The narrated world is a concept from the narrative theory. The narrated world describes the what-side of a narrative. With regard to what is, on the one hand, interesting the histoire which the history of a text means (what happens and why it happens?) And, on the other hand, the narrated world. This includes all the figures, objects, spaces and actions that the text describes. In the fictitious world, different rules may apply, as in reality.
Literary Devices
Every epic text has a narrator, a voice that tells the reader the story. This narrator can take very different positions, so change the perspective from which it is told. Thus the narrative perspective is the view from which a literary work is narrated. We distinguish between four different narrative perspectives: auctorial, personal, neutral as well as the special form of the I narrative.
An author who writes a narrative text creates a fictitious narrator who tells it. It is important that this narrator is not identical with the author of the text. But as the author writes the text, he can pretend different things for the narrator. For example, the author determines what the narrator knows about the figures of the story (see the perspective of the story) and what attitude he has to the narrative. This attitude is called narrative attitude and thus means the narrator’s attitude to the narrative. Such a valuation is usually part of the narrative report.
Epic works have basically two speech situations: the narrative report and the figurative speech. As a narrative report, all utterances are described in an epic work that does not belong to the figurative speech. This means that the narrative report means all the statements within a text which are not thought, spoken, or expressed by a figure of the text.
The first literary text of an author is referred to as the first book, although it does not matter whether it has ever been published or not. Thus, for example, the actual first edition could also appear after a possible romance book, and thus be made accessible to the public only later. The first work marks the beginning of the artistic œuvre, while the later divisions of the creative phase – for example in early and late works – are not exactly defined. The filmic counterpart is called Erstlingsfilm.
The term first performance (abbreviated as EA) means the first performance of a stage work or piece of music in a translation, sometimes including the respective language of the translation (eg “German-language premiere”, abbreviation: DSE). The actual first performance in the original language is again referred to as the world premiere. Sometimes, however, the first performance at a different venue – at which the premiere of the work did not take place – is also referred to as the first performance (for example, “Erstaufführung in Berlin”).
The place of publication is the place where a publication was published. The place of publication, as well as the year of publication, as well as appearance, are cited in the imprint of the publication. In the case of printing presses, one also speaks of the printing location, which is usually the publisher’s seat, even if the work was actually printed elsewhere. The listed place of publication is however not always reliable. Above all, the publications of the Early Modern Period – the transition from the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance – are sometimes characterized by false information. Here, false city data – especially with delicate writings – should obscure the real origin. Certain locations such as Cologne and the fictitious cities of Utopia, Freistadt or unlikely place names clearly pointed out that the content of the book was or should be at least so .
The year in which a publication came onto the market is also referred to as the year of publication, also the publication year, in the case of printed products. The publication year is usually stated in the imprint, although this information is not always reliable. Above all, works of the early modern period – that is, the transition from the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance – are characterized by various indications: texts were pre-dated, for example, in the following year. In addition, the title sheets of individual fonts were partly provided with an updated year of appearance, in order to appear at the latest and thus to distribute the old edition. This was especially the case with novels of the 17th and 18th century.
Erregendes Moment
An exciting moment is an element in classical drama. It serves to create a dramatic conflict and to arouse suspense. It denotes the point when the protagonist takes the decision that leads to the following action. It may also be the antagonist’s decision to set the hero in motion through an action or intrigue. The exciting moment culminates in the climax of the drama, the so-called peripetia.
Erratum is a misprint, whereas the majority of Errata mostly refer to an addendum (supplement, appendix) to a document which informs the reader of these misprints. As a rule, the errors, which are recorded and documented by such errata, are corrected in a next edition of the printed product. Errata are also referred to as corrigenda and proofreading. They have been used as a side dish since the 16th century.
Erlebte Rede
The spoken speech is a form of the figurative speech and encounters us in epic texts, usually accompanied by a personal narrator. The speech is between direct and indirect speech and is a mixed form of narrative and monologue (self-talk). The spoken speech means the refraction of a person’s thoughts or words into the perspective of the consciousness that she experiences. It is expressed in the indicative third person.
Epilion is described as a form of poetry that was widespread in Greek antiquity, but especially in Hellenism (336 BC – 30 BC) and is therefore characteristic of the Alexandrian literature, but also in the Roman language Poetry played a role, as in the case of neoterics. In contrast to the epic, which meant dissolute, poetical tales, the Epyllion can be regarded as a small form, which, in shorter episodes, revolves around mythical, erotic, or historical contents in verse. Such an epyllium could be between 100 and 800 verses and was usually written in hexameters or also distichs – a hexameter and pentameter pair. This small form stood against the great heroic epic, which was no longer regarded as contemporary. Nevertheless, some phrases of the epic language were used, which either refer to the overcoming of the epic or can be regarded as a form of the parody of the large form. The epilion was popular mainly by the poet Kallimachus.
The eponym describes a generic name derived from the name of a single individual, such as Zeppelin as the name for an airship or a pace for the papers. In linguistics a further differentiation is made, here the eponym is named the author himself, and the derived genus designation is summarized under the opposite term “deonym”.
The Epizeuxis is a rhetorical stylistic medium and encounters us in texts of all kinds and genres. Epizeuxis are the three or more repetitions of a word or group of words. Consequently, the Epizeuxis belongs to the figures of the word repetition (Repititio) and is still related to the stylistic means Geminatio, Anadiplose and Epanalepse.
A work is described as an epitome, which is itself an extract of a larger, more extensive work. The epitome is therefore an excerpt which exemplifies an important aspect of the main work and illustrates this, whereby the essentials are brought to the point. The epitomies can also appear as a brief textbook that summarizes a certain area of knowledge (see Compendium). In addition, the term for historical breaks (short presentation of a thing) as well as for the contents or even summaries of literary works are used (eg epitomics of the Alexanderroman).
The epithet is the epitome of an epithet. The epitome is a work that is itself an extract from a more comprehensive work. The epitome is therefore an excerpt which exemplifies an important aspect of the main work and illustrates this, whereby the essentials are brought to the point. In addition, this term can be a scarce textbook that summarizes the essential aspects of a subject, which is also used for historical sketches (short presentation of a thing), as well as the contents or summaries of literary works. The person who composes or composes one of the described writings is hereinafter referred to as an epitomator.
The texts are epic, which belong to the literary genre of the epic, and, moreover, elements which appear in other genres but which are actually characteristic of the epic: there are, therefore, narrative elements in such a text, as in the poem form of the ballad , which is distinguished by lyrical and dramatic, but also epic features. In terms of colloquial terms, the term also means that a situation is shown very extensively and no individual is omitted. In the language of the youth, the term sometimes means cool, unbelievable or super, and comes from the gamers’ scene, which coined the epic epic for the adjectives and passed it through epic to german (jargon, jargon).
The epiploke is a rhetorical stylistic device used in all genres. This is a multiple anadiplosis. The anadiplosis means the fact that a sentence or sub-sentence ends with a word or a word sequence, which begins with the following sentence. The Epiploke ranks several times this special feature. The upper grip of both figures is epanalysis. In ancient times the term also described the connection of two similar verses.
As an epiphrase, a rhetorical stylistic device is used that is used in all literary genres. The epiphrase describes a kind of repression. A sentence, which is syntactically complete, is supplemented by a supplement, either a word or a word sequence. As a result, an apparently complete sentence is supplemented by an addendum. The figure is related to the hyperbaton as well as the parenthesis and the ellipse and belongs to the word figures.
The epiphany, also Epiphora, is a stylistic medium which encounters us in texts of all kinds and literary genre. The epipher is the single or multiple repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive sentences or verses. Their stylistic counterpart is the anaphor, which means a repetition at the beginning of successive verses and sentences.
As an epilogue, the libel or the post-play in the drama as well as the epilogue or the conclusion in the literature and the rhetoric is called. The epilogue usually contains thoughts or themes about the work, which were not sufficiently illuminated in this work. It can contain an interpretation and an explanation of what has been read and seen, and reminds the recipient (the viewer, the reader) and encourages them to think. In addition, epilogues can offer space for the personal dedication of the author, which is common in prose works and especially in novels (see literary genres).
An epigram was once the inscription on tombstones, works of fine art, buildings, votive gifts and the like, which was written mainly in distributions. This gave rise to an independent form of poetry: the epigram. This is a short sense or mocking poem. Epigrams contain the most diverse thoughts and are often written in ruffled and pointed form. They address the mind, often want to instruct them and ask their readers to comment. The form of classical music (→ Literaturepochen) experienced its highlights.
The term “ephe- nesis” means the fact that a word in the word “inner” is supplemented by an additional language, thus facilitating pronunciation of the word. The epenthesis is also referred to as sound input as well as sound input. For example, the letter n in the adjective African is an epenthesis, since otherwise two vowels would meet each other (cf. Hiatus). The epenthesis thus serves the purpose of avoiding the hiatus, and facilitates the pronunciation of the word. Moreover, the epenthesis can be interpreted as stylistic means when the addition of a sound or a syllable occurs in the inner sense of the word for poetic or metrical reasons such as Mavors for Mars in Vergil’s work Aen (8, 700).
The Epeisodion is an element originating from the ancient Greek drama. Epeisodion is a dialog between two choruses. Thus, the epeisodion separates the choruses and interrupts them. The dialogue before the move of the chorus, on the other hand, is called prologos, the dialogue after the last choral member exodos.
Epanodos is a stylistic means of repetition which is used in all genera. The epanodos means that the individual words of a sentence are repeated in the reverse word sequence. This means that the sentence elements of the sentence are mirrored, with the first word of the sentence moving to the end. The Epanodos is a special form of chiasmus. The sentence members are also mirrored, but it is not necessary for the words to be retained.
The epanastrophe is a rhetorical stylistic means of repetition, which is to be found mainly in lyric poetry. The epanastrophe is either (1) another term for the anadiplosis, or (2) means the repetition of the last verse of a stanza in the following verse. The anadiplosis means the fact that a proposition or part-sentence ends with a word which begins in the following sentence.
The epanalysis is a rhetorical means of word repetition, which is used in all literary genres. The epanalysis refers to the fact that a word or a group of words is repeated immediately at the beginning or end of the sentence. By repeating individual elements, it has a reinforcing effect. The epanalysis is related to Geminatio, Epizeuxis, and Anadiplosis.
The epanadiplosis is a linguistic stylistic means of repetition used in all literary genres. The epanadiploses describe the fact that a word or a word sequence is repeated at the beginning and at the end of a text. This repetition can be at the beginning and at the end of individual verses, but also enclose stanzas or works (cf. Kyklos). The term is sometimes used synonymous with the anadiplosis, which means a resumption of the sentence or verse in the following sentence or verse, in order to intensify the intensity of the statement.
As an Enkomion is a eulogy, a praise, or even a praise poem, whereby in ancient times as a rhetorical art form was considered to write particularly beautiful Enkomien. As a rule human beings, ideas and things are praised or honored with the Enkomion, while a hymn to individual gods is called hymn. Originally the winners of important races (Agon) were honored with an Enkomion when they returned gloriously to the homeland. At the same time an ironic prosaic form developed, which was marked with the same concept and flattered in exaggerated measure. This ironic, partly satirical form, was then widely used in the court poetry of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The concepts of eloge, laudation, and panegyric are all related, all of which refer to types of eulogy and, moreover, the poem form of the Ode.
The Enjambement is a lyrical stylistic device that is not found in the spoken language, but only in the written one. Enjambement is the passage of a sentence or sense unit from a verse in the following. The stylistic device is also referred to as a line jump or break.
The final rhyme is a form of rhymes. In contradistinction to the rule of alliteration, where words are rhymed with the same initial sound, or the inner rhyme, which circumscribes the rhyme in the verse, two or more verses are joined by the harmony of the last syllables. If these rhymes are arranged according to a certain pattern, they are called rhymes. Frequent rhymes are the pair rhymes, cross-rhymes, or even tail-rhymes.
Enceiridion is defined as a manual or guide, which is an indispensable companion or guide in certain life situations or in the course of work. Theological and liturgical themes were originally dealt with in a work of this kind. In the course of the sixteenth century, medical guides or general manuals were later called the term. The genus described is similar to the so-called vademecum, which is, in the end, the Latin term for such a guide, whereby the word is also used as a concept for the guidebook literature itself.
The Enallage is a special form of hypallage and a linguistic stylistic means, which means a shift of the word relations within one sentence. This means that a word within a sentence does not refer to the logical relationship word, but to another. Very often adjectives are grammatically assigned to a word or word component to which they do not belong. The Enallage is therefore usually used to decorate the language.
The emphase is a rhetorical stylistic device, which is difficult to recognize, because it becomes clear in the spoken language. Emphasis is the elucidation of a general concept in order to show a particular feature of this concept. The emphasis is achieved by the context and the emphasis and gives the concept an additional, narrower meaning.
Sensitivity is a current that has emerged from the literary epoch of Enlightenment. In terms of content, it contributes to the rational and rational approaches of the Enlightenment the sentimental and the sensitive. Sensitivity, however, is not to be understood as a counter-movement, but rather as a complement to enlightenment ideas. The sensibility can be dated to the years 1740 to 1790, whereby it must be borne in mind that no flow begins in one day and ends at another. In France and England there are sensitive tendencies from 1700 onwards.
As an eloquence, as well as language skills, the ability to express one’s thoughts beautiful, effective and following the rules of grammar. Whoever is eloquent, can speak confidentially and knows how to express himself. The term can be used in the mother tongue, foreign languages, as well as in the written and spoken language. Eloquence is characterized by the correct application of the grammar and vocabulary of the language as well as its language and stylistic means.
As Eloge is usually a eulogy and the exuberant praise as well as rarely the flattery. Such an eloge may be in the form of an address, but also a written statement. It is distinguished by compliments and honorable words. In most cases it is positively evaluated and can be used synonymously to the terms praise, anthem, laudation and eulogy. Rarely is the term negatively used to refer to a form of exaggerated flattery, even if this interpretation is also possible. In France in the seventeenth century, there was also a rhetorical discipline, known as the Éloges, which were held in the form of an obituary to the deceased members of the Académie des Sciences as a public tribute to the tomb, and mostly by their successors.
An ellipse is a stylistic device of rhetoric. The ellipse describes the fact that a sentence is grammatically incomplete and thus shortened. Accordingly, unimportant portions of the set are omitted to effect a gain, the content being clearly understood. The figure is typical for a fast word combat (see Stichomythie) as well as the Brachylogie, which achieves the maximum of meaningfulness with minimal word effort and works of Sturm und Drang.
In the literature and philosophy, the ivory tower is an allegory which means the isolation, also isolation, of an artist, which is separated from the actual reality of life, to dedicate itself only to meditation and the creation of art. Furthermore, the ivory tower is a metaphor that stands for a secluded, untouched place. In the Christian tradition, the ivory tower is a symbol of purity. According to today’s understanding, the art production in the ivory tower means an artist who is withdrawn and devoted exclusively to art.
The elf is a form of the poem, which pupils mainly meet in elementary school. The elf consists of five verses and eleven words, from which the name of the elf is derived. Each verse has a different number of words and answers another question or reflects other content and aspects.
The elegy was originally called distracted distiches. According to this, Elegy was a general expression for poems, written in distant times. The distichon is a combination consisting of hexameter and pentameter. Later, elegies are mainly regarded as poetic poems written to express grief over death, separation, loss, and the like, or portray the contradiction between ideal and life.
The term elaborate is something elaborated, whereby the term mainly means a written elaboration, which is also called elaboration. For the most part, the term is used as a derogatory term, meaning an ingenuous, not very carefully prepared, written work. In the high-level language usage, however, a completed written work is also called elaborate. Consequently, attention must be paid to the respective context in order to tap the actual meaning. The term can refer to essays, pamphlets, tracts, monographs, manuscripts and thus all written work.
Dystopia, also called anti-utopia and matopia, is the counterpart of positive utopia (cf. eutopia). Dystopia is a narrative which shows a negative distortion of future humanity. This future is characterized by a society that has developed into a negative one. Frequent themes are the enslavement of mankind and, in general, the circumcision of all freedoms, which is often caused by an over-powerful technique, which was designed by man himself, but can no longer be dealt with in the future. In addition, dystopia often shows the totalitarian state and its power, with only small groups enjoying privileges and lower and middle class living standards below the level of contemporary societies. There is often a protagonist in these dystopias, who inquires about these social conditions and feels that something is in the arrogance, in which case he rebels against the system or the rulers.
As Duecento, the 13th century is described in literature and art in Italy. What is meant here is, above all, the time of the Protestant Renaissance, that is, the predecessors of the Renaissance, which were reflected in art and architecture, as well as the tendencies which they favored. For the first time the ancient models, which then became the central motif in the Renaissance, were imitated. In terms of architecture, this is mainly due to the marble cladding of buildings, with Italian gothic flourishing during this period. There is a new self-awareness in the literature, which led to Italian authors writing in their language for the first time. Other centuries that revolve around the Italian Renaissance are described by art historians as Duecento, Trecento, Quattrocento, Cinquecento, and Seicento (cf. Literaturepochen).
Trilogie (Dreiteiler)
A trilogy, also a three-part, is a work that is composed of three parts. A trilogy can be a literary, cinematic or even musical work, although the term is now used in other fields. It is essential for the trilogy that its individual parts mostly function independently, which means that these have a common framework, but appear to be self-contained (see Mehrteiler). Consequently, trilogies are rarely interrupted by strong cliffhangers, which would interrupt the act shown.
A dossier is a collection of different documents on a particular topic. These bundled documents are mostly held together by a solid cover. Such a dossier contains different information on the respective topic, with no specification of which information is combined. Accordingly, economic reports, reports, minutes, statements, essays and the like may be included in the dossier. This term also means a kind of time article (newspaper dossier). They prepare information from files, and a bundling of several newspaper articles, reports, interviews, portraits or similar on a topic in magazines (often as a special supplement) is named as a dossier.
The double rhyme is a rhyme style. As the double rhymes, triple or even syllable end rhymes are designated with the following line. This means that in successive verses several syllables are rhymed, which form the end of the line. A special form of this type of rhyme is the shaking rhyme, in which the initial consonants of rhyming syllables of a rhyme pair are exchanged.
As a dithyrambus, also called dithyrambos, has been a Greek, cultic choral song, or a reigen, which was performed in honor of the god Dionysus, although other gods or heroes were sung alongside the winery. The dithyrambus is characterized by an ecstatic seizure of the chorus and was performed in a change of chorus and prelude. Such dithyrambs have been used since the seventh century BC, Are documented in almost every literary epoch, characterized by irregularities in the structure of verses and verses. The choral element with the ode and the anthem is related to it, whereby the glorification of the god in the dithyrambile appears to be even more pronounced (see poems).
The distich is a two-line, where the first verse is a hexameter and the second line is a pentameter. There are, in principle, two poems which are characterized by the distich: the epigram and the elegy. The epigram consists, for the most part, of a distichon, where the elegy is formed from the series of several distals.