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Littering Persuasive Speech Essay

Have you ever thrown a banana peel out of a car window because it is “bio-degradable”? If so, you have broken the law. Littering is against the law, but the crime is often ignored. There are many reasons why people litter, but in reality there is no excuse that justifies littering. A rebirth of the no littering campaign (capitalize No Littering when referring to the campaign) would keep our world clean, save money, and prevent accidents. Littering is a serious problem that people do not realize.

Littering must be stopped. The rebirth of littering awareness- effective phrase would be based on many of the same, well known concepts, but revitalize with more detail. People need to grasp the real statistics of how littering affects us. Unfortunately, not many people really care about this “small” crime. With the birth of Earth Day during the 1970’s, littering was finally being seen as a problem. However, like most fads, the wave of environmental awareness ended along with people’s commitment to doing the right thing.

We need to refuel this idea, and stress how important taking care of this world is, and how we are all responsible for keeping this Earth clean and beautiful. Strong content in this q. But work on wording. Earth’s environment is vital to our society and more importantly, our world. Even still, a vast majority of Americans continue to litter. – provide real example Litter is slowly destroying our environment by prohibiting growth on the ground in natural areas and killing plants and animals. Thousands of animals have been hurt and even killed by objects as simple as a plastic bag.

These animals misidentify bags as food, thus are swallowing harmful plastic and injuring themselves in the process. Litter also spoils water quality. Failure to properly dispose of household cleaners, petroleum products, and paint causes serious implications to our water quality. These chemicals will find their way underground, seriously contaminating the water source. Since water is essential for our survival, we should be good stewards of that which we are entrusted to keep pure and put an end to the pollution that corrupts and disturbs this water supply.

Not only is our ground water supply being polluted, but also our oceans. Tons of litter gets dumped into the ocean each year. Cities all along the east coast simply take their garbage and toss it into the water. There have even been reports of giant garbage balls floating in the ocean. If we are throwing it away because we don’t want to live with it, why would our marine life? This trash is causing huge environmental problems including fish endangerment. Thousands of fish are killed on a daily basis, causing many species’ population to become scarce.

Hopefully we as humans will learn to correct this mistake before it is too late and part of our direct food supply is cut off and lost forever. In addition to saving our environment, fixing this problem would save us money. Picking up litter is very expensive. According to the article by Keep Liberty Beautiful,- effective citation “Litter cleanup costs the United States total more than $11. 5 billion each year! ” Instead of spending taxpayer’s money on waste, we could be spending it on more important subjects like public education. This expensive habit is also very aesthetically displeasing.

Keep Liberty Beautiful writes about how many homeowners say a litter filled neighborhood will decrease a home’s value, and can even influence a person’s decision about a property. Just like the housing market, litter also effects tourism. The more litter the fewer tourists. No tourist wants to take a vacation to a trash filled beach, and when the beach is a popular tourist attraction your economy will also suffer. Fewer tourists means fewer people to buy goods, which means that litter is literally costing you both indirectly and directly. – good point Severe accidents can be avoided if litter is taken care of.

A. single piece of litter on the highway can cause an accident, or something as simple as a crate could cause a car to swerve and hit another car in the process. Car accidents are the leading cause of death and injuries in the United States. Motorist careless treatment of their trash can also cause accidents. When people have trash in their cars many don’t feel like going to a trash can, so garbage is just thrown out the window. This is dangerous because it could distract or hinder eyesight of another driver. But not all litter is done on purpose. Some ntal litter is from trucks with unsecure loads.

At highway speeds even a large object can be picked up and carried into the way of another driver. Another major hazard of litter is fire. One of the most common items that are seen on the ground is cigarette butts. Most of the time they are thrown still lit. All it takes is one dry day and a lit cigarette to start a major wildfire. This is more prone to happen now because of the severe droughts, like in California. Also cigarette butts are toxic to humans and animals because of the tobacco and thousands of other harmful ingredients. Since they can be found everywhere it is easy for animals and humans to get ahold of them and eat them.

This can be very harmful and cause sickness or even death. People simply disposing of their cigarette butts properly can prevent these kinds of accidents. A rebirth of no littering would help our world and community tremendously. We would save our environment, money, and reduce accidents. As The Article written by Keep Liberty Beautiful states, “We cannot afford to take litter for granted. Our actions or inactions to fight litter affect all of us and will have an impact on generations that follow us”. Litter is not an incurable disaster that we have to deal with.

We have the power to control our waste and stop litter altogether. The main cause of littering is laziness and a lack of education. Society needs to be educated on the potentially dangerous aspects of littering. Education will play a vital role in saving our planet. We have to act as a community, someone has to step up. People following the no littering law would bring about safer and more beautiful communities. Earth would have more natural beauty, there would be less scavengers, and less diseases. Reducing litter is as easy as three steps: pick up, throw away, and inform.

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