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Essay on Compare And Contrast Darwinism And Lamarckism

Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had a scientific debate about the process of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution is by natural selection. Organisms change over time as a result of heritable physical and behavioural trait changes. The changes were due to the genes in the gene pool due to environmental pressures. For example: skull shape, fur colour, teeth shape, digestion of seal fat etc. The changes allow organisms to adapt better to the environment which will help it survive and have more offspring.

Lamarck’s Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics is the use and disuse of an organism. An organism changes during life in order to adapt to the environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring. The change can be made because of what the organism wants or needs. For example, giraffes started off with short necks but as years went by, giraffes reached up to eat leaves from and their necks grew longer. Both scientists’ perspectives can be used and backed up with evidence to prove the point.

Polar bears (Ursus Maritimus )are the largest land carnivores in the world. They are found in areas where they can hunt their main force source, ice-seal fat, such as Canada (60%), Alaska, Greenland, Russia and Norway (Basic Facts About Polar Bears, 2012). Polar bears are marine animals and spend their time in the sea and ice which is why they are uniquely suited for their environment for example they have thicker fur than any other bear. The Polar Bears diet mostly consist of ringed seals and bearded seals but are also known for eating walrus, beluga whale etc.

Without these animals in their environment and being in their habitat (the Arctic) the polar bears population would be struggling and right now there are about 20,000 – 25,000 which is still low (Wwf. panda. org, 2015). Brown bears (Ursus Arctos) live in the forests and mountains of northern North America, Europe and Asia (National Geographic, 2015). Adult brown bears are powerful and are top of the food chain predators. They are omnivores so their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves and roots but they also eat animals ranging from rodents to moose.

Though the bears are enormous they are very fast having seen run of speeds about 48km/hr. the average life span of this animal is 25yrs with the sixe of 1. 5 to 2. 5m and weighing approximately 318kg. Darwinism can be used to explain the evolution of Polar bears from Brown bears which are when biological traits can become either more of less regular in this species. The changes that have changed between the brown bears and the polar bears are the skin, fur colour, skull and ear shape, and digestion of seal fat.

Over thousands of years the population of bears underwent further evolutionary changes. For example, living in the north demanded better teeth for ripping seals rather than munching on berries and leaves so eventually the bears molars changed in shape, size etc. The white was a transmutation gene which is the conversion of one element or nuclide into another either naturally or artificially. Polar bears (Ursus Maritimus )are the largest land carnivores in the world.

They are found in areas where they can hunt their main force source, ice-seal fat, such as Canada (60%), Alaska, Greenland, Russia and Norway (Basic Facts About Polar Bears, 2012). Polar bears are marine animals and spend their time in the sea and ice which is why they are uniquely suited for their environment for example they have thicker fur than any other bear. The Polar Bears diet mostly consist of ringed seals and bearded seals but are also known for eating walrus, beluga whale etc.

Without these animals in their environment and being in their habitat (the Arctic) the polar bears population would be struggling and right now there are about 20,000 – 25,000 which is still low (Wwf. panda. org, 2015). Brown bears (Ursus Arctos) live in the forests and mountains of northern North America, Europe and Asia (National Geographic, 2015). Adult brown bears are powerful and are top of the food chain predators. They are omnivores so their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves and roots but they also eat animals ranging from rodents to moose.

Though the bears are enormous they are very fast having seen run of speeds about 48km/hr. the average life span of this animal is 25yrs with the sixe of 1. 5 to 2. 5m and weighing approximately 318kg. Darwinism can be used to explain the evolution of Polar bears from Brown bears which are when biological traits can become either more of less regular in this species. The changes that have changed between the brown bears and the polar bears are the skin, fur colour, skull and ear shape, and digestion of seal fat.

Over thousands of years the population of bears underwent further evolutionary changes. For example, living in the north demanded better teeth for ripping seals rather than munching on berries and leaves so eventually the bears molars changed in shape, size etc. The white was a transmutation gene which is the conversion of one element or nuclide into another either naturally or artificially The perspectives of Darwinism and Lamarckism are incredibly different from one another. The one that has to most evidence to prove it is the more realistic and correct perspective is Darwinism.

Charles Darwinism had more scientific evidence then Lamarckism. To prove that Lamarckism is wrong is by many examples and observations of changes that occur in animals’ life are not passed on to the animal’s offspring. If a dog’s ears are cut short, their puppies are still born with long ears. Another example is if a person exercises daily, by running marathons, eats well, and in general very healthy, that fitness skill is not passed on to the person’s children and the children still have to work as hard to get as fit and healthy as their parent.

Lamarckism can also be used to explain the evolution of Polar bears to Brown bears which is the use and disuse of parts of the body. The changes that occurred are the skin, fur colour, skull and ear shape, and digestion of seal fat. In the view of Lamarckism the skin colour of Polar bears became black because the skin would absorb heat from the sun, Polar bears grew longer necks as they evolved to hunt for food and to dig holes etc.

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