Buddhist Mindfulness

Buddhists emphasize having Right Mindfulness as a vital part of meditation as well as one of the most important steps in the eight-fold path to enlightenment. Having mindfulness is being completely aware of what happens to us and in us and only focusing on these things. Right mindfulness, defined as the clear and single-minded awareness … Read more

The decision of the Jackson administration

The generalization that, “The decision of the Jackson administration to remove the Cherokee Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River in the 1830s was more a reformulation of the national policy that had been in effect since the 1790s than a change in that policy,” is valid. Every since the American people arrived at … Read more

Death of a Salesman – Character Sketches

In the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, the main character, Willy Loman, is a struggling salesman. Toward the end of the play, Willy commits suicide by crashing his car. Willy Loman is a complex character who confuses illusion with reality. In a way, Willy has two personalities in this play. The one … Read more