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Oversleeping Persuasive Speech Essay

Purpose: To persuade my audience to control the habit of oversleeping because is detrimental to our physical health, affects our cognitive abilities and shortens our lifespan Thesis: the habit of oversleeping is detrimental to our physical health, and my audience can do their part in controlling the habit. Being aware of the effects of oversleeping is number one step of controlling this unhealthy life habits. Attention step 1. Attention getter: When it comes to sleep, it is a good thing. However, what happens if you have too much of this good thing?

This will affects your health and reduce your lifespan. II. Credibility statement: a good night sleep is essential to your health. However, what sleep is enough? Experts recommend that a normal adult should sleep for 7 to 8 hours per night. Many people do not know that when we spend more than nine hours we affect our health. III. Topic justification: poor sleeping habit is a widespread problem, people everywhere can struggle with this problem. The oversleeping habit is a huge a problem in school. Dement, William, and Christopher (2009) reported that 15% of college students had poor sleeping habits.

Factors such as laziness, peer pressure, alcohol and drugs abuse contribute to oversleeping habits in school. The report also found that oversleeping affects students’ academic success. IV. Preview statements: today I want to leave here having controlled this unhealthy habit of oversleeping. First, you should leave here knowing that oversleeping is widespread problem to the student. Second, you should leave here knowing that the habit is detrimental to your health. Finally, you should leave here confident that the habit can be controlled and this will yield numerous health benefits.

Transitional: I would like to begin by talking about the effects of the oversleeping. Problem step 1. Statement of the problem: The amount of sleep that a person needs depends on age, lifestyle, general health as well as the level of activity. As Harvard Medical School Commentaries on Health (2014) noted, Although sleep need varies, experts recommend that an adult should have 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Hours of sleep below seven and above eight are referred to as less sleep and too much sleep, respectively.

Having too much sleep affects the quality of sleep, and this affects our physical health in many ways. II. The extent and seriousness of the problem: Oversleeping increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. A. For some people, sleeping for too many hours cause head and back pain. Researchers believe that oversleeping affect some neurotransmitters in our brain and the release of stress controlling hormone, serotonin which causes headaches (Dawood, 2012).

B. Oversleeping also affects our overall life expectancy. Data from epidemiological studies have revealed that having less sleep or too much sleep can be directly linked with early death. Moreover, oversleeping or under sleeping affects our cognitive ability. C. Some causes of oversleeping could be medical in nature like obstructive sleep apnea, hypersomnia, and depression. Other possible causes of oversleeping include the use of certain substances such as alcohol, all some prescription medication. Of course, not all people who oversleep have medical conditions or are under substance influence. Some people simply just want sleep.

III. Audience involvement: I asked the class whether they have experienced the feeling of being groggy after having too much sleep at some point. A. Almost 90% said that they have ever experienced headaches and back pain after sleeping for more than 9 hours during weekends or after a night party. B. Another 25 % said that they regularly sleep for more than 10 hours. Well, if this is repeated it can be a detriment to our health over time. Transition: now that we have understood that oversleeping is a serious issue and is detrimental to our health, I will talk about how we can get quality sleep.

Solution step 1. Evaluation of the proposed alternative solution: Majority of vou have never sort solution for the oversleeping problem because you never thought it is a problem in the first place. It is important to note that oversleeping is a serious habit and individuals suffering should seek medical attention. II. Statement of the solution: As we have mentioned earlier, sleeping for an average of seven to eight hours is beneficial to our health. However, if anyone normally sleeps for more than eight hours, they should see a doctor for check up to determine why they oversleep.

III. Explanation of the solution: the doctor will be able to diagnose the underlying cause of oversleeping. A. If oversleeping is caused by the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, they should eliminate the use of such substances. In cases where prescribed medications cause oversleeping, it is not advisable to stop unless advised by a qualified doctor. B. Similarly, when oversleeping is caused by underlying medical condition then treating it will help to stop the habit (Donatelle, 2009). C. Furthermore, to improve the quality of sleep, it is important to practice good sleep hygiene.

God sleep hygiene includes activities such as keeping your bed comfortable, observing same sleep time and wake time every day. Besides, the affected individual should consider avoiding substance such as alcohol and caffeine close to bedtime (Sapolsky, 2014). IV. Illustrate demonstrate effectiveness: Personally, I have experienced a situation like this. A. A friend of mine had difficulties attending morning lessons that would normally start at 7 am, even after sleeping as early as 7 pm. Because he did not think that the habit is harmful, he took no action. However, I dvised him to see a doctor for a checkup.

The check-up revealed that he was at an advanced stage of depression, which was the cause for his oversleeping. The doctor prescribed some medication to treat his depression, and with time, he was able to overcome the habit of oversleeping. V. Refutation: those who do not take action to control the oversleeping habits assumes that the habit is harmless of its effects will wear off with time A. Minimizing: it is true the some effects such as a headache or back pain after sleeping more than 10 hours wear off with time without medical attention.

B. Denying the inherence: However, if the habit is repeated over time its effects to our physical health are devastating. Therefore, one should take action by first identifying the cause and then eliminate it. Transition: now that we have talked about the solution let’s take a look at what would happen if we control the habit of oversleeping Visualisation/projection step 1. Positive Visualization: having quality sleep is very important to our body. For instance, it is during our sleep when body repair and regulate its self.

When we oversleep, we disrupt this process, which affects our health and shorten our lifespan. Having enough sleep means that our physical health will improve. In fact, our cognitive ability will improve which will in turn thus improve our academic success. Besides, the good sleeping habit will increase our life span. II. Negative visualization: if we do not control the habit of oversleeping, then our physical health will deteriorate, we shall have less success in our academic not to motion that we could even end up dying at an early age.

Transition: the following steps are what we all ought to do to control the habits. Conclusion/Action step 1. Summary: today I have tried to persuade you to control the habit of oversleeping. First, I talked about the dangers of the habit of oversleeping, its causes and then I talked about the various ways we can control the habit. II. Action steps: so the next time you sleep for more than 8 hours, visit the doctor for checkups to determine the cause. The doctor’s recommendations must be followed in controlling the habit.

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