The American civil war

The civil war was a very interesting and significant time for our country. This war was a war of epic proportion. Never before and not since have so many Americans died in battle. The American Civil War was truly tragic in terms of human life. The battle itself is fascinating. The leading men behind the … Read more

The Future of Capitalism

This book report reflects upon the writings of Lester C. Thurow in his 1996 book – “The Future of Capitalism”. Thurow is a professor of economics at M. I. T. School of Management and has been a contributing editor to the Newsweek journal. “The Future of Capitalism” is an analytical look at the state of … Read more

Geoffrey Chaucers Troilus And Criseyde

Throughout the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, and the early Renaissance, we can trace, in the rise and fall of national literatures, the successions of war and peace which made the development of Europe so difficult and so uneven. Besides wars and crusades, there were other convulsions quite as grievous: for instance, the Black Death, … Read more