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Focus Group Reflection Paper

One of my first data source that I would expect to use in the evaluation would be people inside the educational program for example faculty members, students along with other learners, and administrators. Second would be my people outside of the education program, which would be groups of students, administrators, and teammates. Third, I would have to say that records would include grades and test scores of the students to measure their performance. Also databases that will be kept up by the institution and program.

Some of the paper records may in some sort of request for programs, electives that may need to be taken, and some sort of residency engagement. One of my first questions would be to ask the individual to tell me about themselves. I would normally ask this question in order to make them feel comfortable talking to me as well as me getting to know them on a professional level. Second I would as what are their strengths and weaknesses? This question will help me to determine whether the individual have the required skills, talents, and abilities in order to perform the work that I will be giving to them to perform.

Third I would ask them to describe to me a time when someone was not pleased with their perforce and how did their react to the situation. Forth I would ask them if they could give me an example of their leadership qualities? I would ask this question to find out what they may can and can’t accomplish. Fifth, please tell me about a situation that describes your capabilities to work with a diverse of people. I won’t to be able to see if this individual can accept other for who they are for the difference in them compared to everyone else.

Six, finding out what accomplishment that they are proud of within themselves is a great way for any person to build upon their determination, not only that but to how inspired they are though life’s situations. The last question that I would normally ask is: Do you have any question for me? And I ask this question because I like to see how excited each individual is when it come to curriculum as well as the workforce side. However, this also lets me if the two of us can work through hard problems together, and how well of a communicator you are. ne of the common issues with collecting data is that researchers run into problems like not having enough of time to complete their questions because of the amount of time that it took in order for the questions to be asked According to an article it stated that: Program developers face complex issues around creating appropriate comparison groups and setting appropriate measurement baselines or thresholds. Merging data sets created to meet different technical specifications is also a challenge.

Second what ever type of data it is that you are collecting you want to be able to keep the confidentiality of each individual confidential so that no individual has access to any of your clients information. Third you want to make sure all staff member have the training required and needed in order to perform the collection of data of all individuals in your program. One way to establish and maintain effective communication with stakeholders would be to inform and to make it clear to them the assignments that are to be done, the way they are going to be implementing the assignment, and how to progress their overall performance.

With communication it help all to come to conclusions and make decisions while helping to identify was to solve problems. Its best to treat your stakeholders with the fairly amount of attention and respect, especially their perspective on situations such as making decisions, also while meeting all their needs and their concerns. According to an article it stated that: Second, how can evidence based KT strategies be incorporated into online KT development? Integrated” KT, which engages stakeholders or end users from the beginning of the process, is one strategy that can increase KT effectiveness and sustainability. Evaluation reports from focus group studies are reported in much the same way as other types of studies. The evaluator should describe the issue and/or problem and state the evaluation questions. He or she should also describe the reasons for selecting focus group research and perhaps the advantage of using this methodology over other methods.

Next he or she should give specific details about the focus groups including the number of groups, the selection of participants, the number of participants, the setting, and the questions themselves. In the result section the evaluator should summarize the results. This does not necessarily mean that he she should summarize the answers to each question. It is better to discuss the themes and show how they help us understand the issue being examined. In the discussion section, connections to other similar studies should be mentioned and recommendations for future studies or new programming should be mentioned.

One advantage to using focus group data in evaluation reports is that you can use actual quotes from participants as illustrations of your findings and this brings a lively tone to the report which non-evaluators appreciate. According to an article it stated: A better approach would be to identify critical questions, standardize data elements and methods of investigation, and create efficient channels for communication between countries and the international public health community. Regular exchange of routine surveillance data will help to consolidate these essential channels of communication.

Power point presentations are great ways to report data it gives you the opportunity to crate slides, handouts, notes, and handouts that will help you better understand the material that the speaker is presented to you. Power points help individuals get a better understanding, while creating new ideas, and being able to break down the information into simpler concepts. Second exhibits are also great ways to present information to your audience with exhibits you can display boards or arrangwmnts of materials and publications abour your program ich can be set up on a table or a booth.

For example you can use exhibits at conferences and fair, this is actually a great way to network and create awareness while you are in the midst of a great number of people. Third sometimes releaing inforation to the news can also be a great way to report data. Releasing news helps individuals understand you study in detail while highlighting only the parts that are most important. New releases grabs individuals attention and raise their interest towards the evaluation that is being conducted.

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