zero-focalization, which means that a narrator knows more than the figures; the internal focalization, whereby the narrator says exactly what his characters know and the external focus, in which a narrator knows less than the figure knows.
The phrase “Floskel” is the name of the adornment, the non-saying and the unnecessary phrases. In the rhetoric of antiquity, the term was understood to mean a concise, aptly formulated, authoritative, and applicable to many concrete cases, whereas nowadays meaningless and unnecessary words are designated as a phrase in a statement.
Florilegium is, on the one hand, the Latin translation of the Greek nomology anthology, which means a collection of selected texts or text extracts in book form, and on the other hand the name for a collection and compilation of individual incoherent verses, orations, bonmots, apophthegmata, biblical passages or quotations of well – known poets and authors. However, the Florilegium can also contain longer excerpts from prose works and consequently all forms of the excerpt, that is excerpts of texts. These collections were frequently collected by the respective excerptor for the instruction in schools (see Chrestomathy), were also used to decorate speeches or sermons, but unbelieved people can fool the reader with their readiness and literary knowledge.
The flow text, also running text, is a text that has been set in one piece and is thus not interspersed with interruptions (pictures, paragraphs, footnotes, tables, headings, etc.). A flow text is therefore a continuous, continuous text. For the literary genre of the epic, prosaic flow texts are characteristic, while the drama, but above all the lyric, are characterized by numerous interruptions (verses, hook style, stanzas, etc.).
As a flat sentence, an anonymous sentence or an asymmetrical sentence, typography is a text whose lines either run out to the left, right or left and right, and the word spaces are always the same. One distinguishes between left-aligned and right-aligned flatter sets as well as the center axis set (text lines are centered here), whereby the free set must also be described as fluttering. The flatter set is especially characteristic of poems and, moreover, common in informal writing.
Finites Verb
As a finite verb, also finite verb form or personal form, a word form of the verb is designated (cf. word forms). The finite verb is conjugate, expressing certain grammatical features. The finite verb indicates person, number, genus, mode, and tense, and changes with the subject. Expressions without a finite verb are not sentences but headings, points of structure, or exclamations (cf. interjection). All German sentences contain at least one finite verb form, which is a part of the predicate (cf. The counterpart is the infinite verbs.
Fin de Siècle
As Fin de Siècle, also decadentism, a life-feeling as well as an artistic and cultural movement between the years 1890 and 1914 is designated. The Fin de Siècle influenced the literature, music and art of the time, but it can not be described as a separate literary epoch, but rather as a setting that reflected different styles. Thus, this Decadentism decisively influenced Symbolism, Art Nouveau and Impressionism, Aestheticism, and similar avangardist tendencies, which even partially contradicted their content. In terms of content, the movement revolves around the cultural decline and can also be understood as a counter-movement to naturalism, which, especially in art and literature, considered the scientific and scientific design of empirical reality as an ideal.
The speech of figures of a literary work is described as a speech, also a speech for the people. In a text, there are five ways the individual figures can express themselves. Basically, one differentiates between direct, indirect and experienced speech as well as the inner monologue and the stream of consciousness as forms of the figurative speech. These forms are shown below.
The creation of a figurative constellation helps to understand the connections and ratios of the figures in a text. In the figure constellation, therefore, all social relations (friendships or degree of dependency) and psychological or even mental relationships of the characters are held. The figure constellation shows how the figures are connected to one another in dramatic or epic texts and stand together.
Figura etymologica
A Figura etymologica is a stylistic device in which words with the same word stem, which belong to different types of words, belong. Often these are verb and noun. By repeating, the Figura etymologica achieves emphaticness and activates the full meaning of a statement, which strengthens it. The stylistic figure is related to polyptotone and paronomasia.
In general, a publication is a publication which is compiled for a festive occasion. In particular, however, the term means, above all, an opportunity letter, which is handed over to an ancient scholar as a stipulation for a particular event, such as a jubilee or a birthday. Such a memorandum contains essays by friends, colleagues and pupils, who at best deal with and devote themselves to specific questions and problems of the subject area of the accused. Furthermore, the memorandum offers an appreciation of the work of life and of scientific work, as well as a list of writings of the scholar, which is as complete as possible, which is why the memorandum is an important source of the history of science.
The family romance, also a generational romance or a family saga, is a novel genre, whose plot deals primarily with the fate of a family. The figure constellation is thus mainly characterized by the members of a family. The narrated time thus usually extends over several generations and thus usually covers several decades. Since the figurative ensemble is located within the family or in the vicinity of this family, similar conflicts always arise in family romans (eg inheritances, generation conflicts …).
The notion of falling height is directly connected with the state clause, a dramenpetic principle. The state clause states that in a tragedy only kings, princes, and figures with a high social rank should be represented, where the simple bourgeoisie should be shown in comedies. This was justified by the fact that only figures with a very high status have the corresponding drop height to be regarded as tragic in the event of failure. This also means that the life of the bourgeoisie has too little importance to reach a fall which would come to the fore in tragedy.
A facsimile replica of rare print works as well as manuscripts, graphical representations or similar things is described as facsimile. This is generally the original copy of a template. A good facsimile is thus not optically distinguishable from the respective original, and it balances in the state of preservation, color and size, whereby aging phenomena or also usage traces are taken into account. The facsimile output of a work thus gives the impression that it is the original. In the past, such imitations were mainly produced by copper engravings, woodcuts, or breaks. Today, a photomechanical reproduction is mostly produced, the so-called light pressure providing the best results.
The jargon is referred to as technical jargon within a technical language. The jargon means a speech or expression that is spoken within a group and sometimes seems incomprehensible to outsiders. The jargon is not standardized. This means that there is no instance that specifies what is correct and what is wrong. The situation is different. This is standardized and is known within the respective subject. The specialist yargon now means non-standardized terms and phrases that have arisen in a specialized language.
fabula is a term of narrative theory, which goes back to Viktor Borisovič Šklovskij and became popular by Boris Viktorovič Tomaševskij’s Theory of Literature (1925). As a fabula, the totality of the events of a narrative is described in its logical and temporal links, but not in the order as it is in the work (→ Sujet).
Fabeltiere und ihre Eigenschaften
The animals that appear in a fable are called fox animals. Such felted animals generally have a very one-dimensional character. This means that for the reader, the roll distribution and the properties of the fox animals are already clear in advance and how the animal will behave. A similar division is found in legends or fairy tales.
An extravaganza is a play that highlights the luxurious decoration of a theater as well as the astounding use of stage technology and stage machinery, but is characterized by a free style. The extravaganza is found mainly in the second half of the 19th century and comes from the US and English plays. In addition to the richly decorated stage pictures and costumes, the genre is distinguished by witty texts in rhymed couplets (stanzas of varying verses, ending in a pointed chorus), which are mostly performed in familiar melodies. Often, the extravaganza presents itself as a revue, pantomime, ballet and musical or mixes these forms together and recalls some circus performances. As a rule, myths and oriental, fantastic or fabulous fabrics are shown. Related forms are feerie and burlesque.
As an exposition in the drama – partly also in novels – the effective introduction of the spectator or the reader is called. This means that the addressee (viewer, reader, listener) explains the basic mood, initial situation, conflicts and states as well as information about the place, the time and the persons of the work. Consequently, all the information relevant to the understanding of the following piece will be given to the addressee in the exposure. In the classical drama, exposure is involved in the first act, culminating in the exciting moment that builds the dramatic conflict. Basically, the exposure can also continue for the whole piece and then means all the moments of the drama, which contribute to the understanding of a starting point that is present in time.
As an ex-libris, also book-marks, book-marks and book-appropriation marks, a slip, which is glued in books and indicates to which the respective book belongs, is designated. Partially this function but also a stamp (Exlibrisstempel). The exlibris is usually found on the front page of a book that connects the book block to the book cover at the front and back or can be found on the title page of the respective publication. Before there were printed ex-libris, the reference to the property was handwritten. Such ex-libris appeared in the course of book printing, that is to say in the Renaissance. Books became more affordable, which led to the development of private libraries.
In the widest sense, digression is defined as the excursion from the actual theme. The excursus may be part of a scientific treatise and is either incorporated into it or annexed (see addendum). It is self-contained and serves the brief, subject-related supplementation of a larger work by discussing an object related to the main theme. The digression in the lecture can also be described as an excursus.
Exclamation or exclamation is a stylistic device of rhetoric, and can only be encountered in direct expressions of literary figures. Exclamation is an affectionate exclamation, which means that it is sometimes accompanied by a violent emotional movement. Above all, the style figure is associated with the apostrophe.
As Evergreen, music is a song that has been released years ago or decades, but is often played in the media and is listened to by the audience and is known to most listeners. What is so special about such an evergreens is that listeners remember the play for a long time, and this lasts for the music taste of the decades. Quite often it is easier to remember simple melodies, distinctive rhythms, simple, structured songs, which have a text that is easy to remember and catchy choruses. On most of the Evergreens, one of the features presented is generally true. The so-called Gassenhauer are related, although the term Evergreen is mostly applied to English songs. Similar is also a catchy earworm. A catchy and memorable piece of music is called the earworm. Since this does not have to meet the music taste of most listeners, not every earworm is an evergreen, which often happens differently.
Euterpe, also Eutelpe, is one of the nine muses of Greek mythology. The Muses, handed over by the poet Hesiod, are the paternal gods of the arts, each of the Muses being assigned to an area and having an attribute describing it. Euterpe is the muse of lyric and flute play, and is generally described as a muse of music. Their attribute is a flute or aulos (a kind of double flute). Pindar, a Greek poet of antiquity, states that Euterpe, together with the river god Strymon, witnessed the Thracian king Rhesus, who was involved in the Trojan war, where he was killed by Diomedes.
Euphony is the name of the harmony in music and linguistics. In terms of music, the term means, above all, the harmony, that is, the harmony of the sounds. On a linguistic level, the Euphonic means that the sounds of the speech make a pleasant impression on the hearing. For example, sequences of equals, as well as noisy or difficult-to-pronounce consonant clusters, should be avoided if a word sequence should sound pleasant. In some words, sounds can also be euphonic. The counterpart is the cacophony.
Euphemism is called a stylistic device, which is somewhat glossed over, instead of naming it directly. Euphemism can be found in all literary genres, as well as in everyday conversation. The stylistic figure can be deliberately used to trivialize a state of affairs and make it appear insignificant.
The narrative period is a concept from the narrative theory. The narrative time is the period of time required to read or narrate an epic work. In general, as a narrative time, the time may be to read, hear or even see an artistic work. The counterpart is the time told. It means the time range over which the action extends.
According to a general understanding, all the texts of the epic are designated as a narrative, and therefore all the works which are distinguished by a narrator (cf. narrative perspective) and thus can be distinguished from drama and lyric. For the most part, epic texts are written in prose, even if there are examples based on verses. As a result, the narrative is then a synonym for novels, novels, short stories, anecdotes, fairy tales, etc. In particular, however, the term is intended to mean a very specific genre whose characteristics can not be clearly identified. Essential is that it is a rather short story, which mostly has a clear introduction, a main part, and a conclusion, as well as a straightforward plot, which delimits itself from the nested novel, not the sharp criteria of novellas and short stories Fulfills. The course of action is usually narrated from a narrative perspective and chronologically. Fade-outs are more realized by memories or letters.
Erzählte Zeit
The narrated time is a concept from the narrative theory. The period of time, which includes an epic work, is referred to as the narrated time. It is, therefore, the fictitious period or duration of the narrative story narrated. Opposite is the narrative period. The narrative time is the time a reader needs to actually read a work.