The History of Germany

Germany under the rule of the National Socialist German Workers Party believed they were superior to the peoples of all other nations and all individual efforts were to be performed for the betterment of the German State. Germanys loss in World War I resulted in the Peace Treaty of Versailles, which created tremendous economic and … Read more

The Nazi government

In December 1929, the German government faced a total financial crisis, facing a short fall of 1. 5 billion marks in anticipated revenues. It occurred then that the world would lie in darkness, where deaths would override births dramatically, and where the lives of those of a different race, those opposed to the Nazi rule … Read more

Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

Synopsis – Hitler’s Willing Executioners is a work that may change our understanding of the Holocaust and of Germany during the Nazi period. Daniel Goldhagen has revisited a question that history has come to treat as settled, and his researches have led him to the inescapable conclusion that none of the established answers holds true. … Read more

The Rise of Nazism in Germany

Germanys defeat in World War One created political, economic and social instability in the Weimar Republic and led to the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party. The First World War placed increasingly heavy strains and sacrifices on the German people. The gap between the rich and poor widened and … Read more

Nazism: How Was It Possible

The NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), who were in the early 1920s, “a small and not particularly distinctive element in the multifarious and fragmented German volkisch movement” had become by 1936 the ruling organisation of German society. There were many factors influencing the German mass support to swing towards the party during 1923-36. In the face … Read more

Nazi Art As Propaganda

Nazi Germany regulated and controlled the art produced between 1933 and 1945 to ensure they embodied the values they wished to indoctrinate into the German people. The notion of volk (people) and blut und boden (soil and blood) was championed in paintings to glorify an idealized rural Germany and instill a sense of superiority in … Read more

Propaganda: The most powerful weapon

The power of propaganda is often over looked, and those who manipulate and utilize its strength can make even the most absurd and repelling thought seem appealing. Adolf Hitler was one such man as he stated that, “The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting … Read more

Adolf Hitler and Mussolini

Adolf Hitler And Mussolini At the close of World War One tensions still rode high between countries, trade slowed and unemployment rose. A new form of government was also used, totalitarianism. This form of government means there is only one leader to make decisions and thus they killed or jailed all opponents. Mussolini and Hitler … Read more

What happened to the Nazi gold?

One Trenton Parker, an ex-Marine colonel with CIA connections and claiming to have inside knowledge as to what actually became of the Nazi gold horde following World War II, was Tom Valentine’s guest on his nightly radio show, Radio Free America, on July 29, 1993. Parker is described in the Radio Free America catalog of … Read more

Benito Mussolini

History Benito Mussolini’s Rise and Fall to Power Benito Mussolini had a large impact on World War II. He wasn’t always a powerful dictator though. At first he was a school teacher and a socialist journalist. He later married Rachele Guide and had 5 children. He was the editor of the Avanti, which was a … Read more

The Neo Nazis

Two Neo-Nazis have been convicted of murdering Black teenager Benjamin Hermansen. A third defendant has been convicted of being an accessory to the attack. The killing of 15-year-old Benjamin Hermansen while he was meeting a friend near his home in Oslo sparked outrage. Tens of thousands of Norwegians took to the streets a few days … Read more

Benito Mussolini

With pounding fists and brutal charisma, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) invoked the myth of a new Roman Empire… and made himself its Caesar. The father of Italian Fascism, Mussolini seized power through a potent combination of terror and persuasion. Promising glory while crushing his enemies, he held Italy firmly in his grasp from 1922 to 1943. … Read more

Nazi Ethics

In the interest of… saving lives, is it acceptable to make use of data collected through mutilation, torture, and death (Campbell, 16)? That is the question which has been rearing its head in scientific research since the end of World War II. As man has sought to quench his thirst for knowledge, lines of ethicality … Read more