Holocaust Dbq Essay

There have been many major events in the world’s history; some are brilliant discoveries, and some are incredibly tragic. One of the biggest tragedies in the world was The Holocaust which took place in Nazi Germany and other territories Germany took over from 1933-1945. The Holocaust was the result of Hitler’s anti-semitism from his belief … Read more

German Workers Party

German Workers Party believed they were superior to the peoples of all other nations and all individual efforts were to be performed for the betterment of the German State. Germanys loss in World War I resulted in the Peace Treaty of Versailles, which created tremendous economic and social hardships on Germany. Germany had to make … Read more

Nazi Germany

Nazism was the ideology held by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which was led by its “Fhrer”, Adolf Hitler. The word Nazism is most often used in connection with the dictatorship of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 (the “Third Reich”), and it is … Read more

The History of Germany

Germany under the rule of the National Socialist German Workers Party believed they were superior to the peoples of all other nations and all individual efforts were to be performed for the betterment of the German State. Germanys loss in World War I resulted in the Peace Treaty of Versailles, which created tremendous economic and … Read more

What caused the Hindenburg explosion

The Hindenburg was a luxury airship, from nazi Germany. This “Titanic of the skies” (no pun intended) was destroyed by a flash fire in 1937 while landing in New Jersey after making its 10th transatlantic crossing. Thirty-five of the 97 people aboard and one ground crew member were killed when the blimp burst into flames … Read more

The Fall Of Germany In World War I

None of the European power wanted World War I, but they feared Germany. Germany was newly unified, and was beating the European powers in population and Industry. France wanted to recover the Alsace-Lorraine. Britain was a country used to being on the ocean, so they felt threatened by Germany’s colonial expansion and William II’s insisting … Read more

The FRG (West Germany) and the GDR (East Germany)

Though the FRG (West Germany) and the GDR (East Germany) shared centuries of cultural history, the GDR was heavily influenced by Soviet values and social systems. Since reunification the educational system in eastern Germany has abandoned the Soviet polytechnic model of comprehensive education for all high school students, and returned to the specialized system of … Read more

The Nazi Government

Sitting on an operating table, deep inside the corridors of Azchwitz concentration camp, a man is listening to the Nazi gun fire outside. He hears the innocent screams as automatic weapons mow through crowds of families deemed “unfit to live”. Gradually silence falls, only to be broken again by the solitary pops of a pistol, … Read more

Germany Still Divided

The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. None more than for East and West Germany. The unification of Germany has been one of the most significant and moving events of the 20th century. Yet the euphoria of those heady … Read more

History Of The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall, for twenty-eight years, separated friends, families, and a nation. A lot of suffering began for Germany when World War II commenced, but by the end of the war Germany was in the mists of a disaster waiting to happen. After WWII was over Germany was divided into four parts. The United States, … Read more

Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

Synopsis – Hitler’s Willing Executioners is a work that may change our understanding of the Holocaust and of Germany during the Nazi period. Daniel Goldhagen has revisited a question that history has come to treat as settled, and his researches have led him to the inescapable conclusion that none of the established answers holds true. … Read more

Explaining Hitler’s Electoral Success

The rising tide of electoral support for the Nazis made it difficult for Hindenburg to defy public opinion and resist appointing Hitler as Chancellor. I think this statement is quite accurate. It would have been very hard for Hindenburg to just ignore the fact that Adolf Hitler was the leader of the most popular party … Read more

Tacitus’s Germania Essay

Tacitus’s Germania is a thoroughly itemized ethnographic text detailing the geography, climate and social structure of Germany and its people. Unlike his Histories and Annales Tacitus doesn’t offer a story line to be followed, but instead, he nudges forth an unspoken comparison to be made between two cultures. Each of the Germania’s 46 passages deals … Read more

The Rise of Nazism in Germany

Germanys defeat in World War One created political, economic and social instability in the Weimar Republic and led to the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party. The First World War placed increasingly heavy strains and sacrifices on the German people. The gap between the rich and poor widened and … Read more

Market for Personal Computers in Germany

The goal of this report is to inform US investors about the German market for personal computers. This document outlines many different areas of the German political, economic, and social structures and how they concern the personal computer industry. It provides a clear insight to the German approach to personal computers and the age of … Read more

Nazism: How Was It Possible

The NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), who were in the early 1920s, “a small and not particularly distinctive element in the multifarious and fragmented German volkisch movement” had become by 1936 the ruling organisation of German society. There were many factors influencing the German mass support to swing towards the party during 1923-36. In the face … Read more

The Federal Republic of Germany

On October 3, 1990, the states of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) shed their last ties to their Soviet created structure and joined the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). The 23rd article of West Germany’s 1949 constitution, the Basic Law, had been drafted specifically to allow for such an arrival from the East. … Read more

Versailles Effect on Germany

The Treaty of Versailles was intended to be a peace agreement between the Allies and the Germans. Versailles created political discontent and economic chaos 1in Germany. The Peace Treaty of Versailles represented the results of hostility and revenge and opened the door for a dictator and World War II. November 11, 1918 marked the end … Read more